Vice and Stagnation[]
The foolish person chases only the simple pleasures easily caught: food, fermented juices, and sex. For Nagakabouros denies us nothing and without these things we die.
But swim too long in only those waters and stagnation will fester. As a fish in a tank-trap will turn the water foul with its own excrement, so too will your desires and soul fester.
Instead, my student, I suggest you focus on how you might progress towards greatness and changing the world. In this way you serve our goddess. In this way you find fulfillment. It is your wildest dreams and desires that serve Nagakabouros. Chase those!
Chase that which is not easily caught. Defeat that which is not easily defeated. Free yourself to want. Free yourself to dream.
And Swim onward! Into uncharted waters!
- Truth Bearer Oaxia