Veraza's Journal Snippet
They found 4 Eramis, that great big mass of a man, bowled over, throat gurgling up bile like a nightmarish twin of some Piltovian fountain. He appeared to breathe in rapid bursts, but his doctors soon found that any movement was not the stirring of life, rather the setting in of a gruesome death.
Word quickly reached the growing populace of lesser barons, sprouting like an underground ivy at the mention of the day's dawn. These low-lifes all yearn for power to fall neatly onto their plate, not a one possessing the strength to hunt for it themselves.
I am no hunter either, for brandishing a weapon in such an obvious manner is the surest way towards a fate as torturous as dear Eramis'. Guns, blades, wealth... the instruments of a boy-king, a leader who counts his reign in weeks instead of decades.
No, I much prefer to plot. One never knows what delicacies they might find in the Sump.