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League of Legends Wiki
Jayce JayceBrighthammerSkin TFT
Jayce (Universe)Jayce (Universe)
Jayce (League of Legends)Jayce (League of Legends)
Jayce (Esports)Jayce (Esports)
Jayce (Teamfight Tactics)Jayce (Teamfight Tactics)
Jayce (Legends of Runeterra)Jayce (Legends of Runeterra)
Jayce (Wild Rift)Jayce (Wild Rift)
Jayce (Development)Jayce (Development)
Jayce (Trivia)Jayce (Trivia)


Portal Portal
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Teemo BadgerCircle old
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo ReconCircle old
Teemo CottontailCircle Ch
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Teemo ReconCircle old
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo AstronautCircle Ch
Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old



Piltover Piltover
Teemo ReconCircle old
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo CottontailCircle old
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Gunner Gunner
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Teemo SuperCircle old
Teemo CottontailCircle old
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo SuperCircle old



Piltover Piltover
Teemo OriginalSquare Ch
Teemo OriginalSquare Ch
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Teemo CottontailCircle Ch
Teemo OriginalSquare Ch
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Gunner Gunner
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo AstronautCircle Ch
Teemo CottontailCircle old
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Teemo BadgerCircle old



Guild Guild
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo CottontailCircle old
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo AstronautCircle Ch
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo CottontailCircle old
Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
Teemo BadgerCircle old
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo AstronautCircle Ch
Teemo OriginalSquare old



Enforcer Enforcer
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Innovator Innovator
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo CottontailCircle old
Teemo SuperCircle old
Teemo OriginalSquare old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Transformer Transformer
Teemo CottontailCircle Ch



Enforcer Enforcer
Teemo AstronautCircle Ch
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Teemo OriginalSquare old2
Innovator Innovator
Teemo OriginalSquare old
Teemo OriginalSquare old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo OriginalSquare old2
Transformer Transformer
Teemo OriginalSquare Ch



Space Pirate Space Pirate
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo ReconCircle old
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Vanguard Vanguard
Teemo AstronautCircle Ch
Teemo OriginalSquare Ch
Teemo CottontailCircle Ch
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Teemo CottontailCircle Ch
Teemo BadgerCircle old2



Space Pirate Space Pirate
Teemo SuperCircle old
Teemo CottontailCircle Ch
Teemo BadgerCircle old
Teemo CottontailCircle old2
Vanguard Vanguard
Teemo CottontailCircle old
Teemo OriginalSquare old2
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Teemo CottontailCircle Ch



Hextech Hextech
Teemo ReconCircle old
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo ReconCircle old
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Shapeshifter Shapeshifter
Teemo OriginalSquare Beta
Teemo ReconCircle old2
Teemo BadgerCircle old
Teemo SuperCircle old
Teemo BadgerCircle old2
Teemo OriginalSquare old2


Patch History[]

V12.17 - Returning
V12.11 - Disabled
  • Disabled for Set 7.
  • Base health reduced to 999 from 1000.
  • Base attack damage reduced to 85 from 90.
  • Ranged bonus attack damage reduced to 45 / 60 / 500 from 45 / 70 / 1000.
  • Ranged ability AD ratio reduced to 170 / 175 / 500% AD from 170 / 180 / 500% AD.
V12.4 - Returning
  • Returning to Set 6.5 with no changes.
  • Melee ability shield increased to 375 / 550 / 3000 from 350 / 500 / 3000.
  • Bug Fix: Now displays the proper amount of base armor and magic resistance.
  • Melee ability shield reduced to 350 / 500 / 3000 from 400 / 600 / 3000.
  • Ranged bonus attack damage increased to 45 / 70 / 1000 from 35 / 60 / 1000.
  • Melee bonus resistances reduced to 40 from 50.
V11.22 - Returning
  • Arcane Jayce Arcane Jayce
    • Tier 5 Enforcer Enforcer Innovator Innovator Transformer Transformer.
    • Passive: While in Melee role melee form, gain 50 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance. While in Ranged role ranged form, gain 35 / 60 / 1000 bonus attack damage and increases his attack range to 4 hexes.
    • Jayce Transform Mercury Cannon Active - To the Skies! / Shock Blast: Melee - To the Skies!: Overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a 400 / 600 / 3000 (× Ability power icon AP) shield for 3 seconds. He then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for 160 / 170 / 1000% AD physical damage before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and have their armor and magic resistance reduced by 50 / 50 / 70% for 5 seconds. Ranged - Shock Blast: Summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row 20 / 40 / 1000% (× Ability power icon AP) bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal 170 / 180 / 500% AD physical damage in an area around his target. The 3rd orb has an increased area of effect.
V10.19 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 4.
  • Base health reduced to 800 from 850.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Base health increased to 850 from 750.
  • Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 20.
V10.6 - Returning
  • Now uses Forsaken Jayce Forsaken Jayce instead of Original Jayce Original Jayce.
  • New Traits: Space Pirate Space Pirate Vanguard Vanguard.
  • New Ability: Jayce To the Skies! Active - To the Skies!: Jumps into the air and slams his hammer, dealing 450 / 600 / 1200 magic damage to nearby enemies in 1-hex radius.
  • Tier increased to 3 from 2.
  • Base health increased to 750 from 600.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 80 from 100.
  • Starting mana reduced to 0 from 50.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.7 from 0.65.
  • Base armor increased to 40 from 35.
V9.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 2.
  • Base armor increased to 35 from 30.
  • New Effect: Now always transforms at maximum mana, even if there is no one in range to knock away.
V9.16 - Added
  • Tier 2 Hextech Hextech Shapeshifter Shapeshifter.
  • Jayce Transform Mercury Cannon Active - Mercury Cannon: Airborne icon Knock away an enemy in melee range, dealing 200 / 350 / 500 magic damage and Stun icon stunning them for 2.5 / 4.25 / 6 seconds. Then transforms into a Ranged role ranged attacker with 4-hex range for 60 seconds, gaining maximum attack speed for his next 3 / 5 / 7 basic attacks.
