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League of Legends Wiki


Janna ForecastSkin WR
Forecast Janna
1325 WC 1325 / 28-Apr-2021
Janna SacredSwordSkin WR
Sacred Sword Janna
990 WC 990 / 15-Oct-2020
Janna StarGuardianSkin WR
Star Guardian Janna
990 WC 990 / 20-Jan-2021
Janna OriginalSkin WR
Original Janna View in 3D
725 WC 725 / 06-Jun-2020

Legacy Vault

Janna TempestSkin WR
Tempest Janna
525 WC 525 / 17-Sep-2020
Janna BewitchingSkin WR
Bewitching Janna
990 WC 990 / 28-Oct-2021

Rare & Limited

Janna CalligraphiaSkin WR
Calligraphia Janna
Special pricing / 28-Apr-2024