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{{Section top}}
{{C-top}}{{champion info| name = Janna Windforce}}
{{Game banner|Janna}}
'''Janna, the Storm's Fury''' is a [[champion]] in [[League of Legends]].<ref>[http://www.leagueoflegends.com/champions/40/janna_the_storm_s_fury Janna's profile page] at [[Leagueoflegends.com]]</ref>
{{LoL navigation}}
{{Infobox champion|Janna}}
{{LoL navigation mobile}}
{{Infobox stats|Janna}}
== Abilities ==
{{Data Janna/I|Ability}}
{{Data Janna/Q|Ability}}
{{Data Janna/W|Ability}}
{{Data Janna/E|Ability}}
{{Data Janna/R|Ability}}
==Champion skins==
|name = Tailwind
:''This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see [[Janna/LoL/Cosmetics|Janna (Collection)]].''
|icon = Tailwind.jpg
|description = Increases the movement speed of all allied champions by 3%. This bonus is lost while Janna is dead.
==Patch history==
{{Patch box|Janna}}
|name = Howling Gale
|icon = HowlingGale.jpg
|description = {{sbc|Active:}} Janna summons a mighty whirlwind. She can activate the spell again to release the storm. On release the storm will fly in the direction it was cast, dealing magic damage to enemies and knocking them into the air. The damage done, knock up duration and distance traveled by the whirlwind increase for each second it channels to a maximum of 3.
|leveling ={{lc|Magic Damage}} {{ap|60|85|110|135|160}} {{ability scaling|(+ 75% AP)}}
* Janna is [[Voice cast|voiced]] by {{w|Erin Fitzgerald}}.<ref>[https://twitter.com/ErinFitzgerald/status/1290791472652902400 Janna's voice actress]</ref>
{{lc|Additional Damage per second charging}} {{ap|25|30|40|50|60}}
** {{ci|Sona}}, {{csl|Sona|DJ}} and {{csl|Sona|PsyOps}} are also voiced by the same voice actress.
{{lc|Maximum Magic Damage}} {{ap|135|175|230|285|340}} {{ability scaling|(+ 75% AP)}}
* During development she was called ''AirAvatar'', which then turned into her title 'The Avatar of Air' before getting changed to 'The Storm's Fury'.
{{lc|Knockup Duration}} 0.8-1.1
** Some localizations retain it (French: ''L'avatar De L'air'').
* Janna's original lore might have been inspired by {{w|Storm (Marvel Comics)|Storm}} from {{w|X-Men}}.
** She herself might have been based on {{wikia|FinalFantasy|Barbariccia}} from {{w|Final Fantasy IV}}.
* Janna is the only champion able to shield turrets ({{ai|Eye of the Storm|Janna}}).
** Turrets can help her score [[kill]]s indirectly by doing this.
* Janna's dance references [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl5iZUKLDmc DanceStudio's Jazz-Funk choreography.]
** A side-by-side comparison can be seen [http://youtu.be/GrU4XEyoRuo?hd=1 here.]
|name = Zephyr
|icon = Zephyr.jpg
==See also==
|description = {{sbc|Passive:}} Janna summons an air elemental that increases her movement speed and enables her to pass through units.
|description2 = {{sbc|Active:}} Janna launches her elemental to deal magic damage and slow an enemy's movement speed for 3 seconds. The passive is not active while the ability is on cooldown.
|leveling = {{lc|Movement Speed Bonus}} {{ap|4%|7%|10%|13%|16%}}
|leveling2 ={{lc|Magic Damage}} {{ap|60|115|170|225|280}} {{ability scaling|(+ 60% AP)}}
{{lc|Slow}} {{ap|24%|30%|36%|42%|48%}}
|name = Eye Of The Storm
|icon = EyeOfTheStorm.jpg
|description = {{sbc|Active:}} Janna conjures a defensive gale that shields her target from incoming damage for up to 5 seconds. While the shield holds, the target will also gain an attack damage bonus. This ability can target turrets.
|leveling ={{lc|Shield Strength}} {{ap|80|120|160|200|240}} {{ability scaling|(+ 90% AP)}}
{{lc|Attack Damage Bonus}} {{ap|14|23|32|41|50}}
|name = Monsoon
|icon = Monsoon.jpg
|description = {{sbc|Active:}} Janna knocks surrounding enemies back and channels healing winds, restoring health to nearby allies each half second, for 4 seconds.
|leveling ={{lc|Heal Per Half Second}} {{ap|35|55|75}} {{ability scaling|(+ 17.5% AP)}}
{{lc|Max Amount of Healing}} {{ap|280|440|600}} {{ability scaling|(+ 140% AP)}}
{{lc|Diameter of AoE}} 1450
{{lc|Knockback Distance}} 875
{{Champion categories|Janna}}
[[Category:2009 release]]
[[Category:Beta stage release]]
[[Category:Haste champion]]
[[Category:Released Champion]]
[[Category:Healer champion]]
[[Category:Knockback champion]]
[[Category:Knockup champion]]
[[Category:Shield champion]]
[[Category:Slow champion]]

Latest revision as of 09:55, 17 May 2023


Surrounded around the Shuriman Continent are several clans of Brackern, including clans in the Shuriman desert.


The Dormun are gigantic, slow-moving creatures protected with large chitinous plates covering their body. In the harsh conditions of Shurima they have evolved to survive the perpetual drought by utilizing an unknown sense to locate hidden reservoirs of water. Incidentally, certain nomadic tribes have built themselves a permanent home upon the backs of these beasts where they clean the creature and hunt any airborne pests who venture near.


Desert goats that travel in herds.


Mwatis are goatlike creatures with large plated casques on their heads. Mwati wool and plate are prised for felting and insulation.


Gigantic scarabs that roam in swarms, looking for unfortunate travelers to feed on. They seem to be common prey for Rammus Rammus.


Beside the Xer'Sai, other creatures from the Void, referred to as 'outerbeasts', can be found in the desert.

  • Xer'Sai: Creatures from the Void that plague the southern deserts. They are the size of big dogs on average, but can be smaller or much bigger. Rek'Sai Rek'Sai, as the queen, is by far the largest and most dangerous of her species. Xer'sai burst from their small burrows and ravage anything nearby, to the detriment of desert caravans. Once dead, the Xer'sai decompose at an abnormally rapid rate and become inedible.


Large and aggressive minotaur-like creatures. They are humpbacked quadrupeds with long limbs and thick horns.

Shuriman Camel

A breed of camels native to the deserts of Shurima and are used by caravans as well as common folk as primary mode of transportation. Despite being well-suited for lengthy travels in the desert landscape, they are still prey to a many predator such as the Xer'Sai.


Shurima Sandswimmers


Sandswimmers are massive quadrupedal creatures that traverse the Shuriman desert in cyclical patterns. They got their name due to their preferred method of travel. Their narrow bodies and webbed feet are perfectly design for swimming under the sand. They feed on bugs and other small creatures most desert beasts ignore. Scavengers will often memorize the predictable paths these creatures take, and jump onto their backs to ride as far as they wish.


The Skallashi are large quadrupedal herbivores. These hardy beasts of burden are common across Shurima, ideally suited to the harsh desert environment. Their key body feature is their long legs. Notoriously bad-tempered, they are nevertheless treated with great reverence. Their brown hides are often painted with sacred symbols of protection, and their horns hung with totems and charms. While these creatures are mostly used for travel and carrying heavy loads, on some larger skallashi people are able to built miniature rooms for more comfortable travel. To own one is often considered a sign of considerable prosperity.

Janna OriginalCentered
Janna (Universe)Janna (Universe)
Janna (League of Legends)Janna (League of Legends)
Janna (Esports)Janna (Esports)
Janna (Teamfight Tactics)Janna (Teamfight Tactics)
Janna (Legends of Runeterra)Janna (Legends of Runeterra)
Janna (Wild Rift)Janna (Wild Rift)
Janna (Development)Janna (Development)
Janna (Trivia)Janna (Trivia)

Janna is a champion in League of Legends.[1]





Innate: Janna grants Movement speed icon Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)6% bonus movement speed to nearby allied Champion icon champions that are facing in the direction of her location.

Janna's basic attacks On-hit icon on-hit and Zephyr Zephyr deal Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage equal to Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)30% of her bonus movement speed.

  • No additional notes.


Howling Gale

Howling Gale

Active: Janna summons a whirlwind at her current location that charges up over 3 seconds, increasing its range, speed, damage, and Airborne icon knock up duration every second over the duration. Howling Gale's direction is determined by this cast.

Minimum Magic Damage:
55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 50% AP)
Bonus Damage Per Second:
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 10% AP)
Maximum Magic Damage:
85 / 135 / 185 / 235 / 285 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 80% AP)

Howling Gale can be recast at any time within the duration, and does so automatically after the duration.

Recast: Janna launches the whirlwind in the direction she targeted over 1.25 seconds, dealing Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to enemies hit and Airborne icon knocking them up for 0.5 − 1.25 (based on seconds charged) seconds.

  • The initial cast and the manual recast count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item Spellblade and triggering Force Pulse's Force Pulse's passive.
  • The storm does not interact with enemy units that stand on top of it while it is charging.

Map-Specific Differences
Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss differences edit
  • Cooldown changed to 16 seconds.



Passive: Janna is Ghost ghosted and gains Movement speed icon Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)bonus movement speed.

Bonus Movement Speed:
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 2% per 100 AP)

Active: Janna sends an air elemental at the target enemy that deals Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and Slow icon slows them for 2 seconds, capped at 99%.

Magic Damage:
55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 50% AP) Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)(+ 30% bonus movement speed)
20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 6% per 100 AP)

  • The maximum slow (99%) is reached with 1316.67 / 1250 / 1183.33 / 1116.67 / 1050 ability power.
  • If the target becomes Untargetable icon untargetable, Death dies, or is too far away or no longer in Sight icon sight during the cast time, this ability will cancel but does not go on Cooldown icon cooldown nor pay its cost (if applicable).


Eye of the Storm

Passive: Whenever Janna's abilities Slow icon slow or Airborne icon knock up at least one enemy Champion icon champion, 20% of Eye of the Storm's cooldown is refunded. This may occur once per spell cast.

Eye of the Storm

Active: Janna grants the target allied champion or Turret icon turret, or herself, a Hybrid resistances icon shield for 4 seconds.

Shield Strength:
80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 55% AP)

While the shield holds, the target gains Attack damage icon Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangebonus attack damage.

Bonus Attack Damage:
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 10% AP)

  • Cripple icon Attack speed slows applied to enemy champions by Janna (e.g. Frozen Heart Frozen Heart) also trigger the passive.(note)
  • Janna receives kill credit on enemy champions that are killed by turrets shielded by Eye of the Storm.
  • Allied turrets will benefit from the bonus attack damage when targeted by Eye of the Storm.




Active: Janna unleashes a blast that Airborne icon knocks back all nearby enemies to up to 875 units over 0.5 seconds based on their proximity, though not through terrain.

Janna also Channeling icon channels for up to 3 seconds, Heal power icon healing herself and nearby allies every 0.25 seconds.

Heal Per Tick:
25 / 37.5 / 50 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 12.5% AP)
Total Heal:
300 / 450 / 600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 150% AP)

  • The following table refers for interactions while Janna is Channeling icon channeling:
Type Channel
Attacking Interrupts
Abilities Interrupts
Movement Interrupts
Items Usable Shurelya's Battlesong Shurelya's Battlesong Youmuu's Ghostblade Youmuu's Ghostblade Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
Disabled Hextech Rocketbelt Hextech Rocketbelt
Interrupted by All item-actives not specified above interrupt
Consumables Usable
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
Disabled N/A
Interrupted by Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash
Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Silence icon Cast-inhibiting effects

  • Champion skins

    This article section only contains champion skins. For all associated collection items, see Janna (Collection).
    Janna OriginalSkin
    RP 585
    Armed with the power of Runeterra’s gales, Janna is a mysterious, elemental wind spirit who protects the dispossessed of Zaun. Some believe she was brought into existence by the pleas of Runeterra’s sailors who prayed for fair winds as they navigated treacherous waters and braved rough tempests. Her favor and protection has since been called into the depths of Zaun, where Janna has become a beacon of hope to those in need. No one knows where or when she will appear, but more often than not, she’s come to help.
    ActorErin Fitzgerald
    ArtistJason Chan
    Loot eligible Loot eligible

    Patch history

    For the expanded patch notes, see here.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Base damage reduced to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195.
      • AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)50% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)60% AP.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Base shield increased to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Bug Fix: Allies can no longer receive the bonus movement speed while she is dead.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Damage bonus movement speed ratio changed to 30% at all levels from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% (based on level).
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Cooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6 seconds from 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7.
      • Cast range reduced to 550 units from 675.
      • Cast range type changed to center from edge.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Cooldown reduced to 130 / 115 / 100 seconds from 150 / 135 / 120.
    • Stats
      • Health growth increased to 90 from 84.
      • Base mana increased to 360 from 350.
      • Mana growth reduced to 50 from 64.
      • Base attack damage reduced to 47 from 52.
      • Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5 from 3.
      • Armor growth reduced to 4.5 from 5.
      • Attack range increased to 550 units from 500.
      • Attack windup reduced to 20% from 22%.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Removed: Janna no longer gains 6% bonus movement while moving towards allies.
        • Allied bonus movement speed unchanged.
      • New Effect: Her basic attacks and Zephyr Zephyr now deal Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage equal to Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)20 / 25 / 30 / 35% (based on level) of her bonus movement speed.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Minimum base damage changed to 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 from 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160.
      • Base damage per second reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.
      • Minimum AP ratio increased to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)50% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)35% AP.
      • Cooldown increased to 14 seconds from 12.
      • Mana cost increased to 90 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 110 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.
      • New Effect: Minimum range of the missile is now shown in the indicator.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Removed: Bonus movement speed is no longer lost while the ability is on cooldown.
      • Base damage reduced to 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.
      • Cooldown reduced to 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7 seconds from 12 at all ranks.
      • Mana cost reduced to 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 from 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
      • Slow duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3.
      • Bug Fix: Tooltip no longer displays incorrect information.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Removed: Slow icon Slowing or Airborne icon knocking up an enemy champion with an ability no longer grants her 15% heal and shield power for 4 seconds.
      • New Effect: Slow icon Slowing or Airborne icon knocking up an enemy champion with an ability now refunds 20% of Eye of the Storm's cooldown. This can only trigger once per cast.
      • Base shield increased to 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 from 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175.
      • Shield duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.
      • Removed: Shield strength no longer decays after 2.5 seconds.
      • Cooldown increased to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 15 / 13.5 / 12 / 10.5 / 9.
      • Mana cost reduced to 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 from 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110.
    • General
      • Updated ability icons.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Bug Fix: Movement speed buff is no longer kept after teleporting far away (e.g. Recalling Recalling) while facing an allied champion.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Base damage increased to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190.
      • Damage AP ratio increased to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)60% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)50% AP.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Decay delay increased to 2.5 seconds from 1.25.
    V12.23 - December 14th Hotfix
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Bonus movement speed reduced to 6% from 8%.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Base bonus attack damage reduced to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 from 10 / 17.5 / 25 / 32.5 / 40.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Base shield increased to 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 from 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165.
      • Heal and shield power reduced to 15% from 20%.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Base heal per tick increased to 25 / 37.5 / 50 from 22.5 / 36.25 / 50.
        • Total heal increased to 300 / 450 / 600 from 270 / 435 / 600.
      • Heal AP ratio per tick increased to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)12.5% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)11.25% AP.
        • Total heal AP ratio increased to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)150% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)135% AP.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Base bonus movement speed reduced to 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% from 6 / 7.5 / 9 / 10.5 / 12%.
      • Base slow reduced to 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36% from 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40%.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Base shield reduced to 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 from 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175.
      • Shield AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)55% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)60% AP.
    • Stats
      • Base health increased to 570 from 500.
      • Health growth increased to 84 from 70.
      • Armor growth increased to 5 from 3.8.
      • Magic resistance growth increased to 1.3 from 0.5.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Base shield reduced to 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 175 from 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200.
      • Shield AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)60% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)65% AP.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Base heal per second reduced to 90 / 145 / 200 from 100 / 150 / 200.
      • Heal AP ratio per second reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)45% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)50% AP.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Bug Fix: Base AP ratio has been restored, restoring the total AP ratio to 35% − 65% (based on seconds charged) from 0% − 30% (based on seconds charged).
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Bug Fix: Heal and shield power bonus is no longer gained from knocking up or slowing enemy champions while the ability hasn't even been learned yet.
    V12.3 - February 4th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base movement speed reduced to 325 from 330.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Bonus movement speed reduced to 6 / 7.5 / 9 / 10.5 / 12% from 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12%.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Heal and shield power duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.
    V12.2 - January 26th Hotfix
    V12.2 - Gameplay Update
    • Stats
      • Base movement speed increased to 330 from 315.
      • Base attack damage increased to 52 from 46.
      • Attack damage growth increased to 3 from 1.5.
      • Attack speed growth increased to 3% from 2.95%.
      • Base attack range reduced to 500 from 550.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • New Effect:
        • While moving towards allied Champion icon champions, Janna gains Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)8% bonus movement speed.
        • Nearby allied champions moving towards her gain Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)8% bonus movement speed.
      • Old Effect:
        • Janna gains Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)8% bonus movement speed and grants the same amount to nearby allied Champion icon champions moving towards her.
        • Janna's basic attacks On-hit icon on-hit and Zephyr Zephyr deal Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage equal to Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)25 / 35% (based on level) of her bonus movement speed.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140.
      • Minimum range increased to 1100 units from 1000.
      • Maximum range increased to 1760 units from 1750.
      • Travel time reduced to 1.25 seconds from 1.5.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Cast range increased to 650 units from 550.
      • Targeting changed to center to center from edge to edge.
      • Slow duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.
      • Cooldown increased to 12 seconds at all ranks from 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6.
      • Base damage increased to 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 from 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175.
      • Base bonus movement speed increased to 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12% from 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10%.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Cooldown reduced to 15 / 13.5 / 12 / 10.5 / 9 seconds from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.
      • Shield decay delay increased to 1.25 seconds from 0.75.
      • Base shield reduced to 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 from 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220.
      • Shield AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)65% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)70% AP.
      • Removed: Whenever Janna's abilities Slow icon slow or Airborne icon knock up at least one enemy champion, Eye of the Storm's cooldown is no longer reduced by 20%. This could occur only once per cast.
      • New Effect: Whenever Janna's abilities Slow icon slow or Airborne icon knock up at least one enemy champion, gain 20% heal and shield power for 5 seconds.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Heal tick interval reduced to 0.25 seconds per tick from 0.5 seconds per tick.
        • Total healing unchanged.
    V11.18 - September 9th Hotfix
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where her passive would not return to her after casting twice.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Base damage reduced to 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 from 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Cooldown reduced to 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6 seconds from 8 at all ranks.
      • Base damage reduced to 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 from 55 / 100 / 145 / 190 / 235.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • New Effect: Each ability that Slow icon slows or Airborne icon knocks an enemy champion airborne reduces Eye of the Storm's cooldown by 20%, up to once per ability cast.
      • Cooldown changed to 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 seconds from 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10.
      • Base shield strength increased to 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 from 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Bonus movement speed ratio increased to Damage mitigated by Master-At-Arms (R)25% / 35% (based on level) from Damage mitigated by Master-At-Arms (R)15% / 25% / 35% (based on level).
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • New Effect: After 0.75 seconds, the shield now decays over its remaining duration.
    • Forecast Janna Forecast Janna
      • Bug Fix: Umbrella no longer gets burnt before the lightning strikes her during her joke animation.
    • Stats
      • Base movement speed reduced to 315 from 320.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Base damage reduced to 55 / 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 from 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240.
    • Forecast Janna Forecast Janna
      • Bug Fix: "I'm live at the scene and it's just... cats and dogs here" VO line once again plays at the beginning of the match if conditions are met.
    • Stats
      • Base health regeneration increased to 5.5 from 5.424.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • New Effect: Now draws nearby minion aggro when targeting an enemy champion.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Bug Fix: No longer incorrectly knocks back champions who are protected by spell shields.
    • Stats
      • Base armor increased to 28 from 19.384.
    V7.19 September 28th Hotfix
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Bonus movement speed dealt as magic damage reduced to 15% / 25% / 35% (based on level) from 35%.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Base shield strength reduced to 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 from 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240.
    V7.19 September 27th Hotfix
    • Stats
      • Base movement speed reduced to 320 from 335.
      • Base health reduced to 500 from 525.
      • Base mana reduced to 350 from 409.52.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Mana cost increased to 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 from 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80.
    • Stats
      • Base attack range increased to 550 from 475.
      • Base attack damage reduced to 46 from 51.956.
      • Attack damage growth reduced to 1.5 from 2.95.
      • Attack speed growth increased to 2.95% from 2.61%.
      • Basic attack missile speed increased to 1600 from 1200.
      • Base health increased to 525 from 487.04.
      • Health growth reduced to 70 from 78.
      • Attack delay reduced to 0.08 from 0.1.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • New Effect: Janna also benefits from Tailwind.
      • New Effect: Janna's basic attacks and single target spells deal bonus magic damage equal to 35% of her bonus movement speed.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Mana cost reduced to 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 from 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 150.
      • Cooldown changed to 12 seconds at all ranks from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.
      • Minimum range increased to 1000 from 850.
      • Maximum range increased to 1750 from 1742.5.
      • New Effect: Howling Gale now always reaches its destination in 1.5 seconds.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds at all ranks from 12.
      • Slow duration reduced to 2 seconds from 3.
      • Bonus movement speed reduced to 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% from 9 / 11 / 13 / 15 / 17%.
      • Range changed to 550 Range model er from 600 Range center cr.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Cooldown increased to 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 seconds from 10 at all ranks.
    • Forecast Janna Forecast Janna
      • Bug Fix: Basic attacks have been touched up to match the changes to her other skins in patch V7.9.
    V7.9 May 4th Hotfix
    • General
      • New Effect: Attack animations have received non-gameplay impacting adjustments.
      • New Effect: Basic attack visual and sound effects have been adjusted.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • New Effect: Janna now uses crit animation while under the effect of Eye of the Storm.
    • Stats
      • Magic resistance growth increased to 0.5 from 0.
    • General
      • Bug Fix: Forecast Janna no longer sometimes plays her joke VO and base Janna's joke VO on top of each other.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Bug Fix: When cast on a turret, Star Guardian Janna's Eye of the Storm visuals now properly disappear if the shield is broken.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug causing Forecast Janna's Howling Gale to not play audio if released after reaching max charge.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Bonus AD reduced to 10 / 17.5 / 25 / 32.5 / 40 from 14 / 23 / 32 / 41 / 50.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Knockback's stun duration reduced to 0.5 seconds from 0.75.
    • Stats
      • Mana regen increased to 11.5 from 9.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Refresh rate increased.
        • Allies moving into or out of the area will now gain/lose the effects more abruptly.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Range reduced to 850 from 1100.
      • Bonus range per second increased to 35% from 20.
        • Maximum range remains roughly the same.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Heal per second AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)50% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)60% AP.
        • Total AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)150% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)180% AP.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Allied movement speed bonus changed to while moving towards Janna from being in her range.
      • Bonus movemement speed increased to 8% from 5.
      • Range increased to 1250 from 1000.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Passive movement speed increased to 9 / 11 / 13 / 15 / 17% from 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12%.
    • General
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Fixed a bug where casting wouldn't go in the cursor's direction when not in cast range.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Cooldown increased to 12 seconds at all ranks from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Range increased to 1000 from 800.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Tooltip updated.
      • Maximum knockup duration increased to 1.25 seconds from 1.
      • Cooldown now begins on first cast.
    • Stats
      • Base armor increased to 13 from 9.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Removed: 0.25 seconds delay before channel start.
      • Total duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
      • Base heal increased to 100 / 150 / 200 per second from 70 / 110 / 150.
      • Heal AP scaling increased to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)60% AP per second from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)35% AP.
      • Total heal increased to 300 / 450 / 600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)180% AP) from 280 / 440 / 600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)140% AP
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100 / 150 / 200.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Range reduced to 800 from global.
      • Bonus movement speed increased to 5% from 3%.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+35% AP) from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+75% AP)
      • Charge damage reduced to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+10% AP) from 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Base passive bonus movement speed increased to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12% from 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16%.
      • New Effect: Bonus movement speed increases at Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)2% per 100 AP
      • Base slow amount reduced to 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40% from 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48%.
      • New Effect: Slow has a Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)6% per 100 AP ratio capped at 80% total slow.
      • AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)50% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)60% AP.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • New Effect: Bonus AD has a Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)10% AP ratio.
      • Shield AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)70% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)90% AP.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Fixed a bug where the knockup duration was not increasing based on charge time.
      • Fully charged knockup duration increased to 1 second from 0.75
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Mana cost reduced to 100 / 150 / 200 from 150 / 225 / 300.
    • General
      • Basic attack is now more responsive.


    • Stats
      • Movement speed increased to 335 from 310.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+60% AP) from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+80% AP)
      • Fixed a bug where even on cooldown Janna would sometimes retain the passive movement speed.
    • General
      • Ability tooltips updated
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Passive movement speed reduced to 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16% from 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16%.
      • Slow duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Cooldown increased to 150 / 135 / 120 seconds from 120 at all ranks.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Knockup distance increased to (80 + 10 per second channeling) from 100.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Mana cost reduced to 150 / 225 / 300 from 200 / 275 / 350.
      • Knockback distance reduced to 875 from 1000.
    • General
      • New models and textures for Janna and Tempest Janna.
      • New animations for all skins.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • Removed: Allies retaining the bonus movement speed while Janna is dead.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • No longer slows enemies who reenter the storm.
    • Tailwind Tailwind
      • New Effect: Allies retain the bonus movement speed while Janna is dead.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Shield duration reduced to 5 seconds from 10.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Heal per second reduced to 70 / 110 / 150 from 90 / 130 / 170.
      • Slow reduced to 30% from 40%.
    • General
      • New voiceover.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Cooldown increased to 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds from 10 at all ranks.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Knockup time reduced by 33%.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Fixed a bug where the particle would linger after the shield effect had been removed.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Mana cost increased to 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 150 from 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Tooltip updated to indicate that, while on cooldown, the passive movement speed is lost.
      • Fixed a bug where rank up would only grant the additional movement speed after Janna refreshed the buff.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Mana cost increased to 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 from 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100.
    • Stats
      • Base attack damage increased to 49 from 46.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Fixed a bug that was causing inconsistent damage.
      • Collision width reduced.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Base shield reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300.
      • AP ratio increased to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)90% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)80% AP.
      • Bonus AD changed to 14 / 23 / 32 / 41 / 50 from 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48.
    • Stats
      • Mana per level reduced to 64 from 78.
      • Base armor increased to 9 from 7.4.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Mana cost reduced to 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 from 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160.
      • Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds at all ranks from 11.
      • Damage per second scaling increased to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Cooldown reduced to 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds from 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130.
      • Shield duration reduced to 10.5 seconds from 12.
      • Cooldown reduced to 10.5 seconds from 12.
      • New Effect: Cyclone Strike
        • Bonus AD remains after the shield's breaking.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Now slows enemy units for 40% that re-enter the storm after being pushed out.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Fixed a bug where it was not adding the correct ability power ratio.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Mana cost reduced to 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 from 110 / 130 / 150 / 170 / 190.
      • Cooldown reduced to 11 seconds from 12.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Cooldown reduced to 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds from 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10.
    • Monsoon Monsoon
      • Knockback effect cleaned up to hit the correct area, increased knockback distance, and more consistent knockbacks.
      • Duration reduced to 4 seconds from 6.
      • Heal per tick increased to 90 / 150 / 210 from 60 / 100 / 140.
      • AP ratio increased to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+35% AP) from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+25% AP)
    • General
      • Selection radius adjusted to match her size.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • Mana cost reduced to 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 from 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150.
    • General
      • Changed title to the Storm's Fury from the Avatar of Air.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • Cast speed increased,
      • Now properly labeled as a slow.
    • General
      • Ability order rearranged.
    • Stats
      • Added missing health regen per level.
      • Added missing mana regen per level.
    • Howling Gale Howling Gale
      • Base damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130.
      • Maximum charge duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4.
      • Bonus damage increased to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 per second charged from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.
      • AP ratio increased to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)75% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)65% AP.
    • Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
      • AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)80% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)100% AP
      • Shield duration increased to 12 seconds from 8.
    • Zephyr Zephyr
      • AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)80% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)