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League of Legends Wiki
Invulnerability example

Kayle Kayle becoming invulnerable after casting Divine Judgment Divine Judgment on herself.

Invulnerable Health Bar

The health bar usually has this golden frame to indicate the invulnerability status.

Invulnerability is a status effect that, while active on a unit, reduces all damage taken to 0. This includes Hybrid penetration true damage. Damage that ignores invulnerability exists only where necessary for technical reasons (Ivern's Ivern's Friend of the Forest Friend of the Forest) or to handle edge cases in gameplay (the Nexus Obelisk Nexus Obelisk's damage to champions ignores invulnerability). Heal power icon Healing and Health icon health costs (including Sion's Sion's Glory in Death's Glory in Death's health decay) are not prevented by invulnerability.

Life steal icon Life steal, Spell vamp icon spell vamp, Ravenous Hunter rune drain, and pre-mitigation effects (such as Death Mark Death Mark) will have no effect against units in the invulnerability state. An invulnerable champion with Thornmail Thornmail will still reflect damage.

Invulnerability may occasionally be used to refer to:

  • Effects that prevent falling below a certain Health icon health amount, which are Kindred's Kindred's Lamb's Respite Lamb's Respite and Tryndamere's Tryndamere's Undying Rage Undying Rage. All damage taken in excess of the unit's health after the threshold is ignored, not negated / reduced. Effects that trigger from damage (e.g. Life steal icon life steal and Hybrid resistances icon shields being depleted) will still apply, and as a consequence, this is not invulnerability. Note that Lamb's Respite Lamb's Respite grants invulnerability to units that reach the threshold.
  • Fiora's Fiora's Riposte Riposte, Karthus' Karthus' Death Defied Death Defied, Urgot's Urgot's Fear Beyond Death Fear Beyond Death, and Zac's Zac's Cell Division Cell Division and Stretching Strikes Stretching Strikes which similarly ignore damage but do not prevent effects that trigger from damage (e.g. Life steal icon life steal applies and Hybrid resistances icon shields will absorb damage before the prevention). Note that invulnerability makes the unit ignore damage before those specific events can take place. Thus, those abilities do not grant invulnerability.
  • Untargetable icon Untargetability, such as Sanguine Pool Sanguine Pool or Featherstorm Featherstorm, which is explicitly not considered invulnerability because units that are untargetable are only invalid targets to targeted effects that would normally apply damage, meaning already-applied effects that deal damage (like Blaze damage over time) will still affect them. Note that Stasis icon stasis grants both status effects.
  • Spell Shield Spell shields, which are capable of completely mitigating a hostile ability. However, this is not guaranteed, as some spells or components of an ability cannot be blocked and will apply their effects as normal.
  • Jax Counter Strike old Dodging, Spirit's Refuge blocking, and Blind icon blinding effects (also known as parries), which are separate mechanics that only prevent the instance of damage dealt by basic attacks and on-hit effects (with a few exceptional cases).


Champion abilities
Summoner Spells
  • Teleport Teleport (grants invulnerability to targeted unit, excluding turrets)
Champion summoned units

All units become invulnerable at the end of a game once a Nexus has taken lethal damage.

Stasis icon Stasis[]

A unit that enters stasis becomes Cosmic Radiance invulnerable and Untargetable icon untargetable, but also unable to control its movement, declare basic attacks, cast abilities, use summoner spells, or activate items.

Champion abilities