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Offense Mastery Tree
DeadlinessCripplePlentiful BountyArchmage's SavvySorceryAlacrityBurning EmbersArchaic KnowledgeSunderOffensive MasteryBrute ForceDemolisherLethalityImproved RallyHavocSeason 1 Offense
Other Mastery Trees:
Spike Shield profileicon DefenseFully Stacked Mejai's profileicon Utility
Improved Rally mastery 2011

Improved Rally was a tier 5 Offense mastery with 1 rank.

Effect per Rank[]

  • Improves your Rally Rally to also grant Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)20 - 70 ability power and increase its duration by 5 seconds.


  • Requires 16 points in Offense.


  • Improved rally's icon is a purple recolor of icon for Rally Rally.

Patch History[]

  • Removed due to Season 2012.
June 26, 2009 Patch
  • Added
  • Tier 5 Offense mastery with 1 rank.
  • Improves your Rally Rally to also grant Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)20 - 70 ability power and increase its duration by 5 seconds.