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League of Legends Wiki
Hullbreaker (League of Legends)Hullbreaker (League of Legends)
Hullbreaker (Wild Rift)Hullbreaker (Wild Rift)

Hullbreaker is a legendary item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Hullbreaker item
3000 Gold 3000 (175 Gold 175)
Tunneler item
1150 Gold 1150 (400 Gold 400)
Winged Moonplate item
800 Gold 800 (400 Gold 400)

Cost Analysis

Gold Value

Gold efficiency

  • Hullbreaker's Hullbreaker's base stats are 102.28% gold efficient.

Similar items


  • Skipper deals Wit's End item proc damage, and thus will not trigger spell effects.
  • Skipper's on-hit damage applies to structures.
  • Boarding Party does not affect Untargetable icon untargetable minions.
  • Minions that are granted increased size by Boarding Party grow to it over 0.25 seconds and shrink instantly when the buff falls off.

Map-Specific Differences

Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Attack damage changed to 55.
  • Health changed to 450.
  • New Unique Passive - Solo Party: While no allied champions are within 900 units, gain (Melee role 20 − 100 / Ranged role 10 − 50) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, decaying over 3 seconds when an ally is within range.
    • Removed Unique Passive - Skipper.
    • Removed Unique Passive - Boarding Party.


  • Hullbreaker Hullbreaker is best used to push out lanes and siege structures with or without your team.
    • The damage increase and empowerment to your large Minion icon minions will increase the speed of your push significantly.
  • Boarding Party empowers all nearby large Minion icon minions. Use this to your advantage by building up a wave consisting of several large minions.
  • Boarding Party's empowerment stacks with Hand of Baron's Hand of Baron's empowerment.


  • Hullbreaker can be searched in the shop with the keywords "pirate", "yarrr", and "ahoy".
  • Boarding Party's minion buff tooltip, "Ahoy!!", references VTuber Houshou Marine.[1]
  • Before V14.3, when allied champions could disable Boarding Party, pinging Hullbreaker in your inventory sent out a message stating "You're too close: ([allied champions])!"
    • When allied champions were close to entering the radius, the ping would be: "I want to be alone: ([allied champions])."
    • When Boarding Party was active, the ping would be "I'm hunting alone."
Bilgewater Crest icon


Patch History

  • New Recipe: Tunneler Tunneler + Winged Moonplate Winged Moonplate + Pickaxe Pickaxe + 175 Gold 175 = 3000 Gold 3000.
  • Health increased to 500 from 350.
  • Attack damage reduced to 40 from 65.
  • Movement speed reduced to 4% from 5%.
  • Skipper non-structure damage AD ratio changed to (Melee role 120% / Ranged role 84%) base AD from (Melee role 140% / Ranged role 70%).
  • Skipper non-structure damage health ratio changed to (Melee role 5% / Ranged role 3.5%) maximum health from 3.5% for all users.
  • Skipper structure damage AD ratio changed to (Melee role 300% / Ranged role 210%) base AD from (Melee role 400% / Ranged role 200%).
  • Skipper structure damage health ratio increased to (Melee role 10% / Ranged role 7%) maximum health from 7% for all users.
  • Boarding Party bonus resistances changed to (Melee role 70 − 130 / Ranged role 35 − 65) (based on level) from (Melee role 20 − 135 / Ranged role 10 − 68.5) (based on level).
  • Undocumented: Now available on Howling Abyss.
    • [Note: This was later documented in 14.13]
  • Combine cost reduced to 75 Gold 75 from 125 Gold 125.
    • Total cost unchanged.
  • New Effect: Skipper now stacks on-hit instead of on-attack.
  • Now has the search keywords "pirate", "yarrr", and "ahoy".
  • Bug Fix: No longer requires the user to not be within Range center 1400 units of an allied champion in order to activate Boarding Party.
  • Bug Fix: Skipper now properly stacks on simulated attacks such as Urgot's Urgot's Purge Purge.
  • Undocumented: No longer is available in the shop on the Howling Abyss map.
  • New:
    • Recipe: Tunneler Tunneler + Rectrix Rectrix + Pickaxe Pickaxe + 125 Gold 125 = 3000 Gold 3000.
    • Stats: 65 attack damage, 350 health, 5% movement speed.
    • Unique Passive - Skipper: Basic attacks grant a stack for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. The fifth stack consumes them all to deal (Melee role 140% base AD / Ranged role 70% base AD) (+ 3.5% maximum health) bonus physical damage, increased to (Melee role 400% base AD / Ranged role 200% base AD) (+ 7% maximum health) bonus physical damage against structures.
    • Unique Passive - Boarding Party: While no allied champions are within Range center 1400 units, allied siege and super minions within Range model 1050 units gain (Melee role 20 − 135 (based on level) / Ranged role 10 − 68.5 (based on level)) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, as well as 10% increased size. The bonus resistances linger for 3 seconds when an allied champion is nearby.
    • Limited to 1 Hullbreaker.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Pickaxe Pickaxe + Phage Phage + Winged Moonplate Winged Moonplate + 225 Gold 225 = 3000 Gold 3000.
    • Stats: 60 attack damage, 400 health, 150% base health regeneration, 5% movement speed.
    • Unique Passive - Boarding Party: While no allied champions are within Range center 1400 units, gain (Melee role 10 − 60 / Ranged role 5 − 30) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and 20% bonus Basic Attack basic damage against structures. Allied siege minions siege minions and super minions super minions within Range model 1050 units gain (Melee role 30 − 180 / Ranged role 15 − 90) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, 10% bonus size and deal 200% bonus damage against structures. Bonus resistances are lost instantly when an allied champion is nearby.
    • Limited to 1 Hullbreaker.
  • Boarding Party bonus resistances reduced to (Melee role 10 − 60 / Ranged role 5 − 30) (based on level) from (Melee role 10 − 75 / Ranged role 5 − 37.5) (based on level).
    • Boarding Party minion bonus resistances reduced to (Melee role 30 − 180 / Ranged role 15 − 90) (based on level) from (Melee role 30 − 225 / Ranged role 15 − 112.5) (based on level).
  • Undocumented: No longer available as an item on the Howling Abyss.
  • Bug Fix: Ping indicator now takes into account nearby untargetable allied champions for Boarding Party.
  • Bug Fix: Bonus resistances now properly decay over 3 seconds upon being in range of a nearby allied champion, instead of being lost instantly.
  • New Effect: Now only amplifies damage dealt by basic attacks against structures, instead of all damage.
  • Boarding Party bonus resistances changed to (Melee role 10 − 75 / Ranged role 5 − 37.5) (based on level) from (Melee role 20 − 60 / Ranged role 10 − 30) (based on level).
    • Boarding Party minion bonus resistances changed to (Melee role 30 − 225 / Ranged role 15 − 112.5) (based on level) from (Melee role 60 − 180 / Ranged role 30 − 90) (based on level).
  • Boarding Party bonus resistances for Ranged role ranged champions reduced to 10 − 30 (based on level) from 20 − 60 (based on level).
    • Boarding Party minion bonus resistances for Ranged role ranged champions reduced to 30 − 90 (based on level) from 60 − 180 (based on level).
  • Undocumented: Boarding Party bonus resistances are now lost instantly when an allied champion is nearby, rather than decaying over 3 seconds.
  • Health increased to 400 from 300.
  • Boarding Party bonus resistances increased to 20 − 60 (based on level) from 20 − 45 (based on level).
    • Boarding Party minion bonus resistances increased to 60 − 180 (based on level) from 60 − 135 (based on level).
V11.13 - Added
  • Replaces Sanguine Blade Sanguine Blade.
  • Recipe: Pickaxe Pickaxe + Phage Phage + 825 Gold 825 = 2800 Gold 2800.
  • Stats: 50 attack damage, 300 health, 150% base health regeneration.
  • Unique Passive - Boarding Party: While no allied champions are within Range center 1400 units, gain 20 − 45 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and deal 20% bonus damage against structures. Nearby large allied minions gain 60 − 135 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and deal 200% bonus damage against structures.
  • Limited to 1 Hullbreaker.


List of Items
