Hullbreaker is a legendary item in League of Legends.
Cost Analysis
Gold Value
- 40 attack damage = 1400
- 500 health = 1333.33
- 4% movement speed = 335
- Total Gold Value = 3068.33
Gold efficiency
- 102.28% gold efficient. base stats are
Similar items
- Skipper deals proc damage, and thus will not trigger spell effects.
- Skipper's on-hit damage applies to structures.
- Boarding Party does not affect untargetable minions.
- Minions that are granted increased size by Boarding Party grow to it over 0.25 seconds and shrink instantly when the buff falls off.
Map-Specific Differences
- Attack damage changed to 55.
- Health changed to 450.
- New Unique Passive - Solo Party: While no allied champions are within 900 units, gain ( 20 − 100 / 10 − 50) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, decaying over 3 seconds when an ally is within range.
- Removed Unique Passive - Skipper.
- Removed Unique Passive - Boarding Party.
- structures with or without your team.
- The damage increase and empowerment to your large minions will increase the speed of your push significantly.
is best used to push out lanes and siege - Boarding Party empowers all nearby large minions. Use this to your advantage by building up a wave consisting of several large minions.
- Boarding Party's empowerment stacks with empowerment.
- Hullbreaker can be searched in the shop with the keywords "pirate", "yarrr", and "ahoy".
- Boarding Party's minion buff tooltip, "Ahoy!!", references VTuber Houshou Marine.[1]
- Before V14.3, when allied champions could disable Boarding Party, pinging Hullbreaker in your inventory sent out a message stating "You're too close: ([allied champions])!"
- When allied champions were close to entering the radius, the ping would be: "I want to be alone: ([allied champions])."
- When Boarding Party was active, the ping would be "I'm hunting alone."
Patch History
- New Recipe: + + + 175 = 3000.
- Health increased to 500 from 350.
- Attack damage reduced to 40 from 65.
- Movement speed reduced to 4% from 5%.
- Skipper non-structure damage AD ratio changed to ( 120% / 84%) base AD from ( 140% / 70%).
- Skipper non-structure damage health ratio changed to ( 5% / 3.5%) maximum health from 3.5% for all users.
- Skipper structure damage AD ratio changed to ( 300% / 210%) base AD from ( 400% / 200%).
- Skipper structure damage health ratio increased to ( 10% / 7%) maximum health from 7% for all users.
- Boarding Party bonus resistances changed to ( 70 − 130 / 35 − 65) (based on level) from ( 20 − 135 / 10 − 68.5) (based on level).
- Undocumented: Now available on Howling Abyss.
- [Note: This was later documented in 14.13]
- New Effect: Skipper now stacks on-hit instead of on-attack.
- Now has the search keywords "pirate", "yarrr", and "ahoy".
- Bug Fix: No longer requires the user to not be within 1400 units of an allied champion in order to activate Boarding Party.
- Bug Fix: Skipper now properly stacks on simulated attacks such as .
- Undocumented: No longer is available in the shop on the Howling Abyss map.
- New:
- Recipe: + + + 125 = 3000.
- Stats: 65 attack damage, 350 health, 5% movement speed.
- Unique Passive - Skipper: Basic attacks grant a stack for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. The fifth stack consumes them all to deal ( 140% base AD / 70% base AD) (+ 3.5% maximum health) bonus physical damage, increased to ( 400% base AD / 200% base AD) (+ 7% maximum health) bonus physical damage against structures.
- Unique Passive - Boarding Party: While no allied champions are within 1400 units, allied siege and super minions within 1050 units gain ( 20 − 135 (based on level) / 10 − 68.5 (based on level)) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, as well as 10% increased size. The bonus resistances linger for 3 seconds when an allied champion is nearby.
- Limited to 1 Hullbreaker.
- Old:
- Recipe: + + + 225 = 3000.
- Stats: 60 attack damage, 400 health, 150% base health regeneration, 5% movement speed.
- Unique Passive - Boarding Party: While no allied champions are within 1400 units, gain ( 10 − 60 / 5 − 30) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and 20% bonus basic damage against structures. Allied and within 1050 units gain ( 30 − 180 / 15 − 90) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, 10% bonus size and deal 200% bonus damage against structures. Bonus resistances are lost instantly when an allied champion is nearby.
- Limited to 1 Hullbreaker.
- Boarding Party bonus resistances reduced to ( 10 − 60 / 5 − 30) (based on level) from ( 10 − 75 / 5 − 37.5) (based on level).
- New Recipe: + + + 225 = 3000.
- Attack damage increased to 60 from 50.
- Now grants 5% bonus movement speed.
- Undocumented: No longer available as an item on the Howling Abyss.
- Bug Fix: Ping indicator now takes into account nearby untargetable allied champions for Boarding Party.
- Bug Fix: Bonus resistances now properly decay over 3 seconds upon being in range of a nearby allied champion, instead of being lost instantly.
- New Effect: Now only amplifies damage dealt by basic attacks against structures, instead of all damage.
- Boarding Party bonus resistances changed to ( 10 − 75 / 5 − 37.5) (based on level) from ( 20 − 60 / 10 − 30) (based on level).
- Boarding Party bonus resistances for ranged champions reduced to 10 − 30 (based on level) from 20 − 60 (based on level).
- Boarding Party minion bonus resistances for ranged champions reduced to 30 − 90 (based on level) from 60 − 180 (based on level).
- Undocumented: Boarding Party bonus resistances are now lost instantly when an allied champion is nearby, rather than decaying over 3 seconds.
- Health increased to 400 from 300.
- Boarding Party bonus resistances increased to 20 − 60 (based on level) from 20 − 45 (based on level).
- Boarding Party minion bonus resistances increased to 60 − 180 (based on level) from 60 − 135 (based on level).
- V11.13 - Added
- Replaces .
- Recipe: + + 825 = 2800.
- Stats: 50 attack damage, 300 health, 150% base health regeneration.
- Unique Passive - Boarding Party: While no allied champions are within 1400 units, gain 20 − 45 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and deal 20% bonus damage against structures. Nearby large allied minions gain 60 − 135 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and deal 200% bonus damage against structures.
- Limited to 1 Hullbreaker.
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Arena Prismatic items
- Arena Anvil items
- Arena exclusive items
- Removed items