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Hotkeys and Commands LoL Menu

Hotkeys and Commands Menu

Hotkeys are assigned keys or key combinations that allow the player to perform specific actions in a game of League of Legends. Commands are strings of text that perform an action when entered in the in-game chat console. Most hotkeys can be configured in the Hotkeys section of the in-game Settings, as well as the Client settings when not in a game.

This article lists all default key bindings for a QWERTY keyboard.


Abilities Keybinding Summoner Spell Keybinding Items Keybinding

Casting modes[]

The first section of the Hotkeys tab is the "Quickbind UI", the set of primary keybinds that take priority over all Hotkeys.

There are generally three methods, or modes, of casting abilities, summoner spells, items, and the trinket.

  • Normal cast will prompt the player to use Left Mouse Button Left click/MB1 on a target unit or location after using the key, showing the ability's (range and/or effect) indicator in the mean time.
    • For Channeling icon charged abilities, the player must tap once to start them and once again to finish casting them. The indicator is by default visible.
    • For vector-targeted abilities, the player must tap the key once to determine the starting position, move the mouse, and then the tap key once again to determine the cast direction.
  • Quick cast (previously "smart" cast) will assume that the cursor's position is also the selected target. The indicator is by default visible.
    • For charged abilities, the player must hold the key and release it to finish casting.
    • For vector-targeted abilities, the player must hold the key and drag with the mouse, drawing a line for the starting position and cast direction.
  • Quick cast with indicator is a paradigm where, the ability's indicator will appear upon pressing and holding the button, and fire only when the button is released, treating the cursor's position at the moment of releasing as the targeting position.
    • Charged and vector-targeted abilities function similarly to regular quick cast (except indicators are visible for vector-targeted abilities as well).
  • "Self cast" is a specialized and convenient method of Quick cast where an ability, item, or summoner spell that can target an ally champion, is automatically used on the player's own champion. Self cast keybinds are available by default. This is only applicable for abilities and items that can target ally champions, such as Hybrid resistances icon shields for example; otherwise, either one of the methods explained above is used or, in most cases, casting will not happen and thus the other two methods must strictly be used to cast those. "Quick + self cast" and "quick cast with indicator + self cast" have identical functionality with Self cast in the current game. The keybinds being available is likely vestigial.

The player can choose to individually toggle between Normal cast and Quick cast for an ability, summoner spell, item, or the trinket, by clicking on the button under the hotkey: if the button is not highlighted, it means Normal cast; if the button is highlighted, it means Quick cast. Quick cast with indicator is instead enabled through the setting under the hotkeys, and applies to hotkeys that are using Quick cast only.

List of Hotkeys[]

This is a list of hotkeys for a standard QWERTY keyboard. In other keyboards the default hotkeys are the keys located in the positions occupied by the default hotkeys in QWERTY keyboards. For example, in Dvorak keyboards, the default hotkey for the first ability of a champion's is ' (the apostrophe key). Note that the following lists do not include Practice Tool (only available while in a practice tool game) or Replay keybinds (which are entirely separate to game hotkeys and only available in the Replay client, not through the normal game client).

Quickbind UI
Event Name Default Keybinding Internal Event Name


Ability 1 / Basic Ability 1 Q CastSpell1
Ability 2 / Basic Ability 2 W CastSpell2
Ability 3 / Basic Ability 3 E CastSpell3
Ability 4 / Ultimate Ability R CastSpell4

Summoner Spells

Summoner Spell 1 D CastAvatarSpell1
Summoner Spell 2 F CastAvatarSpell2


Activate Trinket 4 UseVisionItem


Item Slot 1 1 UseItem1
Item Slot 2 2 UseItem2
Item Slot 3 3 UseItem3
Item Slot 4 5 UseItem4
Item Slot 5 6 UseItem5
Item Slot 6 7 UseItem6

This second table includes other keybinds available in League of Legends, located below the Quickbind UI.

Event Name Default Keybinding Description Internal Event Name

Generic - These keybinds are not configurable.

Select MB1, usually Left Mouse Button Left Mouse Button (LMB) Select/confirm key. When selecting a unit, this will reveal their Target Frame. N/A
Scroll Scroll Wheel Up or Scroll Wheel Down On the map, zooms the camera in/out. Otherwise used for regular menu scrolling. N/A
Screenshot F12 Take a screenshot of what you currently see on screen (including menus), which saves in the Screenshots folder under the "League of Legends" directory. N/A
Open Chat ENTER Escape to type in chat, or send the typed message and close chat. N/A
Open All Chat Shift + ENTER Escape to type in chat, with '/all' (All chat) already typed. N/A
Change Chat Visibility TAB (while escaped to Chat) Cycle between your active chat visibility channels. N/A

Abilities and Summoner Spells

Normal Cast Spell 1 (unbound) Normal cast the 1st basic ability. NormalCastpell1
Normal Cast Spell 2 (unbound) Normal cast the 2nd basic ability. NormalCastSpell2
Normal Cast Spell 3 (unbound) Normal cast the 3rd ability. NormalCastSpell3
Normal Cast Spell 4 (unbound) Normal cast the ultimate ability. NormalCastSpell4
Normal Cast Summoner Spell 1 (unbound) Normal cast the 1st summoner spell. NormalCastAvatarSpell1
Normal Cast Summoner Spell 2 (unbound) Normal cast the 2nd summoner spell. NormalCastAvatarSpell2
Quick Cast Spell 1 Shift + Q Quick cast the 1st basic ability. SmartCastSpell1
Quick Cast Spell 2 Shift + W Quick cast the 2nd basic ability. SmartCastSpell2
Quick Cast Spell 3 Shift + E Quick cast the 3rd basic ability. SmartCastSpell3
Quick Cast Spell 4 Shift + R Quick cast the ultimate ability. SmartCastSpell4
Quick Cast Summoner Spell 1 Shift + D Quick cast the 1st summoner spell. SmartCastAvatarSpell1
Quick Cast Summoner Spell 2 Shift + F Quick cast the 2nd summoner spell. SmartCastAvatarSpell2
Quick Cast With Indicator Spell 1 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the 1st basic ability. SmartCastWithIndicatorSpell1
Quick Cast With Indicator Spell 2 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the 2nd basic ability. SmartCastWithIndicatorSpell2
Quick Cast With Indicator Spell 3 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the 3rd basic ability. SmartCastWithIndicatorSpell3
Quick Cast With Indicator Spell 4 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the ultimate ability. SmartCastWithIndicatorSpell4
Quick Cast With Indicator Summoner Spell 1 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the 1st summoner spell. SmartCastWithIndicatorAvatarSpell1
Quick Cast With Indicator Summoner Spell 2 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the 2nd summoner spell. SmartCastWithIndicatorAvatarSpell1
Self Cast Spell 1 Alt + Q Quick cast the 1st basic ability on self. SelfCastSpell1
Self Cast Spell 2 Alt + W Quick cast the 2nd basic ability on self. SelfCastSpell2
Self Cast Spell 3 Alt + E Quick cast the 3rd basic ability on self. SelfCastSpell3
Self Cast Spell 4 Alt + R Quick cast the ultimate ability on self. SelfCastSpell4
Self Cast Summoner Spell 1 Alt + D Quick cast the 1st summoner spell on self. SelfCastAvatarSpell1
Self Cast Summoner Spell 2 Alt + F Quick cast the 2nd summoner spell on self. SelfCastAvatarSpell2
Level Up Spell 1 Ctrl + Q Add a skill point to the 1st basic ability. LevelSpell1
Level Up Spell 2 Ctrl + W Add a skill point to the 2nd basic ability. LevelSpell2
Level Up Spell 3 Ctrl + E Add a skill point to the 3rd basic ability. LevelSpell3
Level Up Spell 4 Ctrl + R Add a skill point to the ultimate ability. LevelSpell4
Target Champions Only `
[backtick key, top left under ESC]
Target only champions when hovering units with the cursor. The functionality of this key can be changed to either toggle or require holding, from the 'Game' tab of Settings. ChampionOnly
Teleport Home B Cast Recall Recall. JumpBack


Normal Cast Trinket (unbound) Normal cast the trinket item. NormalCastVisionItem
Normal Cast Item 1 (unbound) Normal cast the active item in the first item slot (top left). NormalCastItem1
Normal Cast Item 2 (unbound) Normal cast the active item in the second item slot (top middle). NormalCastItem2
Normal Cast Item 3 (unbound) Normal cast the active item in the third item slot (top right). NormalCastItem3
Normal Cast Item 4 (unbound) Normal cast the active item in the fourth item slot (bottom left). NormalCastItem4
Normal Cast Item 5 (unbound) Normal cast the active item in the fifth item slot (bottom middle). NormalCastItem5
Normal Cast Item 6 (unbound) Normal cast the active item in the sixth item slot (bottom right). NormalCastItem6
Quick Cast Trinket Shift + 4 Quick cast the trinket item. SmartCastVisionItem
Quick Cast Item 1 Shift + 1 Quick cast the active item in the first item slot (top left). SmartCastItem1
Quick Cast Item 2 Shift + 2 Quick cast the active item in the second item slot (top middle). SmartCastItem2
Quick Cast Item 3 Shift + 3 Quick cast the active item in the third item slot (top right). SmartCastItem3
Quick Cast Item 4 Shift + 5 Quick cast the active item in the fourth item slot (bottom left). SmartCastItem4
Quick Cast Item 5 Shift + 6 Quick cast the active item in the fifth item slot (bottom middle). SmartCastItem5
Quick Cast Item 6 Shift + 7 Quick cast the active item in the sixth item slot (bottom right). SmartCastItem6
Quick Cast With Indicator Trinket (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the trinket item. SmartCastWithIndicatorVisionItem
Quick Cast With Indicator Item 1 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the active item in the first item slot (top left). SmartCastWithIndicatorItem1
Quick Cast With Indicator Item 2 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the active item in the second item slot (top middle). SmartCastWithIndicatorItem2
Quick Cast With Indicator Item 3 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the active item in the third item slot (top right). SmartCastWithIndicatorItem3
Quick Cast With Indicator Item 4 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the active item in the fourth item slot (bottom left). SmartCastWithIndicatorItem4
Quick Cast With Indicator Item 5 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the active item in the fifth item slot (bottom middle). SmartCastWithIndicatorItem5
Quick Cast With Indicator Item 6 (unbound) Quick cast with indicator for the active item in the sixth item slot (bottom right). SmartCastWithIndicatorItem6
Self Cast Trinket Alt + 4 Quick cast the trinket item on self. This functionality is invalid with the current trinkets, regardless of its existence. SelfCastVisionItem
Self Cast Item 1 Alt + 1 Quick cast the active item in the first item slot (top left) on self. SelfCastItem1
Self Cast Item 2 Alt + 2 Quick cast the active item in the second item slot (top middle) on self. SelfCastItem2
Self Cast Item 3 Alt + 3 Quick cast the active item in the third item slot (top right) on self. SelfCastItem3
Self Cast Item 4 Alt + 5 Quick cast the active item in the fourth item slot (bottom left) on self. SelfCastItem4
Self Cast Item 5 Alt + 6 Quick cast the active item in the fifth item slot (bottom middle) on self. SelfCastItem5
Self Cast Item 6 Alt + 7 Quick cast the active item in the sixth item slot (bottom right) on self. SelfCastItem6

Player Movement

Player Move Click MB2, usually Right Mouse Button Right Mouse Button (RMB) Movement / Attack Command. PlayerMoveClick
Player Attack Move Click Shift + MB2 Attack-move Click Command. PlayerAttackMoveClick
Player Attack Only Click (unbound) Attack Command, which will only be issued if a target on the cursor's exact position is valid. AttackOnlyClick
Player Attack Move A or X Attack-move Command. PlayerAttackMove
Player Hold Position J Hold Command: pause all manual and automatic orders until the key stops being held). PlayerHoldPosition
Player Stop Position S Stop Command: stop all current orders until a new one has been provided by the player). PlayerStopPosition
Move Pet Click Alt + MB2 or Ctrl + MB2 Move Command for the movement of a controllable pet or clone (e.g. Tibbers Tibbers, Mirror Image Mirror Image, etc.) PetMoveClick

Camera Control

Center Camera On Champion SPACE Tap or hold to snap the camera back to its original offset relative to your champion. CameraSnap
Select Self F1 Center the camera on your champion. SelectSelf
Select Ally 1 F2 Center the camera to the first ally in the order of the scoreboard. SelectAlly1
Select Ally 2 F3 Center the camera to the second ally in the order of the scoreboard. SelectAlly2
Select Ally 3 F4 Center the camera to the third ally in the order of the scoreboard. SelectAlly3
Select Ally 4 F5 Center the camera to the fourth ally in the order of the scoreboard. SelectAlly4
Toggle Camera Lock Y Lock and unlock the camera from its current offset relative to your champion. CameraLockToggle
Scroll Up UP (arrow) Pan the camera toward the north. ScrollUp
Scroll Down DOWN (arrow) Pan the camera toward the south. ScrollDown
Scroll Left LEFT (arrow) Pan the camera toward the west. ScrollLeft
Scroll Down RIGHT (arrow) Pan the camera toward the east. ScrollRight
Drag Scroll MB3, usually mouse wheel click (MMB) Hold and drag mouse to freely pan camera toward a specific direction. N/A **
Drag Scroll Lock (unbound) Hold to temporarily hold the camera at its current position when using Drag Scroll panning. DragScrollLock


Show Health Bars (unbound) Hide or show all health bars on the screen. ShowHealthBars
Toggle Minion Health Bars (unbound) Hide or show minion health bars specifically on the screen. ToggleMinionHealthBars
Show Summoner Names (unbound) Cycle through the following settings for names above champions' health bar: (1) Player name (2) Champion name (3) Status only. ShowSummonerNames
Show/Hide HUD (unbound) Hide or show all elements of the Heads-Up Display. DrawHud
Toggle FPS Display Ctrl + F Show or hide the FPS and latency counters at the top right corner of the HUD. ToggleFPSAndLatency
Toggle Death Recap Showcase N Hide or show the death recap enemy showcase panel during death. ToggleDeathRecapShowcase


Alert Ping G Enter the generic ping functionalities on MB1. Alternatively, MB1 + drag to open radial ping wheel. PlayerPingCursor
Quick Alert Ping Alt + MB1 Cast a Generic ping on mouse position. PlayerPing
Caution Ping V Enter the caution ping functionalities on MB1. Alternatively, MB1 + drag to open radial ping wheel. PlayerPingCursorDanger
Quick Caution Ping Ctrl + MB1 Cast a Caution ping on mouse position. PlayerPingDanger
(Quick) On My Way Ping (unbound) Cast an On My Way ping on mouse position. PlayerPingOMW
(Quick) Enemy Missing Ping (unbound) Cast an Enemy Missing ping on mouse position. PlayerPingMIA
(Quick) Retreat Ping (unbound) Cast a Retreat ping on mouse position. PlayerPingRadialDanger
(Quick) Assist Me Ping (unbound) Cast an Assist Me ping on mouse position. PlayerPingComeHere
(Quick) Push Ping (unbound) Cast a Push ping on mouse position. PlayerPingPush
(Quick) All In Ping (unbound) Cast an All-In ping on mouse position. PlayerPingAllIn
Quick Enemy Vision Ping H Cast an Area Is Warded ping on mouse position. PlayerPingAreaIsWarded
(Quick) Need Vision Ping (unbound) Cast a Need Vision ping on mouse position. PlayerPingVisionNeeded
Joke Expression Ctrl + 1 Plays the joke emote. EmoteJoke
Taunt Expression Ctrl + 2 Plays the taunt emote. EmoteTaunt
Dance Expression Ctrl + 3 Plays the dance emote. EmoteDance
Laugh Expression Ctrl + 4 Plays the laugh emote. EmoteLaugh
Toggle Expression Ctrl + 5 Plays the toggle emote, if it exists for your champion/skin. EmoteToggle
Mastery Emote Expression Ctrl + 6 Activates the mastery emote, if acquired for your champion. ChampMasteryDisplay
Fist Bump Expression U Activates the fist bump (reciprocity) emote. ReciprocityTrigger
Open Emote Wheel (unbound) Enter the radial emote wheel functionality on MB1. RadialEmoteOpen
Quick Open Emote Wheel T Hold and drag with mouse to play an emote of choice from your radial emote wheel. RadialEmoteInstantOpen
Quick Play Emote North (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the first position of your emote wheel (top). EmotePlaySlot0
Quick Play Emote Northeast (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the second position of your emote wheel (top right). EmotePlaySlot1
Quick Play Emote East (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the third position of your emote wheel (right). EmotePlaySlot2
Quick Play Emote Southeast (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the fourth position of your emote wheel (bottom right). EmotePlaySlot3
Quick Play Emote South (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the fifth position of your emote wheel (bottom). EmotePlaySlot4
Quick Play Emote Southwest (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the sixth position of your emote wheel (bottom left). EmotePlaySlot5
Quick Play Emote West (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the seventh position of your emote wheel (left). EmotePlaySlot6
Quick Play Emote Northwest (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the eighth position of your emote wheel (top left). EmotePlaySlot7
Quick Play Emote Center (unbound) Automatically plays the emote at the center position of your emote wheel. EmotePlaySlot8
Chat History Z Expand the chat history, allowing you to scroll through it with the mouse wheel. ChatHistory


Show Scoreboard O Open or close the scoreboard. ShowScoreboard
Show Scoreboard (Hold) TAB Hold to keep scoreboard open. HoldShowScoreboard
Toggle Mouse Screen Lock F9 Enable or disable mouse clamping on the running instance/window of League of Legends. ToggleMouseClip
System Menu ESC Close current window, such as the chat, shop, scoreboard, or Settings menu. If not in a menu, opens the Settings by default. Closing the Settings with this key may also discard any unsaved changes. SysMenu
Show Advanced Player Stats C Show all player statistics panels in the HUD: champion, rune, Eternals, etc. ShowCharacterMenu
Toggle Basic Player Stats Ctrl + C Cycle the view of the player statistics panel: champion stats, rune stats, Eternals, etc. TogglePlayerStats
Open Shop P Open the shop. OpenShop
Focus Shop Search Bar Ctrl + L or Ctrl + ENTER Activate the cursor on the shop's item search without using the mouse. ShopFocusSearch
Switch Shop Tabs Ctrl + TAB Cycle the view of the shop: Recommended, All Items, Item Sets. ShopSwitchTabs

League Voice - These keybinds are configurable in the Voice tab only.

Push-to-Talk Button (unbound) Enable the mic for League Voice when Push-to-Talk is enabled. PushToTalk
Show League Voice Panel M Show the League Voice panel at the bottom of the screen. ShowVoicePanel

Graphical Chart[]


Graphical chart of keyboard commands. Click for larger view.


The player invokes commands in the console as "slash" commands, meaning that a forward slash / symbol is typed at the beginning of the message, then the name of the command, and then its input if applicable. /help [/command] displays details on a specific command. /allcommands or /allcmds displays a list of all possible commands in the game.

The chat console's first message in any game is the following( /? or /h can also be used in place of /help):

Type /help for a list of commands.

If the input is a player's name, the ID tag after their name is not required, unless there are multiple player with the same name. If the player's name includes spaces, quote marks " " should be used around it.

Command Description
/all or /a or /allchat Sends a message in All chat.
/team or /tm or /ally /allychat Sends a message in the Team chat.
/party or /p or /pt Sends a message in the Party chat.
/w or /whisper or /m or /msg or /tell [Player name] Sends a message to a player in your friends list (case sensitive).
/r or /rep or /reply Sends a message to the last player in your friends list who sent you a message, automatically filling the player's name after typing the command.
/chatfilter or /togglechatfilter Enables or disables chat profanity censoring.
/deafen Prevents the player from entering non-command messages in chat, and mutes all text chat messages, pings and emotes from all players in the game for the player. Also notifies allies of this opting-out from communication. Invoke this command again to undo.
/muteself Prevents the player from entering non-command messages in chat. Also notifies allies of this opting-out from communication. Invoke this command again to undo.
/mute or /ignore or /ig or /squelch [@Champion Name or Player Name or all] Toggles the mute of all text chat messages from the specific player or all players in the game.
/mutefull or /fullmute [@Champion Name or Player Name or all] Toggles the mute of all text chat messages and pings from the specified player or all players in the game.
/muteping or /mutepings or /pingmute [@Champion Name or Player Name or all] Toggles the mute of all pings from the specified player or all players in the team.
/ff or /forfeit or /surrender or /concede Casts a vote in favor of surrendering.
/noff or /noforfeit or /nosurrender or /noconcede Casts a vote against surrendering.
/remake or /terminate Casts a vote in favor of a remake.
/noremake or /noterminate Casts a vote against a remake.
/j or /joke Plays the joke emote.
/t or /taunt Plays the taunt emote.
/d or /dance Plays the dance emote.
/l or /laugh Plays the laugh emote.
/g or /toggle Plays the toggle emote.
/masterybadge Activates the mastery emote.
/gg or /wp Activates the fistbump.
/pause or /stop or /s Pausing and unpausing is a functionality of only custom games.

Pauses the game.
/unpause or /resume Pausing and unpausing is a functionality of only custom games.

Resumes the game.
/n or /note Writes a note in a text file called "MyNotes.txt" under the "League of Legends" directory.

Keybind Editing through System Files[]

Last updated: 17 March 2024, patch V14.5.
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"Would it help if I apologized?"

Please read this section fully if you want to change the game's files. It can mess up your keybindings if not done properly and it is wise to test the changes in a Practice Tool game before using them in a real game...

ALWAYS BACK UP THE FILE! The support article from Riot is the official protocol for this procedure.

The file that holds the keybindings can be found under Riot Games\League of Legends\Config\PersistedSettings.json This file contains a copy of most in-game Settings and menu preferences, and you will have to scroll to the "Input.ini" section in order to find the hotkeys.

Manual editing is useful for many situations, such as when having trouble editing keybinds in game due to client or server issues, personal preference for setting the same keybind for different events (if applicable), or as a general source for a backup of the player's keybinds.

The keybind's button name that Riot uses must be known first: e.g. "n" for the N button, "Ctrl" for the Control button, "Semicolon" for the ; button, etc. The button name can then be added between the "" quotes in the 'value' field for an event, and each button in series is typed between single square brackets []: e.g. [4] for the number 4 keybind, [Shift][4] for the Shift + 4 keybind. If a button name turns out to be invalid, that keybind will simply unbind. Missing or incorrect syntax however can break multiple keybinds, and even their entirety. If the PersistedSettings file becomes corrupted, all of your settings (not only hotkeys) will be reset to the default, so exercise caution.

After the file is saved, the game will only accept the changes once it has been relaunched. It is generally recommended to have League Client open, make sure that no League of Legends processes are running, save any changes to the PersistedSettings file, then open a League of Legends (preferably custom) game again so that the server can freshly retrieve them.

  1. Events that do not have a default key set by Riot will only be available if they have been ever been changed by the player within the game since their implementation, regardless of whether they are currently bound to a hotkey.
  2. The separate normal/quick cast configuration is available under the "Quickbinds" section within the file (0 = false = normal cast / 1 = true = quick cast). Cast events refer to the Quickbind UI configuration specifically. Overrides for the casting modes have separate events.
  3. SelectAlly5 is also available to center the camera on a sixth team member, and its keybind is functional. There is no game mode in League of Legends currently that allows for a team of six, though.

Switching primary and secondary mouse buttons[]

League of Legends does not support switching the primary and secondary buttons, nor does it allow the changing of these within the in-game client or PersistedSettigns.json. PlayerMoveClick, which is the regular move and attack order, is by default bound to MB2/Right click but it is configurable.

Left click (MB1), like Right click (MB2) can be bound to other keybinds only in combination with modifiers. Attempting to bind MB1 alone and manually however will fully corrupt the file upon loading (and possibly, game functionality, though it is unknown if there are any safeties for this occurrence in place).

Patch History[]


  • Keybind configuration has been moved from input.ini to PersistentSettings.json, which saves the current session's Settings and menu options to be retrieved in the next session.
    • input.ini is still used for certain keybinds, however, as a hard-coded measure.
  • From here on, this Patch History section has not documented individual command and keybind changes or additions. However, editors have largely kept the rest of the article as up to date as possible.


  • Trinkets were added
    • evtUseVisionItem was created and set to [4]
    • evtUseItem(4, 5, and 6) were displaced to [5, 6, and 7] respectively.


  • "Smart cast" is renamed to "Quick cast".


  • Default hotkeys for joke, taunt, dance, and laugh have been changed.
    • Joke changed to Ctrl+1 from Shift+1.
    • Taunt changed to Ctrl+2 from Shift+2.
    • Dance changed to Ctrl+3 from Shift+3.
    • Laugh changed to Ctrl+4 from Shift+4.


  • Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default, instead of L.


  • Fixed a bug where Ctrl+F didn't display a Ping/FPS overlay.


  • Fixed a bug in which the Show/Hide HUD keybinding would always be F5, despite the selection in the options menu.


  • Added a new ping functionality: you can now ping to signal your teammates to fall back.


  • Added new keybindings for "Self+Smart cast" for abilities and Summoner Spells. Casting with these binds will first try to smart cast the ability; if there is no target or an invalid target under the cursor, it will attempt to self-cast the ability.


  • Added two ignore options: "/ignore ally" for ignoring the allied team, and "/ignore enemy" for ignoring the enemy team.


  • Smart cast now defaults to Shift and self cast now defaults to Alt. These can be changed in the keybinding menu.


  • Mouse wheel scrolling on the minimap is now disabled by default.


  • Right-clicking an allied portrait will no longer move you in the direction of your ally.
  • Ignoring or muting a user will now also ignore their minimap pings.


  • The HUD can now be hidden using Alt+[-].
  • Responding using the "/r" function will now correctly respond to the most recent person that whispered you.
  • The mouse wheel can now be used to scroll up and down in the shop.


  • The level up spell hotkey has been changed to holding down Ctrl while pressing the spell hotkey (Q, W, E, R). It is no longer Alt. This can be changed in the keybinding menu.
  • Holding down Alt and pressing a spell hotkey will now cast the spell on yourself if it is self-castable, or cast the spell under your mouse cursor if applicable. This is referred to as "Smart Casting" and can be rebound in the keybinding menu.
  • F1-F5 keys can now be used to cast spells on yourself or your allies. Click the spell, then use one of the F1 (self) through F5 buttons (allies).
    • F1-F5 keys can now be clicked or held down to center the camera on yourself or allies.


  • Pressing Esc should now deselect a controlled pet.


  • "/help" can now also be accessed with "/?".
  • "/surrender" can now also be accessed with "/ff".
  • "/nosurrender" can now also be accessed with "/noff".
  • "/w" can now also be accessed with "/msg".
  • Fixed an issue that was causing "/r" to incorrectly remember the last person who whispered you.


  • Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default instead of L.


  • Added new keybindings for "Self+Smart Cast" for abilities and Summoner spells. Casting with these binds will first try to Smart-Cast the ability; if there is no target or an invalid target under the cursor, it will attempt to Self-Cast the ability.



  • Added chat commands:
    • "/r" replies to the last person who whispered you.
    • "/mute <player>" will block all in-game chat from that player.


  • Added "stop command" and bound it to V.
    • Holding down H works like the stop command until the key is released.


  • Added "Chat history toggle" and bound it to Z.

July 10, 2009 Patch:

  • Holding down the tilde key (~) will now allow you to select only champions.

June 26, 2009 Patch:

  • Added Alt+Enter command for full screen/windowed mode toggling.

May 29, 2009 Patch:

  • Scoreboard can now be activated by holding down the Tab key.

May 9, 2009 Patch:

  • Shop can now be toggled with P.

April 25, 2009 Patch:

  • Holding down the Spacebar will now lock your camera to your champion until you release it.

April 18, 2009 Patch:

  • Removed the "click to upgrade" button for ability level-ups.
    • You can now level up skills using Alt+Q, Alt+W, Alt+E, and Alt+R.

Alpha Week 7:

  • Added "Minion health bar toggle" and bound it to L.
  • All health bars toggle now bound to Shift+L.

Alpha Week 6:

  • Esc now closes the chat box and erases any text in it.

Alpha Week 5:

  • Pressing Esc now works to close all menus.
  • Health bar toggle is now bound to L instead of F.
  • Added hold position/stop key and bound it to H.
  • Added an attack move command and bound it to X.
  • Scoreboard toggle now bound to O instead of T.
  • Teleport Home Teleport Home is now bound to B and has been added as a button in the HUD.