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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki
Honor Crest

Crest of Honor

The Honor system is used to incentivize positive behavior among the League of Legends community by identifying and rewarding players who positively influence the gameplay experience of others in their games. Honor was first introduced on October 1, 2012, and was reworked in patch V7.13.

This system is only in place for League of Legends icon League of Legends, even though Teamfight Tactics icon Teamfight Tactics shares the same profile on its PC version, the lack of teams in that game makes this system largely irrelevant.

Honor Progression

There are six Honor levels, with four normal levels starting from Honor level 2. A player can advance to higher honor levels through receiving honors and playing matchmade games. Progression is not explicitly tied to an absolute number of honors received.

At the start of each season, a player resets to Honor level 2 in order to progress up to Honor level 5 (unless they were lower than level 2). Each honor level has three checkpoints that grant rewards, leveling up also rewards the player.

Honor level 1 and 0 are restricted Honor levels obtainable only through penalties, and carry far fewer rewards than the normal levels. Level 0 is also called Dishonorable.

Honor Level Reset
Old level New Level
Honor Level 2
Level 2
Honor Level 2 Checkpoint 0
Level 2-0
Honor Level 3
Level 3
Honor Level 2 Checkpoint 1
Level 2-1
Honor Level 4
Level 4
Honor Level 2 Checkpoint 2
Level 2-2
Honor Level 5
Level 5
Honor Level 2 Checkpoint 3
Level 2-3

Honoring players

Before entering the post-game lobby in the client, each player is given 40 seconds to commend one other teammate in one of three categories. This prompt appears only in matchmade games (including Co-op vs AI).

Stayed Cool

Stayed Cool
Tilt-proof, chill.

Stayed cool is the Honor meant for a teammate who stayed calm and was a provider of a positive playing experience.

Great Shotcalling

Great Shotcalling
Leadership, strategy.

Great Shotcalling is the Honor meant for a teammate who had good leadership and was able to lead your team to a triumphant win or a gracious defeat.

GG <3

GG <3
Team player, friendly.
GG <3 is the Honor meant for a teammate who was Honor worthy but didn't fit into a neat and tidy box of what they did to earn it.

When a player receives three commendations (Honors), their achievement is distinguished toward the whole lobby. When every teammate has given commendations, the team is notified that they have received a slight increase in Honor progress.

Honor rewards

Mastery Chest

Hextech Crafting Chest and Key

Mastery Chest

Mastery Chest is a reward from Champion Mastery, but is subject to the Honor system. Chests can be earned at all Honor levels.

Key fragments

Hextech Crafting Key fragment

Key Fragment

Key fragments are used in Hextech Crafting, they are periodically distributed to Honorable players (Honor 1 or above) that continue to play games. There is a monthly (4 weeks) earn limit of 12 Key Fragments. There is no listed counter for this limit.

Honor Orb

Upon reaching a checkpoint within level 3, 4 and 5, the player is rewarded an Honor Orb containing key fragments and champion shards (see below).

Honor Capsule

Upon reaching level 3, 4 and 5, the player is rewarded an Honor Capsule containing key fragments, ward skins, emotes, champion shards, and Honor-exclusive skins (see below).

Loading screen flair

From level 3 onwards, a player is eligible for temporary loading screen flairs. When a player receives two Honors from premade teammates, or just one from a non-premade teammate, the player is rewarded a loading screen flair for their next game. This flair changes based on the Honor level.

Levels and Checkpoints

With patch V8.1 honor rewards were updated to grant rewards upon reaching checkpoints and honor levels.[1]
Honor level Rewards
Level up Checkpoint
Honor Level 0
  • Three checkpoints, no rewards.
Honor Level 1
Level 1
  • One Hextech Crafting Key key.
  • Three checkpoints.
Honor Level 2
Level 2
Honor Level 2 Checkpoint 0
  • One Hextech Crafting Key key.
Honor Level 2 Checkpoint 1
Honor Level 2 Checkpoint 2
Honor Level 2 Checkpoint 3
  • Two Hextech Crafting Key fragment key fragments.
Honor Level 3
Level 3
Honor Level 3 Checkpoint 0 Honor Capsule Level 3 Level 3 Capsule which contains:
  • Three Hextech Crafting Key fragment key fragments.
  • One ward skin.
  • 300 BE 300 or a higher value champion shard.
Honor Level 3 Checkpoint 1
Honor Level 3 Checkpoint 2
Honor Level 3 Checkpoint 3
Honor Orb Level 3 Level 3 Orb which contains:
  • Two Hextech Crafting Key fragment key fragments.
  • 150 BE 150 or a higher value champion shard.
Honor Level 4
Level 4
Honor Level 4 Checkpoint 0 Honor Capsule Level 4 Level 4 Capsule which contains:
  • Four Hextech Crafting Key fragment key fragments.
  • One emote.
  • 630 BE 630 or a higher value champion shard.
Honor Level 4 Checkpoint 1
Honor Level 4 Checkpoint 2
Honor Level 4 Checkpoint 3
Honor Orb Level 4 Level 4 Orb which contains:
  • Two Hextech Crafting Key fragment key fragments.
  • 200 BE 200 or a higher value champion shard.
Honor Level 5
Level 5
Honor Capsule Level 5 Level 5 Capsule which contains:
  • Five Hextech Crafting Key fragment key fragments.
  • 960 BE 960 or a higher value champion shard.
  • Twitch Twitch Champion Permanent.
  • Warwick Warwick Champion Permanent.
  • Honor 5 token Honor 5 token that can be redeemed in the Honor 5 Token Shop.[2]
  • A random emote or ward skin.
Level 5 grants rewards as regularly as when reaching checkpoints on lower Honor levels, but these checkpoints are not distinguished (No checkpoints).

Honor Orb Level 5 Level 5 Orb which contains:

  • Three Hextech Crafting Key fragment key fragments.
  • 250 BE 250 or a higher value champion shard.

Honor 5 Token Shop

The available loot is expanded at every season.

Honor 5 token One Honor 5 token can be redeemed for either:

  • Twitch Medieval (Base) Medieval Twitch Medieval Twitch.
  • Warwick Grey (Base) Grey Warwick Grey Warwick.
  • Twitch Medieval (Sapphire) Medieval Twitch Sapphire Chroma profileicon Medieval Twitch Sapphire chroma + icon. (added V9.16)
  • Twitch Medieval (Amethyst) Medieval Twitch Amethyst Chroma profileicon Medieval Twitch Amethyst chroma + icon. (added V10.11)
  • Twitch Medieval (Obsidian) Medieval Twitch Obsidian Chroma profileicon Medieval Twitch Obsidian chroma + icon. (added V11.7)
  • Warwick Grey (Sapphire) Grey Warwick Sapphire Chroma profileicon Grey Warwick Sapphire chroma + icon. (added V9.16)
  • Warwick Grey (Rose Quartz) Grey Warwick Rose Quartz Chroma profileicon Grey Warwick Rose Quartz chroma + icon. (added V10.11)
  • Warwick Grey (Meteorite) Grey Warwick Meteorite Chroma profileicon Grey Warwick Meteorite chroma + icon. (added V11.7)

On patch V9.16, for Season Nine only, opening a Honor 5 Capsule granted two Honor 5 tokens instead of one. Players who have gotten Honor 5 before patch V9.16 instead received the two tokens on patch V9.17 while keeping the unlocked skin from the honor capsule.

Honor Content


Individuals punished for their behavior will get demoted in Honor level.[3] The severity is based on how grave the penalty is:

  • Bad behavior, but not worthy of a chat restriction: Slows experience gain temporarily.
  • Chat restriction: Demote to level 1, or 0 if already at level 1.
  • 14-Day Ban: Demote to level 0.

A penalty will additionally disable Honor progress, Mastery Chest gain, and Key fragment gain. After the penalty comes the Reform period, which maintains the disables. The expiration of reform period is based on consistent displays of good sportsmanship rather than a particular date or matches played.

End of Season

The Honor system grants rewards at the season end.

Honors level 3, 4, and 5 each have their own unique ward skin (See #Media).

Honor Levels

Old Honor System

The old honor system allowed players to honor others in four categories, as well as opponents. Especially honorable individuals were recognized with a ribbon, and the top 10% of players in each category were given a summoner icon for their troubles.[4]


  • Key fragments originally dropped randomly after wins.
  • In 2018, players earned a skin for each Honor level they pass.



Honor - Login Screen


Honor Explained - League of Legends

