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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki
Hextech Flashtraption is a rune in Wild Rift icon Wild Rift.


Hexflash is a ground-targeted summoner spell that, after channeling, causes your champion to Flash blink a short distance.


  • Hextech Flashtraption is replaced with Sweet Tooth Sweet Tooth if the user does not have Flash Flash.
  • When Flash Flash is used, Hexflash starts on cooldown.
  • Flash Flash will wait for ongoing Hexflash to complete before switching back.
  • Hexflash's halved cooldown for entering combat is affected by summoner spell haste.
  • Hexflash will have a duration meter that gauges Flash Flash cooldown.

Patch History[]

  • Cooldown increased from 20 seconds to 25.
  • Blink distance reduced from 200 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 (based on channel time) to 150 / 150 / 212.5 / 275 / 337.5 / 400 (based on channel time)
  • Minimum channeled distance increased. Channeling within 1 second will not increase distance.
  • Added duration meter to gauge Flash Flash cooldown.
  • Channel time for range increase reduced from 3 seconds to 2.
V4.3 - Added
  • Type: Inspiration Slot 1 rune.
  • Passive: While Flash Flash has a remaining cooldown greater than 2 seconds, it is replaced by Hexflash Hexflash.
  • Active: You begin Channeling icon charging for up to 6.5 seconds, increasing Hexflash's range over 3 seconds. Releasing the charge early, or entering combat with an enemy Champion icon champion will put Hexflash on Cooldown icon cooldown for 10 seconds.
  • Recast: You Flash blink to the target location within range. (20 second cooldown)

