Heavy Metal is a series of alternate future/universe skins in League of Legends. Set in a dystopian world where RiotCorp took over the world and people fight in company's corporate-sanctioned Rift Wars gladiatorial arenas to survive, each champion is a futuristic arena fighter.
- Audiences gather from all over the world for a chance to witness the greatest robot fighters throw down in RiotCorp's gladiatorial arenas, eager for the chance to be crowned the Full Metal Robot Fighting League Champion or break down trying.
- Full Metal Fighting League Contestants
Backed by RiotCorp as the Full Metal Fighting League's first corporately sanctioned champion, Jayce has dethroned Pantheon and won the hearts of audiences worldwide—especially those who realize they gain 15 Riot Points every time they cheer his cyclonic blasts.
A former Full Metal Robot Fighting League champion (2x reign, 14 title defenses), Pantheon was forced to retire in disgrace after a scandal involving Targon Fabrications. Reemerging from retirement to face the chosen champion, Jayce, Pantheon may be damaged, but has found that revenge adequately charges his weapon systems.
Those who make it to the Full Metal Robot Fighting League—the premier institution for gear-crunching, robot-on-robot violence—must often face off against the fearsome Full Metal Rammus. It is an initial rite of passage, faced by every contender-bot, that leaves entire arenas in tremors...
Created from the same circuitry as the Full Metal champion, Jayce, Viktor was cast into the tunnels beneath the robot fighting arenas to serve as a janitoribot—while his twin was groomed for glory, simulcast en español. Upgrading himself with the cast-offs of the destroyed, he has sworn la venganza.
- Other Contestants
Their fists are named “boom” and “boom,” proving that robots are a perfect facsimile of human life.
In the year 20XX, RiotCorp rules the world with a cruel, robotic fist. Building his own battling best friend using code from a forgotten video game (and piles and piles of scrap!) a young mechanic competes in the company's corporate-sanctioned Rift Wars—for fame, glory, and [ERROR] [...] [TOWERDIVING!]
- Despite not being part of the skin universe, shares the same thematic.
- The Rift Wars Arena resembles the Sakaaran Arena from Thor: Ragnarok.
- is part of the Day Job universe, but his Wild Rift is part of the Heavy Metal Universe.