Headhunter is a series of alternate future/universe skins in League of Legends. Set in a dystopian future where high-tech alien predators roam free, each champion is equipped with the state of the art hunting gear.
“ | ▶️ "I have so much respect for your species. Please don't hunt me." |
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For some species, the hunt is more than mere sport—it possesses their minds and bodies, molding them into a race of perfect killing machines.
- Headhunters
Her weapons flaring with alien energy, Akali hunts only the worthy in a dangerous game of life and death. Striking from anywhere at any moment, no living thing can escape her trophy wall.
Caitlyn's arsenal of alien weaponry isn't meant to level the playing field. It's to ensure that every hunt, every target, and every shot she takes goes exactly the way she wants it to.
Hunters use many tools: the bowgun, the rifle, the knife, the mind. Master Yi's tool of choice is a five foot long serrated blade forged from meteoric alloy.
There are those who still ask: between man and beast, who is the better hunter? With her alien biology allowing her to embody both, Nidalee of the Headhunters answers that question with, “I am.”
Some hunters choose to scale impossible heights, cutting down creatures many times their own size for the sheer rush of the kill. Rengar is clad in the bones of these creatures, a worrying sign to his more human quarry.