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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki
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This article is a compilation of the trivia sections found across Gwen's Gwen's articles and is provided as a courtesy for readers who enjoyed our previously dedicated champion-trivia articles.

The information found on this page cannot be edited from here - please follow the provided links to the source articles. This page will automatically reflect changes made elsewhere.

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Main article: Gwen (Development)

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Main article: Gwen (Character)
  • Gwen was created somewhere between 47 BN and 30 BN, when Isolde was a young girl who dreamed of traveling the kingdom. In an attempt to play out this life, Isolde created her own princess doll that she imagined was the picture of regal elegance. The doll's dress was crafted to match the intricate designs on the Camavoran warships. Gwen sounded perfectly royal for a name.[12]
  • Gwen's biggest fear is death, now that she has begun to experience life.[5]
  • Gwen can magically change the size of her scissors at will to be any size she wants.[13]
  • Gwen was brought to life shortly after the events of Ruination (Video).[5]
  • Gwen was happy for Isolde when her relationship with Viego was good, but when it turned bad, she felt her pain on a deep level.[14]
  • Gwen's weapons are similar in style to relic weapons, as they have the power to destroy wraiths.
  • Gwen also wields pure mist, which can hide people from Wraiths and protect against the Harrowing.

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Main article: Gwen (League of Legends)


Main article: Gwen (League of Legends Audio)
Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress


Main article: Gwen (Collection)
Original Gwen Original Gwen
Space Groove Gwen Space Groove Gwen
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Citrine, Disco, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire
  • Gwen's boogie unnamed.
Cafe Cuties Gwen Cafe Cuties Gwen
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Turquoise
Soul Fighter Gwen Soul Fighter Gwen
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Emerald, Limitless, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sandstone, Sapphire, Turquoise

