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League of Legends Wiki

Gunslingers, Champions whom wield guns. These champions bring damage through the means of high powered firearms, or similar devices. The synergy allows the related champions to attack multiple targets in their range, akin to the effect of Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane. Unlike Runaan's Hurricane, all of these additional bullets deal full damage.


TFT Gunslinger Activation

Tristana activating Gunslinger synergy, notice the 2 bullets to the left of her actual bullet.

  • Since Gunslingers rely on their attack range for their synergy, there are ways to improve the damage output of gunslingers:
    • Clumping gunslingers in either corner is ill-advised.
    • Placing gunslingers in the center of the play area will guarantee more enemies are hit on average when the synergy triggers.
    • Placing gunslingers with high attack range, like Tristana Tristana, in the front or middle row will increase the number of targets they can potentially hit but also puts them in greater danger.


  • Not only does Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon give sought after attack speed, this item will double the range of any champion that uses it.
  • Attack speed items built from Recurve Bow Recurve Bow multiply how often the synergy's effect triggers, with Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade being one of the best.
  • Items like Giant Slayer Giant Slayer, Hush Hush, and Red Buff Red Buff that have on-hit effects have their effects multiplied for every target hit.
  • Bloodthirster Bloodthirster is an amazing item for any Gunslinger. The healing being multiplied when the synergy triggers.
  • The trait items Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet, and Darkin Darkin have their effects multiplied by the Gunslinger synergy.
  • Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King with an active Blademaster Blademaster synergy is an amazingly powerful item for a Gunslinger. This item can multiply a gunslinger's effective damage by two or more.


  • Assassins Assassins can jump behind the Gunslinger defenses to take them out.
  • Armor is an obvious choice to deal with a Gunslinger. This includes items like Thornmail Thornmail and Guardian Angel Guardian Angel.
  • Frozen Heart Frozen Heart and Iceborn Gauntlet Iceborn Gauntlet can slow the attack speed of any champion, including the basic attack focused Gunslingers.
  • Ranged units have a good chance of being outside the attack range of a Gunslinger not focused on them, whereas melee units do not have this luxury.
  • Having a higher level and Force of Nature Force of Nature helps against this synergy, more units on the field means they're less likely to hit the more important units.
  • To the same effect, the Elementalist's Elementalist's golem and Elise's Elise's spiderlings can add more targets for the Gunslingers to target with their synergy.


  • When Gunslingers were released, having all four gave them a 50% chance to deal damage to all champions within their range. This was changed in the next patch.
  • Contrary to the Blademaster Blademaster synergy, the bonus bullets produced from the Gunslinger synergy doesn't generate mana.
  • Most of the time when the Gunslinger synergy activates, multiple bullets come out akin to Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane, even for Gangplank Gangplank, but when Graves Graves activates the synergy, he has to make each attack himself. To compensate for this, he gains a large amount of attack speed for the next few attacks, similar to the Blademasters Blademasters synergy except The attack speed gained isn't displayed on his info card.

Patch History[]

V9.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 2.
  • Extra units hit increased to 1 / 2 / 4 (based on the number of Gunslingers) from 1 / 2 / 3.
  • New Gunslinger: Jinx Jinx.
  • Extra units hit changed to 1 / 2 / 3 (based on the number of Gunslingers) from 1 / 2.
  • Improved visualization of Gunslinger AoE attacks.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed some bugs where Gunslinger extra attacks could fail to fire at high attack speeds.
  • Extra units hit reduced to 1 / 2 (based on the number of Gunslingers) from 1 / all.
V9.13 - Added
  • Synergy: Gunslingers have a 50% chance for their attacks to hit additional enemies.
    • 2 Gunslingers: One additional random enemy.
    • 4 Gunslingers: All enemies in range.
  • Champions: Gangplank Gangplank, Graves Graves, Lucian Lucian, Miss Fortune Miss Fortune, Tristana Tristana.