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Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds

A unit that is affected by Grievous Wounds will find self-healing and incoming healing effects X% less effective (e.g., at 50% less effective by default). Multiple sources of Grevious Wounds will not stack but instead refresh the duration.

Sources of Grievous Wounds[]

Sources of Grievous Wounds[]

Removing Grievous Wounds[]

Sources of Grievous Wounds[]

Removing Grievous Wounds[]

Sources of Grievous Wounds[]

Removing Grievous Wounds[]

Sources of Grievous Wounds[]

Removing Grievous Wounds[]

Sources of Grievous Wounds[]

Removing Grievous Wounds[]

Sources of Grievous Wounds[]

Removing Grievous Wounds[]

Sources of Grievous Wounds[]

Removing Grievous Wounds[]

Patch History[]

  • Bug Fix: Is no longer two times stronger than it should be. Healing reduction reduced to 50% from 75%.
  • Healing reduction reduced to 50% from 80%.
  • Healing reduction reduced to 80% from 100%.
V9.13 - Added
  • Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds
    • A unit that is affected by Grievous Wounds will be prevented from healing any source for the duration. Multiple sources of Grevious Wounds will not stack but instead refresh the duration.