The God-Warriors are the ascended of Shurima.
The Sacred[]
The God-warriors, also known as the Sunborn, were once Shuriman ascended who underwent a transformative ritual to give them extraordinary power and long life so they could safeguard their nation and its interests. It was said that entire campaigns could be won the moment a god-warrior took to the field because their foes chose to turn and flee rather than face them directly. Ascension is a ritual usually decided upon by the Sun Priests (clerics of sun worship) through mystical criteria governed by ritual and superstition. It is usually granted to those who have selflessly served Shurima, giving them the chance to do so even after what would normally be their time to die. While few of them remain, they are still some of the strongest beings on Runeterra. Other versions of the Shuriman ascended are Baccai, and the Darkin.
As an Ascended is created, a celestial concept merges with their mortal body and grants them ascended power. If an Ascended is trapped or removed from reality, the celestial concept connected to them will also be trapped or simply cease to exist.
God-Warrior Champions[]
Other Related Champions[]
- Darkin and being sealed away in his weapon. used to be a Shuriman Ascended before becoming
- knowledge was used to create Shuriman Ascended.
- gauntlet belonged to the Ascended Ne'Zuk.
- Icathia. fought against and at the Battle of
- helped to reverse several Ascended turn Darkin back to human forms and use their hearts to seal away the Darkin.
- belonged to the Ascended Horok.
- was created by the Ascended Ne'Zuk.
- fought against the Ascended Darkin during The Great Darkin War.
- might be an Ascended, but his true nature is an enigma.
- Darkin and being sealed away in his weapon. used to be a Shuriman Ascended before becoming
- is a descendant of and was aided by to escape from Vekaura.
- was aided by to escape from Vekaura with .
- Darkin and being sealed away in his weapon. used to be a Shuriman Ascended before becoming
- Shurima. is a Baccai who betrayed , leading to the downfall of
- Darkin and being sealed away in her weapon. used to be a Shuriman Ascended before becoming
Blessed with incredible strength, speed and a strong affinity for mastering forms of magic. The Ascended are also virtually immune to pain and their lifespan is dramatically increased, however they are not immortal. These transcended beings can bleed, be crippled, or even killed with the right weapon, magic or overwhelming force. Ascension isn't a perfect process. Some were made who were 100% compatible (or as near as makes no difference) with the process and became the types similar to Baccai. Most were somewhere in the middle, divine and super powerful, but not perfect. They're somewhat more resistant to the power of the Void, what with the cosmic power of the sun-disc enchanting their flesh - though they're not immune. But their minds were exposed as being all too vulnerable to the scars of fighting such horrors which led to many of the survivors becoming Darkin later.[1]
, others were failures and became theMost resemble anthropomorphic versions of animals and even gain the unique attributes of such creatures. However each individual who rises to Ascension are shaped after the most prominent ideals one strives to embody; some may become far more bestial in form and others could gain extra appendages. Regardless of appearance their gifted powers elevated them to demigod status as a result. It was also revealed that if a non-Shuriman were to go through the Ascension ritual, they would likely not take an animal form as their mental association with certain ideals wouldn't be tied down to the Shuriman symbolic language. For example, the notion of lord/emperor in Shuriman is that of a golden bird, so Azir's ascended form reflects that. However, a Demacian doesn't make the same association, so a Demacian leader would not transform into a golden bird.
As they were previously humans, Ascended still retain their ability to procreate as humans do. However, they may choose to alter their bodies to not have this ability. The Darkin before being trapped in their weapons had the ability to alter their bodies to a significant amount that they have lost human elements of their physical bodies which they still retained when they were Shuriman Ascended.[2][3]
- Those Ascended by the Sun Disc of Shurima can live for thousands of years.
- In Twilight of the Gods, another name is also given to the Ascended, the Sunborn. Most of the surviving Ascended that participated in the Void War entitled themselves as "Sunborn". It is unclear if all the remaining Ascended, assuming there were Ascended that didn't participate after the events of Where Icathia Once Stood, accepted this title.
- The name, possibly referencing the Sun Disc as the source of their transformation, shares similarities with the names of other races, such as the Iceborn (a race transformed by the Watchers with True Ice), Voidborn (Creatures originating from The Void), and to some extent being known as the Firstborn.
lore and in - Thus far, each known Ascended has displayed unique abilities the others cannot replicate:
- , who studied the cycle of life and death, has and life .
- , being a guardian and gatekeeper, has largely received but can also use some . The seething he built up over millennia of imprisonment with - and torture by - has made him even stronger and deadlier.
- , once the emperor of Shurima, can and its ancient soldiers as well as both some of its ancient artifacts as well.
- Those who survived a failed Ascension ritual are known as the Baccai, who became physically twisted and malformed as a result.
- One of the most extreme examples of Baccai would be , who lost his physical form entirely, presumably what he wanted.
- In the Short Story Where Icathia Once Stood, God-Warriors (presumably the Ascended) are described as 'an awful blend of human and animal', and 'inhuman monsters that defied belief'.
- Setaka was the Warrior Queen of the Ascended Host, and used in combat. She had a lion shaped helmet.
- The extent of the relationship between Mount Targon and Shurima remains unclear, however it is known that the Targonians guided the Shurimans in the creation of the Sun Disc and possibly the fight versus the Void.
- The Shuriman Ascended can be turned back to humans by the power of the Moon, as demonstrated by Ta'anari in the story Twilight of the Gods. The power of moonlight is most often wielded by none other than... aspects.
- Other notable Shuriman Ascended were: , , , Ta'anari (Panther), Enakai (Tiger), Syphax (Chameleon), Zigantus (Bull), Xuuyan (Turtle), Shabaka and Shabake (Raven twins), Valeeva (Unknown), Moneerah (Unknown), Cebotaru (Wolf), Naganeka (Snake), Horok (Unknown) and Ne'Zuk (Unknown).
- Almost all of the Shuriman Ascended, besides a few like Darkin and sealed away in weapon prisons during The Great Darkin War. , and , were either destroyed, or turned into
- Each Aspect is an embodiment of a concept, if they die, the concept they embody (war, twilight, wandering and etc.) will disappear from reality, changing it as a whole. The Darkin had their celestials/concepts already erased, but the efforts of other ascended and mortals with sealing the darkin prevent them from fading into nothingness.[4][5]
See also[]