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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki


  • Champions on the board cannot be feed to a Glutton, only units from the bench.
  • Gluttons gain various amount of stats, depending on the rarity and star level of the unit consumed. The amount of Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)bonus armor/Champions that have been made a Vessel by Test of Spirit (E)magic resistance/ability power gained is the same, while Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)bonus health gained is 15 times that amount (decimals are rounded in-game):
Star Level ►
1 Star 1-Star
2 Star 2-Star
3 Star 3-Star
Unit Cost ▼ HP Other HP Other HP Other
1-Cost 81 5.4 175.5 11.7 1377 91.8
2-Cost 128.25 8.55 270 18 2511 167.4
3-Cost 175.5 11.7 411.75 27.45 3786.75 252.45
4-Cost 222.75 14.85 553.5 36.9 5062.5 337.5
5-Cost 270 18 695.25 46.35 6338.25 422.5
  • The types of stats gained from eating a unit are based off of their traits:
    • Bruiser Bruiser, Colossus Colossus and Yordle-Lord Yordle-Lord grants Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)bonus health.
    • Bodyguard Bodyguard grants Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)bonus armor.
    • Enchanter Enchanter grants Champions that have been made a Vessel by Test of Spirit (E)bonus magic resistance.
    • All others grant ability power.
  • Eating a unit with items will detach those items from the champion.
  • Each unit eaten grant stats only for one trait. Stats are prioritized in the order of armor and magic resistance, then health, then ability power.
  • A unit's original traits will be prioritized over any traits gained through Emblems or Augments.
  • Hyper Roll: Gains twice as many stats from eating units.



  • Champions on the board cannot be feed to a Glutton, only units from the bench.
  • Gluttons gain various amount of stats, depending on the rarity and star level of the unit consumed. The amount of Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)bonus armor/Champions that have been made a Vessel by Test of Spirit (E)magic resistance/ability power gained is the same, while Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)bonus health gained is 15 times that amount (decimals are rounded in-game):
Star Level ►
1 Star 1-Star
2 Star 2-Star
3 Star 3-Star
Unit Cost ▼ HP Other HP Other HP Other
1-Cost 81 5.4 175.5 11.7 1377 91.8
2-Cost 128.25 8.55 270 18 2511 167.4
3-Cost 175.5 11.7 411.75 27.45 3786.75 252.45
4-Cost 222.75 14.85 553.5 36.9 5062.5 337.5
5-Cost 270 18 695.25 46.35 6338.25 422.5
  • The types of stats gained from eating a unit are based off of their traits:
    • Bruiser Bruiser, Colossus Colossus, Protector Protector and Yordle-Lord Yordle-Lord grants Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)bonus health.
    • Bodyguard Bodyguard grants Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)bonus armor.
    • Enchanter Enchanter grants Champions that have been made a Vessel by Test of Spirit (E)bonus magic resistance.
    • All others grant ability power.
  • Eating a unit with items will detach those items from the champion.
  • Each unit eaten grant stats only for one trait. Stats are prioritized in the order of armor and magic resistance, then health, then ability power.
  • A unit's original traits will be prioritized over any traits gained through Emblems or Augments.
  • Hyper Roll: Gains twice as many stats from eating units.


Patch History[]

V12.4 - Returning
  • When feeding a Glutton, a mini progress bar appears that helps you understand how long to hold.
  • Removed: Can no longer feed champions on the board, only from the bench.
  • 1-Star stats reduced to 5.4 / 8.55 / 11.7 / 14.85 / 18 from 6 / 9.5 / 13 / 16.5 / 20.
  • 2-Star stats reduced to 11.7 / 18 / 27.45 / 36.9 / 46.35 from 13 / 20 / 30.5 / 41 / 51.5.
  • 3-Star stats reduced to 91.8 / 167.4 / 252.45 / 337.5 / 422.55 from 102 / 186 / 280.5 / 375 / 469.5.
  • New Effect: 3-Star Gluttons now gain 20 times the stat when fed an ally.
V11.22 - Added
  • Synergy: Once per planning phase, you can feed a unit to a Glutton champion. This unit is consumed, granting them permanent bonus stats. The more valuable the unit, the bigger the bonus. To feed the Glutton, hover a unit over them until their mouth opens, then release.
  • Champion: Tahm Kench Tahm Kench.