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League of Legends Wiki
Glacial Augment is a rune in Wild Rift icon Wild Rift.

Patch History[]

  • Zone slow health ratio reduced from Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)2% bonus health to Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)1.5% bonus health.
  • Target's outgoing damage reduction reduced from 15% to 12%.
V4.3 - Added
  • Type: Keystone rune.
  • Passive: When you basic attack an enemy champion, they are Slow icon slowed by 20% for 1.5 seconds. (10 seconds cooldown per target)
  • Passive: Stun icon WR Immobilizing an enemy champion will cause 3 glacial rays to emanate from them, creating icy zones that last for 3 seconds. Enemies within the zone are Slow icon slowed by (20 + Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)2% of your bonus health)% and deal 15% reduced damage against you and your allies. The slow persists for 1.5 seconds after leaving the zone. (20 seconds cooldown)

