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Rare Gem

Gemstone Rare Gems Gemstones were introduced in V6.3 and are used to forge exclusive loot in Hextech Crafting. Gemstones were retired and replaced with Mythic Essence in V12.6.

Obtaining Gemstones[]

  • Opening a Hextech Crafting Chest Hextech Chest or Hextech Crafting Masterwork Chest Masterwork Chest with a Hextech Crafting Key Hextech Key has a 3.6% chance of giving you a gemstone (increased to 4% with bad luck protection).
  • One guaranteed gemstone is given every 50 progressed levels, starting at summoner level 150 via the Leveling System.
  • During the Essence Emporium, unique gemstones can be bought for 50,000 BE 50,000, 75,000 BE 75,000, and 100,000 BE 100,000. These are respectively given with an exclusive icon: Gemstone Knight profileicon Gemstone Knight, Gemstone Prince profileicon Gemstone Prince, and Gemstone King profileicon Gemstone King.
  • Can be obtained through Events, like the 10th Anniversary Event.

Loot Exclusive Content[]


These cosmetics are always available and can be obtain in different ways:

  • Buying them with Gemstones Rare Gems Gemstones.
  • Opening a Hextech Crafting Chest Hextech Chest (0.04% chance).
  • Opening a Mystery Mythic Skin Shard Token Mythical Skin token.
  • Re-rolling shards.
Cosmetic Gemstone cost
Hextech Alistar Hextech Alistar 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Amumu Hextech Amumu 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Annie Hextech Annie 10 Rare Gems 10
Dark Star Cho'Gath Dark Star Cho'Gath 10 Rare Gems 10
Dreadnova Darius Dreadnova Darius 10 Rare Gems 10
Lancer Zero Hecarim Lancer Zero Hecarim 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Jarvan IV Hextech Jarvan IV 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Kassadin Hextech Kassadin 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Kog'Maw Hextech Kog'Maw 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Malzahar Hextech Malzahar 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Nocturne Hextech Nocturne 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Poppy Hextech Poppy 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Rammus Hextech Rammus 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Renekton Hextech Renekton 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Sejuani Hextech Sejuani 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Swain Hextech Swain 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Tristana Hextech Tristana 10 Rare Gems 10
Soulstealer Vayne Soulstealer Vayne 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Ziggs Hextech Ziggs 10 Rare Gems 10
Hextech Ward Hextech Ward 5 Rare Gems 5

The following is not gemstone-exclusive but can be bought with gemstones:

Cosmetic Gemstone cost
One Masterwork Chest and one Hextech Key.
Hextech Crafting Masterwork Chest
1 Rare Gems 1


These cosmetics were available at one point and could be obtained in different ways:

  • Buying them with Gemstones Rare Gems Gemstones
  • Opening a Hextech Crafting Chest Hextech Chest (0.04% chance)
  • Opening a Mystery Mythic Skin Shard Token Mythical Skin token
  • Re-rolling shards
Cosmetic Gemstone cost Mystery Mythic Skin Shard Token Token Availability Notes
Neo PAX Sivir Neo PAX Sivir 10 Rare Gems 10 No 31-Aug-2017 to 8-Jan-2018 Can also be obtained with a Redeemable Code from Riot events.
Dawnbringer Ward Dawnbringer Ward 3 Rare Gems 3 Yes Unknown
Nightbringer Ward Nightbringer Ward 3 Rare Gems 3 Yes Unknown
Re-Gifted Amumu Emote Re-Gifted Amumu Emote 1 Rare Gems 1 No 12-Dec-2017 to 8-Jan-2018 These emotes have been gifted to all player, who owned the corresponding icons from the Snowdown Event 2016.
Snowbells Emote Snowbells Emote 1 Rare Gems 1 No
Poro Snax Emote Poro Snax Lover Emote 2 Rare Gems 2 No
Hat's Off Emote Hat's Off Emote 5 Rare Gems 5 No 26-Jun-2018 to 10-Jul-2018 Reward for all player who bought an emote before V8.12

Lunar Revel[]

These bundles (icon + golden chroma) were available during the 2018 Lunar Revel event. Each bundle costed 5 Rare Gems 5 gemstones (or one Golden Revel Token Golden Revel Token):

Bundle Gemstone cost Availability
Lunar Wraith Caitlyn Lunar Wraith Caitlyn
Caitlyn LunarWraith (Golden)Golden Caitlyn profileicon
5 Rare Gems 5 08-Feb-2018 to 19-Feb-2018
Dragonwing Corki Dragonwing Corki
Corki Dragonwing (Golden)Golden Corki profileicon
5 Rare Gems 5
Warring Kingdoms Garen Warring Kingdoms Garen
Garen WarringKingdoms (Golden)Golden Garen profileicon
5 Rare Gems 5
Warring Kingdoms Katarina Warring Kingdoms Katarina
Katarina WarringKingdoms (Golden)Golden Katarina profileicon
5 Rare Gems 5
Guqin Sona Guqin Sona
Sona Guqin (Golden)Golden Sona profileicon
5 Rare Gems 5
Dragonblade Riven Dragonblade Riven
Riven Dragonblade (Golden)Golden Riven profileicon
5 Rare Gems 5

Previous events[]

During certain events, it was possible to get gemstones:

Event Obtaining Gemstones Patch
10th Anniversary Event There is a 11 missions series. Complete the ninth mission, players will be awarded with two gemstones. V9.20, V9.21
Battle Academia The Battle Academia Mega Bundle includes all 6 Battle Academia skins (Battle Academia Ezreal Battle Academia Ezreal, Battle Professor Graves Battle Professor Graves,Battle Academia Jayce Battle Academia Jayce, Battle Academia Katarina Battle Academia Katarina, Battle Academia Lux Battle Academia Lux and Battle Principal Yuumi Battle Principal Yuumi), all six Border and Border Icons and one gemstone for 11870 RP 11870. V9.10
The iG Signature Edition Set includes all 6 iG skins ( iG Camille iG Camille, iG Fiora iG Fiora, iG Irelia iG Irelia, iG Kai'Sa iG Kai'Sa, iG LeBlanc iG LeBlanc and iG Rakan iG Rakan), all 6 Signature Border, the Championship Hot Dog Ward Championship Hot Dog Ward and one gemstone for 13440 RP 13440. V9.8
April Fools' Day The Kitty Box included one Gemstone, 5 Furry Capsules, 25 Prestige Points and the Best In Show profileicon Best In The Show Icon for 4750 RP 4750. V9.6
There was a Gemstone included on Masterwork Chest with a Key, 20 Prestige Points, the Blood Moon Descent profileicon Blood Moon Descent Icon and one Gemstone for 1750 RP 1750. V9.1
Snowdown The Winter Wonder Packin including 5 Snowdown Capsules, 250 Snowdown Tokens, the Hungwy profileicon Hungwy Icon and one Gemstone for 4750 RP 4750. V8.24
Odyssey The Lost Crystal Pack included 20 Odyssey Orbs, 110 Odyssey Token, the Ora profileicon Ora Icon and one Gemstone for 5000 RP 5000. V8.18
Pool Party The King Crab Bag Bundle included 5 Position Orb for each position (Top Lane, Jungle, Mid Land, Marksman and Support), one Crab Bag ( Includes 6 skin shards for each role - Assassin, Fighter, Mage, Marksman, Support and Tank), the Tasty Beverage profileicon Tasty Beverage Icon and one gemstone for 7375 RP 7375. V8.15
The SSG Signature Edition Set includes all 6 SSG skins ( SSG Ezreal SSG EzrealSSG Gnar SSG Gnar, SSG Jarvan IV SSG Jarvan IV, SSG Rakan SSG Rakan, SSG Taliyah SSG Taliyah and SSG Xayah SSG Xayah), all 6 Signature Border and one gemstone for  13440 RP 13440. V8.14
Chaos and Order 2018 It was possible to obtain a VS. Gemstone Mega Pack which included a gemstone, 10 Lion Orb, 10 Wolf Orb, 176 VS. Tokens and the Lion's Covenant profileicon Lion's Covenant Icon and the Wolf's Pact profileicon Wolf's Pact Icon for 5000 RP 5000. V8.13
Burning Tide A gemstone could be bought alongside a Bloodharbor Medallion (Event exclusive chest) and the King of the Sea profileicon King of the Sea icon for 1350 RP 1350. V8.11
2018 Lunar Revel A gemstone could be bought alongside the Puppy Warwick profileicon Puppy Warwick icon for 1250 RP 1250. V8.3
Snowdown Showdown Unique gemstones could be bought by purchasing the following summoner icons: Gemstone Stocking profileicon Gemstone Stocking, Gemstone Pengu profileicon Gemstone Pengu, Gemstone Poro profileicon Gemstone Poro. V7.24
Worlds 2017 It was possible to obtain the Worlds Master Pass which included a gemstone and the 2017 Worlds Master Pass profileicon Worlds Master Pass Icon for 1300 to 1000 RP 1300 to 1000 depending when the Pass was bought. V7.18 until V7.20
Arcade 2017 Boss World had the Dungeon Pass which included a gemstone, the Arcade Poro Ward Arcade Poro Ward, the Arcade Poro profileicon Arcade Poro Icon and a bonus Good Orb for 1495 RP 1495. V7.16
Chaos and Order 2017 It was possible to buy the Way of Order Pass (including one Orb of Order, 100 Order Tokens, a Hextech Chest and Key and the Dawnbringer Ward Dawnbringer Ward) and the Way of Chaos Pass (including one Orb of Chaos, 100 Chaos Tokens, a Hextech Chest and Key and the Nightbringer Ward Nightbringer Ward) for 1300 RP 1300 which included a gemstone as mission reward. V7.12
  • Epic Capsule Epic Capsules were limited time capsules. They rewarded you with 3 skins, at least one being Epic and increased Chance of getting Gemstone.