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League of Legends Wiki

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"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Champion Spotlight[]

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Doran's Blade item Health Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Sheen item Phage item Boots of Speed item
Essential Trinity Force item Ionian Boots of Lucidity item Infinity Edge item
Offensive Essence Reaver item Youmuu's Ghostblade item Last Whisper item
Defensive Edge of Night item Spirit Visage item Guardian Angel item
Situational Death's Daughter item Raise Morale item Fire at Will item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Wrath item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Boots of Speed item Doran's Blade item Health Potion item2
Essential Trinity Force item Spirit Visage item Ionian Boots of Lucidity item
Offensive Essence Reaver item The Black Cleaver item Youmuu's Ghostblade item
Defensive Randuin's Omen item Frozen Heart item Warmog's Armor item
Situational Death's Daughter item Raise Morale item Fire at Will item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Howling Abyss
Starting Sheen item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item
Essential Trinity Force item Ionian Boots of Lucidity item Infinity Edge item
Offensive Phantom Dancer item Statikk Shiv item Lord Dominik's Regards item
Defensive Dead Man's Plate item Maw of Malmortius item Edge of Night item
Situational Death's Daughter item Raise Morale item Fire at Will item
Consumables Oracle's Extract item Health Potion item Corrupting Potion item Elixir of Wrath item


Playing As Gangplank Gangplank
Playing Against Gangplank Gangplank
  • Parrrley Parrrley does a high amount of physical damage. Items that grant armor can help if an enemy Gangplank is doing well.
  • Once Gangplank reaches level 6, watch out for his global-range ultimate, Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage!


Ability Usage[]

Trial by Fire Trial by Fire
  • Detonate a barrel barrel to gain a burst a movement speed.
  • The damage over time component increases his duelling capacities, use it to stick to your target.
Parrrley Parrrley
  • It is Gangplank's Gangplank's core ability, it should be maxed out first. It is a ranged attack that applies on-hit effects and that can Critical strike icon critically strike.
  • It is used to last-hit minions in order to generate Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold and Silver Serpents Silver Serpents to upgrade Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage.
    • Early game, it is best to not only use Parrrley on minions, Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold and Silver Serpents Silver Serpents are less important than kill pressure.
  • Detonate a barrel barrel with it to deal massive AoE damage.
  • Use it against your opponent whenever you can to harass them and farm with your basic attacks.
    • It makes it harder to farm, but now you are a lane bully and it's very difficult for the enemy to trade back if you consistently land your Parrrleys.
Remove Scurvy Remove Scurvy
  • One point in this ability is enough, the Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)missing health component instantly heal you as much as a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will. Be careful not to use this to often if you have lack mana regeneration, as the mana cost is pretty high, even at rank 1.
Powder Keg Powder Keg
  • Multiple Powder Kegs can be chained up to create an explosive chain of barrel. You can place one of them under the turret and another further away to harass your lane opponent from a fair distance away.
  • Powder Keg, combined with Parrrley Parrrley, can be a devastating farming tool to last-hit minions. If the splash damage last-hit the minions hit, it will grants the bonus Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold and Silver Serpents Silver Serpents from Parrrley Parrrley for each minion killed.
  • It can also be a game changing ability combined with a Critical strike icon critically strike Parrrley Parrrley against enemy champions. This is because Powder Keg Powder Keg ignores Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)a part of the target's armor and deals bonus damage against enemy champions. The Critical strike icon critically strike Parrrley Parrrley will splash out the all enemies and apply the armor penetration and bonus damage from Powder Keg Powder Keg.
  • While low on health, you can use your barrels defensively by placing them on top of you or a little behind, making it hard for your opponent to kill the barrels.
Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage
  • It can be used to defend a turret sieged by minions.
  • It can be used in teamfights where damage or crowd control is needed.
  • It can also be used to gank another lane, giving you easy assists or kills if you are lucky.
  • Thanks to the Silver Serpents Silver Serpents earned with Parrrley Parrrley, Gangplank Gangplank has the option to upgrade Cannon Barrage with either Death's Daughter Death's Daughter, Raise Morale Raise Morale or Fire at Will Fire at Will.
    • Death's Daughter Death's Daughter will deal more damage at the beginning of the ability, making the ability better at bursting down a target.
    • Raise Morale Raise Morale will grant bonus movement speed to allies within the area. This is probably this worst upgrade, as Cannon Barrage should be used on enemies, and not on allies.
      • However, if you use Raise Morale on a retreating enemy team, it can combine the slow and bonuse movement speed to make the chase much quicker and easier.
    • Fire at Will Fire at Will will slightly increase the ability's total damage.

Rune Usage[]

  • The perfect keystone for Gangplank Gangplank is Kleptomancy Kleptomancy. He is the best user for this rune because of how easy he can proc it and how often he can also. Kleptomancy Kleptomancy synergizes perfectly with Gangplank Gangplank because it triggers with Parrrley Parrrley, giving him more gold Gold gold and more sustain thanks to the potions looted.
  • Biscuit Delivery Biscuit Delivery gives him more lane sustain, and increases his maximum mana.
    • Biscuits looted by Kleptomancy Kleptomancy will also increase his maximum mana.
  • Perfect Timing Perfect Timing can increase your survivability to ganks by using the Stopwatch Stopwatch.
  • Magical Footwear Magical Footwear gives you free boots at 10:00 that will build into Tier 2 boots at a reduced cost. 
    • Magical Footwear Magical Footwear gives you the boots at 10:00, but it can get them quicker if you manage to get takedowns on enemy champions.
  • Future's Market Future's Market allows you to get into negative gold balance to buy any item, up to a gold limit.
  • Cosmic Insight Cosmic Insight gives him much needed cooldown reduction.
  • Time Warp Tonic Time Warp Tonic gives you bonus movement speed and increased duration on potions and elixirs.
  • Another great keystone that more and more people are taking recently on Gangplank Gangplank is Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying.
    • The reasoning why this keystone is so good on Gangplank Gangplank is because Parrrley Parrrley procs the keystone. 
      • Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying gives the full benefit to melee champions only, while ranged champions get all the benefits reduced by 40%.
        • Parrrley Parrrley grants the full benefit of this keystone but as a ranged ability, because Parrrley Parrrley is an on-hit ranged ability coming from a melee champion.
  • Conditioning ConditioningBone Plating Bone Plating, or Chrysalis Chrysalis can be picked, based on preferences and on the matchup.
  • Second Wind Second Wind increases his lane sustain, and makes him more resilient in the long term.
  • Transcendence Transcendence gives him much needed cooldown reduction, and allows him to exceed the cap the gain more attack damage.
  • Scorch Scorch will deal additional damage with Parrrley Parrrley.

Item Usage[]


  • Gangplank Gangplank is going to try to farm most of the time, prevent that by playing aggressively.
  • Gangplank's Gangplank's Powder Keg Powder Keg can be devastating for your team in teamfights, always try to last hit his barrels in order to disarm them.

