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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]


Original Original
A skin's voice-over set may feature: a filtered variation for some or all of the base skin's quotes; additional or replaced quotes. A skin's sound effect set may feature: unique events; replacements of the base skin's SFX for some or all events. Skin variants (e.g. Prestige) inherit all audio from their regular version, but can feature unique quotes or SFX.


First Move[]


First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Graves Graves
First Encounter with Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
First Encounter with Twisted Fate Twisted Fate





Basic Attacking[]


Ability Casting[]

Using Parrrley Parrrley[]

Hitting an Enemy

Using Remove Scurvy Remove Scurvy[]

Cleansing from Stun icon Crowd Control

Using Powder Keg Powder Keg[]

Detonating 3 or more Barrels

Using Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage[]

Audible in the target area:

Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage Upgrading[]

Death's Daughter Death's Daughter
Fire at Will Fire at Will
Raise Morale Raise Morale

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing Graves Graves
Killing Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
Killing Twisted Fate Twisted Fate


Buying Bloodthirster Bloodthirster
Buying Infinity Edge Infinity Edge
Buying Serpent's Fang Serpent's Fang
Buying Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv
Buying Trinity Force Trinity Force

Other Gameplay[]

Placing a Ward icon Ward

Recall Recall[]



First Move[]


First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Gragas Gragas
First Encounter with Graves Graves
First Encounter with Maokai Maokai
First Encounter with Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
First Encounter with Nautilus Nautilus
First Encounter with Twisted Fate Twisted Fate





Basic Attacking[]


Attacking the Dragon Dragon

Ability Casting[]

Using Parrrley Parrrley[]

Hitting an Enemy

Using Remove Scurvy Remove Scurvy[]

Cleansing from Stun icon Crowd Control

Using Powder Keg Powder Keg[]

Detonating 3 or more Barrels

Using Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage[]

Audible in the target area:

Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage Upgrading[]

Death's Daughter Death's Daughter
Fire at Will Fire at Will
Raise Morale Raise Morale


Buying Bloodthirster Bloodthirster
Buying Infinity Edge Infinity Edge
Buying Serpent's Fang Serpent's Fang
Buying Statikk Shiv Statikk Shiv
Buying Trinity Force Trinity Force

Other Gameplay[]

Placing a Ward icon Ward

Recall Recall[]


The Gangplank Gangplank Announcer pack was a limited time announcer during the July 2015 event, Burning Tides. It featured the newly reworked Gangplank Gangplank as an alternate announcer on all PvP maps.

Game Start[]

Upon Entering Summoner's Rift
Upon Entering Howling Abyss
Upon Entering Butcher's Bridge
Upon Entering Twisted Treeline
Minions Spawning
Altars Spawning

Kill Announcements[]

Upon Ally First Blood
Upon Enemy First Blood
On Player Kill
On Player Death
On Ally Kill
On Enemy Kill
Upon Execution
When An Ally Ace Occurs
When An Enemy Ace Occur

Multikill Announcements[]

Player Double Kill
Player Triple Kill
Player Quadra Kill
Player Pentakill
Player Legendary Kill
Ally Double Kill
Ally Triple Kill
Ally Quadra Kill
Ally Pentakill
Ally Legendary Kill
Enemy Double Kill
Enemy Triple Kill
Enemy Quadra Kill
Enemy Pentakill
Enemy Legendary Kill

Spree Announcements[]

Player Killing Spree
Player Rampage
Player Is Dominating
Player Is Unstoppable
Player Is Godlike
Player Is Legendary
An Ally Killing Spree
An Ally Rampage
An Ally Is Dominating
An Ally Is Unstoppable
An Ally Is Godlike
An Ally Is Legendary
An Enemy Killing Spree
An Enemy Rampage
An Enemy Is Dominating
An Enemy Is Unstoppable
An Enemy Is Godlike
An Enemy Is Legendary
Upon Shut-Down

Objective Announcements[]

Upon An Allied Turret Being Destroyed
Upon An Enemy Turret Being Destroyed
Upon Allied Inhibitor Being Destroyed
Upon Enemy Inhibitor Being Destroyed
Upon Allied Inhibitor Respawning Soon
Upon Enemy Inhibitor Respawning Soon
Upon Allied Nexus Taking Damage
On Ally Dragon Dragon Kill
On Enemy Dragon Dragon Kill
On Ally Baron Nashor Baron Nashor Kill
On Enemy Baron Nashor Baron Nashor Kill

Game Conclusion[]

On Victory
On Defeat

General Announcements[]

Upon Player Disconnection
Upon Player Reconnection

Game Start[]

Upon Entering Crystal Scar
Before The Nexus Opens

Objective Announcements[]

An Ally Captured Points
An Enemy Captured Points
An Ally Neutralized Points
An Enemy Neutralized Points
Upon Allied Nexus Taking Damage
Upon Enemy Nexus Taking Damage

General Announcements[]

Blue Team Multikills
Red Team Multikills
Purple Team Multikills
Blue Team Objective Announcements
Red Team Objective Announcements
Purple Team Objective Announcements

Crystal Scar Announcements[]

General Objective Announcements
Blue Team Objective Announcements
Red Team Objective Announcements
Purple Team Objective Announcements



Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge
Captain Gangplank Captain Gangplank
Special Forces Gangplank Special Forces Gangplank
  • In the Brazilian localization, this skin has a unique voiceover done by Nestor Chiesse. Most of the quotes reference the Brazilian movie Tropa de Elite.
  • The quotes are as follows:
    • "Não posso descansar, missão dada você já sabe!" ("I can't rest—mission given, you already know!")
    • "Não quero ver ninguém parado enquanto a missão não for cumprida!" ("I don't want to see anyone standing still while the mission is not accomplished!")
    • "Comigo é assim: eu fatio e passo." ("I work as such: slice and pass.")
    • "Tu não é campeão! Tu é moleque." ("You're not a champion! You are a kid.")
    • "Não aguenta? Bebe leite." ("Can't stand up? Drink milk.")
    • "É tu mesmo, seu fanfarrão!" ("It's you, your bragger!")
    • "Aí! A casa caiu! A casa caiu!" ("Hey! Things fell apart! Things fell apart!")
    • "Véi, na boa, volta para casa!" ("Bro, come back home!")
    • "Vou sentar o dedo!" ("I will pull the trigger!!")
    • "Vambora! Não mandei ninguém parar!" ("Let's go! I didn't tell anyone to stop!")
    • "Vamo invadir pelo mato." ("Let's invade through the bush.")
    • "Eu sou o novo xerife." ("I'm the new chief.")
    • "Quem manda aqui sou eu e a parada vai ficar tensa!" ("I'm in charge here, and it's going to get tense!")
    • "Vamo, vamo, vamo!" ("Let's go, let's go, let's go!")
    • "Forças especiais? Vocês? Hah!" ("Special forces? You guys? Hah!")
Sultan Gangplank Sultan Gangplank
  • In the Turkish localization, he has unique voiceover, done by Zafer Algöz.
  • The quotes are as follows:
    • "Ben ki Kaptan-ı Derya'yım!" ("I am the Kaptan-ı Derya!")
    • "Dalgaların merhameti olmaz." ("The seas have no mercy.")
    • "Ohohoho, hırçın dalgalar misali!" ("Ohohoho, like wild waves!")
    • "Rüzgar pruvadan esiyor!" ("Wind's coming from the bow!")
    • "Hayyyde breee!" ("Let's goooo!")
    • "Şimal yıldızını takip et!" ("Follow the north star!")
    • "İskele alabanda!" ("Take a full turn!")
    • "Çok olsa da koyunun sürüsü, yeter hepsine kasabın birisi, he he!" ("Even if there's a lot of sheep, one butcher is enough for all of them.")
    • "Elimde kılıç, göğsümde iman!" ("Sword in my hand, faith in my heart!")
    • "Sanma ki hain berhudar olur!" ("Don't think that a traitor will be content!")
    • "Çakaralmaz'ım hazır!" ("My pistol is ready!")
    • "Aganta burina burinata!" ("Set sail!")
    • "Yedi Denize nam salacağım!" ("Everyone in the Seven Seas will know my name!")
    • "Pusula nereyi gösterirse!" ("Wherever the compass shows!")
    • "Denizden geldik, denize dönüyoruz." ("We came from the sea, and we will return to it.")
    • "Koskoca ummanda, bir damla kadar kıymetin yok!" ("You're not even worth a droplet in the grand ocean!")

