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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

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"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Champion Spotlight[]

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Corrupting Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Catalyst of Aeons item Boots of Speed item Blasting Wand item
Essential Sorcerer's Shoes item Rod of Ages item Morellonomicon item
Standard Rabadon's Deathcap item Liandry's Torment item
Situational Zhonya's Hourglass item Luden's Echo item Void Staff item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Sorcery item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Doran's Ring item2 Health Potion item
Early Catalyst of Aeons item Boots of Speed item Negatron Cloak item
Essential Sorcerer's Shoes item Rod of Ages item Abyssal Mask item
Standard Iceborn Gauntlet item Spirit Visage item Void Staff item
Situational Randuin's Omen item Banshee's Veil item Wooglet's Witchcap item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Sorcery item
Howling Abyss
Starting Guardian's Orb item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item
Essential Rod of Ages (Quick Charge) item Mercury's Treads item Abyssal Mask item
Standard Rabadon's Deathcap item Void Staff item Spirit Visage item
Situational Iceborn Gauntlet item Zhonya's Hourglass item Banshee's Veil item
Consumables Oracle's Extract item Health Potion item Elixir of Sorcery item


Playing As Galio Galio
Playing Against Galio Galio


Ability Usage
  • Colossal Smash Colossal Smash combined with Winds of War Winds of War can clear minion waves very quickly even with minimal AP. Justice Punch Justice Punch can also be used to finish off any remaining low health minions if needed.
  • Colossal Smash Colossal Smash should be used as early in a fight as possible so you can proc it multiple times.
  • Colossal Smash Colossal Smash does bonus damage to structures as well. Just make sure you don't accidentally hit opponents next to a tower with the AoE.
  • Use Winds of War Winds of War to whittle down your opponents before you all in them.
    • Be wary of your mana pool as this ability gets very costly with a few points in it.
  • Position yourself so that Winds of War Winds of War hits enemies with both the initial gusts and the tornado if possible.
    • If not, landing the tornado is usually good enough as it does good damage to all targets due to the % health damage.
  • Shield of Durand Shield of Durand can hold down enemies to prevent them from dodging Winds of War Winds of War.
  • Allow the passive shield from Shield of Durand Shield of Durand to refresh whenever possible as Galio has no other innate defence against magic damage, especially when it comes to ranged harass.
  • Charge Shield of Durand Shield of Durand if you see incoming Crowd Control which you can't avoid. The channel won't be interrupted and the damage reduction will help you weather the assault until you can use your other abilities.
  • Shield of Durand Shield of Durand slows enemies who get taunted which makes it more useful when peeling or running away.
  • You can Flash Flash while charging Shield of Durand Shield of Durand to catch enemies off guard.
  • Although monsters won't be taunted, Shield of Durand Shield of Durand can still be used to tank their damage which may be worthwhile against Epic Monsters.
Mastery Usage
Item Usage
  • Even though Galio Galio is focused at dealing with magic damage champions, he is not completely useless against physical damage champions. Many of them still deal some magic damage with their kits, and Galio can build armor. His Shield of Durand Shield of Durand's active still reduces physical damage, even if the passive shield has little use against ADs. His amount of crowd control is also deadly against ADs too.
    • Still, picking an AD champion against Galio is by no means a bad idea. It forces him to start by building armor instead of building magic resistance which would make him scale better during the game. Also, ADs often have better tools to break through Galio's defenses.
  • To prevent Galio from using his Justice Punch Justice Punch to escape, try to stick to him. This way, Galio will stop at you and he will be unable to escape.
  • Be wary that with some AP, Winds of War Winds of War is a very effective waveclear tool. Try to pick champions that can compete with his waveclear.
    • It is also a good way to harass the enemy, so building magic resistance is recommended, especially because all of Galio's offensive abilities deal magic damage.
  • Vel'Koz Vel'Koz is one of the best mages to pick against Galio because of his Organic Deconstruction Organic Deconstruction passive which allows him to do true damage, bypassing all magic resistance that Galio builds, in addition to bypassing the shield from Shield of Durand Shield of Durand. In addition, Vel'Koz has high range and waveclear, two things that make him safe during the lane phase against Galio.

