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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki
Future's Market is a rune in Wild Rift icon Wild Rift.


  • The conditions for leaving the shop is the same as the conditions that disables your ability to undo purchases, and is tied to both distance from the shopkeeper as well as combat status. A few other effects and triggers will also classify you as leaving the shop.
  • The maximum loan is 159 − ∞ (based on minutes) Gold 159 − ∞ (based on minutes).

Patch History[]

V4.3 - Added
  • Type: Inspiration Slot 2 rune.
  • Passive: After 2:00 elapse, you can enter debt to buy items, up to 145 Gold 145 (+ 7 Gold 7 per minute), which is displayed as negative gold in your treasury. Future's Market activates after 2:00 elapse.

