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League of Legends Wiki
First Strike is a rune in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


  • On champions without immobilizing effects, Glacial Augment Glacial Augment is exchanged with this.
  • First Strike's bonus damage will trigger from all damage types, including Hybrid penetration true damage.
  • First Strike will trigger from spells that deal 0 damage.
  • First Strike goes on cooldown upon its activation.
  • The triggering instance of damage will also benefit from First Strike's bonus damage.
  • First Strike will benefit from damaging multiple champions in combat.
  • First Strike will fire a missile at the target for each instance of damage dealt to them per cast instance while the effect is active.
    • This missile has a fixed travel time of 0.4 seconds.
      • The first instance of bonus damage by First Strike is dealt after the same delay.
    • This missile does not determine the rune's effects.
    • If multiple targets are damaged at the same time, the missile will be sent towards the first target hit.
    • This missile causes the user to be Sight icon revealed briefly.

Map-Specific Differences[]

Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss differences edit
  • Base gold changed to 15 Gold 15.
  • Gold based on damage dealt changed to (Melee role 60% / Ranged role 42%).
ProfileIcon0785 The Thinking Manatee Ultra Rapid Fire differences edit
  • Cooldown changed to 15 − 9 (based on level) seconds.
  • Cooldown doesn't continue scaling past level 18.
Arena icon Arena differences edit
  • Obtained from the From Beginning to End augment From Beginning to End augment.
    • Bonus damage changed to 15%.
    • Base gold changed to 6 Gold 6.
    • Gold based on damage dealt changed to (Melee role 120% / Ranged role 90%).
    • Cooldown changed to 10 seconds at all levels.


Sound Effects[]

Rune ready
Missile Launch
Missile Hit

Patch History[]

  • Base gold reduced to 10 Gold 10 from 15 Gold 15.
  • Bonus damage reduced to 7% from 8%.
  • Bonus damage increased to 8% from 7%.
  • Base gold increased to 15 Gold 15 from 5 Gold 5.
  • Damage to gold reduced to (Melee role 50% / Ranged role 35%) of damage dealt from (Melee role 100% / Ranged role 70%).
  • Bonus damage reduced to 7% from 8%.
  • Bonus damage reduced to 8% from 9%.
  • Bug Fix: Now properly grants gold when affecting lethal damage dealt to enemies, as previously the missile hitting a dead target would skip its damage event and therefore not evaluate the gold reward for the lethal damage.
  • Bug Fix: Damage mitigated by shields and similar effects is now properly counted for granting gold.
  • Bug Fix: Damage dealt right after the effect ends due to the missile's travel time is now properly granting gold.
  • Bonus damage reduced to 9% from 10%.
  • Bug Fix: No longer reveals the user in the Fog of War when it is triggered.
  • Undocumented: Cooldown no longer resets upon death.
V11.23 - Added
  • Replaces Prototype: Omnistone Prototype: Omnistone.
  • Inspiration icon Inspiration Keystone rune.
    • Passive: Dealing damage or applying a Stun icon crowd control effect to an enemy champion within the first 0.25 seconds of champion combat, grants 5 Gold 5 and First Strike for 3 seconds, causing all of your post-mitigation damage dealt against champions to deal Skillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) 10% bonus true damage. Afterwards, you are granted (Melee role 100% / Ranged role 70%) of all bonus damage dealt within the duration as gold.
      • First Strike will be placed on cooldown after being struck by an enemy champion before you strike them.
    • Cooldown: 25 − 15 (based on level) seconds.

