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League of Legends Wiki
Ezreal OriginalCentered
Ezreal (Universe)Ezreal (Universe)
Ezreal (League of Legends)Ezreal (League of Legends)
Ezreal (Esports)Ezreal (Esports)
Ezreal (Teamfight Tactics)Ezreal (Teamfight Tactics)
Ezreal (Legends of Runeterra)Ezreal (Legends of Runeterra)
Ezreal (Wild Rift)Ezreal (Wild Rift)
Ezreal (Development)Ezreal (Development)
Ezreal (Trivia)Ezreal (Trivia)


Ezreal OriginalSkin
Original Ezreal View in 3D
880 RP 880 / 16-Mar-2010
Ezreal FrostedSkin
Frosted Ezreal View in 3D
520 RP 520 / 18-Jul-2010
Ezreal PulsefireSkin
Pulsefire Ezreal View in 3D
3250 RP 3250 / 29-Jun-2012
Ezreal DebonairSkin
Debonair Ezreal View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 05-Aug-2014
Ezreal AceofSpadesSkin
Ace of Spades Ezreal View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 20-May-2015
Ezreal ArcadeSkin
Arcade Ezreal View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 24-Aug-2016
Ezreal StarGuardianSkin
Star Guardian Ezreal View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 06-Sep-2017
Ezreal PajamaGuardianSkin
Pajama Guardian Ezreal View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 21-Nov-2018
Ezreal BattleAcademiaSkin
Battle Academia Ezreal View in 3D
1820 RP 1820 / 15-May-2019
Ezreal PsyOpsSkin
PsyOps Ezreal View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 03-Sep-2020
Ezreal PorcelainProtectorSkin
Porcelain Protector Ezreal View in 3D
1820 RP 1820 / 26-Jan-2022
Ezreal FaerieCourtSkin
Faerie Court Ezreal View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 23-Mar-2023
HEARTSTEEL Ezreal View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 08-Nov-2023
Battle Academia Ezreal Chromas
Debonair Ezreal Chromas
Faerie Court Ezreal Chromas
HEARTSTEEL Ezreal Chromas
Porcelain Protector Ezreal Chromas
Pulsefire Ezreal forms

Legacy Vault

Ezreal NottinghamSkin
Nottingham Ezreal View in 3D
520 RP 520 / 16-Mar-2010
Ezreal StrikerSkin
Striker Ezreal View in 3D
520 RP 520 / 24-Jun-2010
Ezreal ExplorerSkin
Explorer Ezreal View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 13-Oct-2010
Ezreal TPASkin
TPA Ezreal View in 3D
750 RP 750 / 23-May-2013
Ezreal SSGSkin
SSG Ezreal View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 20-Jul-2018
Ezreal HeavenscaleSkin
Heavenscale Ezreal View in 3D
1350 RP 1350 / 07-Feb-2024
Heavenscale Ezreal Chromas

Rare & Limited

Ezreal PrestigePsyOpsSkin
Prestige PsyOps Ezreal View in 3D
Special RP Special / 03-Sep-2020
Ezreal PrestigeHeavenscaleSkin
Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal View in 3D
Special RP Special / 07-Feb-2024



Maximum Spell Force
Time spent at max stacks of Rising Spell Force (P)
Mystic Skills
Champions hit with Mystic Shots (Q) at greater than 75% of max range
Trueshot Snipes
Champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)

A Little Extra
Damage to champions and turrets with Essence Flux (W)
Line Ups
Multiple champions hit with Trueshot Barrage (R)
The Spice of Life
Essence Flux (W) triggers on champions by other Abilities


Original Ezreal Original Ezreal
Nottingham Ezreal Nottingham Ezreal
Striker Ezreal Striker Ezreal
Frosted Ezreal Frosted Ezreal
Explorer Ezreal Explorer Ezreal
  • This is what Ezreal initially wore while exploring Runeterra.
  • He might be referencing Internet Explorer.
Pulsefire Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal
Chromaskins Chromas: Level 06, Level 11, Level 16
  • Pulsefire Caitlyn Pulsefire Caitlyn can be seen in the background.
  • The skin was initially conceived as Cyber Ezreal, but then turned into Pulsefire.
  • In the French localization he is called 'Méga Ezreal' referencing Mega Man.
  • He has the first voice-over featuring two personalities: himself and PEARL (his suit's AI).
  • He is the first skin to be able to transform when leveling up, he 'upgrades' each time he ranks up Trueshot Barrage Trueshot Barrage.
  • He was the first priced at 3250 RP 3250.
    • For the first four days he was priced 50% off (1625 RP 1625).
  • He is the first to have custom last hit and minion death animations.
  • His dance projects a hologram of his original model original model dancing.
  • When recalling recalling he will obtain either the Heart of Gold Heart of Gold, Kage's Lucky Pick Kage's Lucky Pick, or Philosopher's Stone Philosopher's Stone before entering a portal to another map beneath him.
  • Original Pulsefire Ezreal Original Pulsefire Ezreal
    • When recalling recalling he will obtain the Heart of Gold Heart of Gold before entering a portal beneath him.
      • His recall was a reference to Tron.
    • His previous splash art splash art went unused for unknown reasons. Probably due to the splash art itself not properly not matching the in-game model.
TPA Ezreal TPA Ezreal
Debonair Ezreal Debonair Ezreal
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Meteorite, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sandstone, Striped
  • The background might be referencing Art Deco.
Ace of Spades Ezreal Ace of Spades Ezreal
Arcade Ezreal Arcade Ezreal
Star Guardian Ezreal Star Guardian Ezreal
Pajama Guardian Ezreal Pajama Guardian Ezreal
  • He is wearing pajamas designed after his medium, Pajama Guardian Ezreal profileicon Yuuto.
  • The party is playing Mechs vs. Minions.
  • The bookshelf features:
SSG Ezreal SSG Ezreal
  • He was released in celebration of SSG winning the Season 2017 World Championship along with:
  • He represents Haru.
    • The idea for the Recall Recall animation was thought up by Haru himself and displays his signature.
      • A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
  • He is inspired by the Korean Hwarang or "flower knights", an ancient elite warrior youth who are often depicted with long hair.[1]
  • Ezreal and Jarvan IV Jarvan IV are the first champions to receive their second World Championship winner skins, the first skins TPA Ezreal TPA Ezreal and Fnatic Jarvan IV Fnatic Jarvan IV respectively.
Battle Academia Ezreal Battle Academia Ezreal
Chromaskins Chromas: Mythic
PsyOps Ezreal PsyOps Ezreal
Prestige PsyOps Ezreal Prestige PsyOps Ezreal
Porcelain Protector Ezreal Porcelain Protector Ezreal
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Golden Tiger, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite
Faerie Court Ezreal Faerie Court Ezreal
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Turquoise, Winsome
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Citrine, Emerald, Pearl, Rockstar, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
Heavenscale Ezreal Heavenscale Ezreal
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Auspacious, Catseye, Emerald, Lustrous, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal

