Completing your Eyeball Collection grants you a total of Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range18 bonus Attack Damage or Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)30 Ability Power (Adaptive).
Collect 1 Eyeball per champion takedown, up to 10.
Gain Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range1.2 bonus Attack Damage or Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)2 Ability Power (Adaptive) per Eyeball collected, up to Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range12 bonus Attack Damage or Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)20 Ability Power (Adaptive).
Completing your collection awards an additional Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range6 bonus Attack Damage or Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)10 Ability Power (Adaptive).
Old Effect:
Collect 2 Eyeballs from champion kills and 1 Eyeball from champion assists and ward takedowns, up to 20. Gain Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range0.6 bonus Attack Damage or Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)1 Ability Power (Adaptive) per Eyeball, up to Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range12 bonus Attack Damage or Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)20 Ability Power (Adaptive). Eyeball Collection has a 10 second assist timer.
Completing your collection awards an additional Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range6 bonus Attack Damage or Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)10 Ability Power (Adaptive).
Passive: Collect 2 Eyeballs from champion takedowns and 1 Eyeball from ward takedowns, up to 20. Gain Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)1 Ability Power or Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range0.6 Attack Damage (Adaptive) per Eyeball, up to Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)20 Ability Power and Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range12 Attack Damage. Eyeball Collection has a 10 second assist timer.
Completing your collection awards an additional Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)10 Ability Power or Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range6 Attack Damage (Adaptive).
Adaptive: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed.