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League of Legends Wiki
Electrocute is a rune in Wild Rift icon Wild Rift.

Patch History[]

  • Cooldown reduced from 20 seconds to 20 − 13 (based on level).
  • Base damage increased from 35 − 189 (based on level) to 40 − 194 (based on level).
  • Base damage reduced increased from 30 − 184 (based on level) to 35 − 189 (based on level).
  • Cooldown reduced from 25 seconds to 20.
Alpha (China) - Added
  • Type: Keystone rune.
  • Passive: Basic attacks and abilities generate stacks on enemy champions hit, up to one per attack or cast. Applying 3 stacks to a target within a 3 second period causes them to be struck by lightning, dealing them 30 − 184 (based on level) Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 40% bonus AD) Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 25% AP) Attack damageMagic damage Adaptive damage.
  • Cooldown: 25 seconds.
  • Summoner level: 4.

