Electrocute is a rune in League of Legends.
- Blind, Cripple, Drowsy, Kinematics, Nearsight, and Stasis do not count as valid crowd control for triggering stacks.
- Becoming untargetable during the 0.25-second delay will not prevent the effect from occurring.
- The 3 second timer is non-refreshing - the third stack has to be applied within 3 seconds of the first.
- damage instances beyond its first are special cased to not apply a stack.
and , when used together with , are special cased to apply a stack for each tick of damage.
- Spells that only deal default damage do not trigger a stack.
Map-Specific Differences[]
- Howling Abyss differences edit
- Cooldown changed to 15 − 10 (based on level) seconds.
- Bonus AD ratio changed to 15% bonus AD.
- AP ratio changed to 10% AP.
- Nexus Blitz differences edit
- Cooldown changed to 20 − 15 (based on level) seconds.
- Ultra Rapid Fire differences edit
- Cooldown changed to 10 seconds at all levels.
- Obtained from the Combo Master augment.
- Damage changed to 60 − 300 (based on level).
- Bonus AD ratio changed to 55% bonus AD.
- AP ratio changed to 40% AP.
“ | "We called them the Thunderlords, for to speak of their lightning was to invite disaster." |
— Rune caption | |
- Electrocute is almost identical to the removed Season 2016 mastery
- In addition, Electrocute requires that all three abilities hit within one three-second window, while Thunderlord's Decree only required three seconds between each ability. This makes it harder to activate for champions with slow combos, especially champions who primarily use basic attacks.
. The primary distinction between the two is that persistent area of effects and multi-hit spells can no longer generate multiple stacks per cast - e.g. and .
Sound Effects[]
- 3rd stack applied
Patch History[]
- Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds at all levels from 25 − 20 (based on level).
- Base damage changed to 50 − 190 (based on level) from 30 − 220 (based on level).
- Base damage increased to 30 − 220 (based on level) from 30 − 180 (based on level).
- AD ratio reduced to 10% bonus AD from 40% bonus AD.
- AP ratio reduced to 5% AP from 25% AP.
- V9.14 - July 19th Hotfix
- Bug Fix: On-hit skills with basic attacks no longer grant 2 stacks.
- Base damage reduced to 30 − 180 (based on level) from 50 − 220 (based on level).
- Bonus AD ratio reduced to 40% bonus AD from 50%.
- AP ratio reduced to 25% AP from 30% AP.
- Cooldown reduced to 25 − 20 (based on level) seconds from 50 − 25 (based on level).
- Bug Fix: Ally hits will no longer count towards Electrocute if both allies have the Keystone equipped.
- Bug Fix: Allies can no longer help you activate Electrocute if they're running it as well.
- V7.22 Added
- Domination Keystone rune.
- Passive: Basic attacks and abilities generate stacks on enemy champions hit (up to one per action). If 3 stacks are received within a 3 second interval, the target takes 50 − 220 (based on level) (+ 50% bonus AD) (+ 30% AP) Adaptive damage.
- Adaptive: Deals either physical or magic depending on which would deal the most damage.
- Cooldown: 50 − 25 (based on level) seconds