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League of Legends Wiki
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This article is a compilation of the trivia sections found across Draven's Draven's articles and is provided as a courtesy for readers who enjoyed our previously dedicated champion-trivia articles.

The information found on this page cannot be edited from here - please follow the provided links to the source articles. This page will automatically reflect changes made elsewhere.

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Main article: Draven (Development)

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Main article: Draven (Character)
  • Darius Darius, Draven Draven, Invetia Invetia, and Quilletta Varn Quilletta Varn were all born in Basilich.
  • Draven's unusual axes are an extension of his desire for recognition and fame, as observed by his outfit and moves.[2]
  • Draven has a picture of himself on his bedside table. He loves himself very much.
  • Draven is 32 years old.[3]

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Main article: Draven (League of Legends)


Main article: Draven (League of Legends Audio)
Draven, the Glorious Executioner Draven, the Glorious Executioner
Gladiator Draven Gladiator Draven
  • In the Italian localization, he has three special quotes referencing Gladiator.
    • "Al mio segnale, scatenate Draven!" (Italian: "At my signal, unleash Draven!")
    • "Date a Draven ciò che è di Draven… e anche tutto il resto!" (Italian: "Give to Draven what Draven owns… and everything else!")
      • This references "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's."
    • "Ciò che Draven fa in vita, riecheggia nell'eternità... già." (Italian: "What Draven does in life, echoes through eternity.").
Primetime Draven Primetime Draven
  • He is self-aware of his own existence in a video game, making him the first skin created to explicitly break the fourth wall.
    • The first champion to do so is ▶️  Mordekaiser OriginalCircle old3 "You only need to click once, fool!"
  • He is the second champion to mention an actual person, the first being Nunu Bot Nunu Bot.
  • ▶️   "Worth!" references players proclaiming a justified death after a play (dying after First Blood, to win a teamfight, to steal objectives, etc.)


Main article: Draven (Collection)
Original Draven Original Draven
Soul Reaver Draven Soul Reaver Draven
Gladiator Draven Gladiator Draven
Primetime Draven Primetime Draven
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Obsidian, Pearl, Sapphire, Tanzanite
Pool Party Draven Pool Party Draven
Beast Hunter Draven Beast Hunter Draven
Draven Draven Draven Draven
  • He was released in celebration of April Fools' Day 2016 (Draven Day) along with:
  • He wears a large bobblehead of his own face together with his Classic outfit.
    • He might be referencing Johnny Gat disguising as himself in Saints Row: The Third.
    • He might also be referring to the concept of having "a big head", which means that the person in question is very egotistic, a characteristic that Draven very much embodies.
Santa Draven Santa Draven
Mecha Kingdoms Draven Mecha Kingdoms Draven
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Emerald, Obsidian, Peacekeeper, Rose Quartz, Ruby
Ruined Draven Ruined Draven
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Cursed, Emerald, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire
  • The skin represents Draven under the possession of the Ruined King Ruined King.
Debonair Draven Debonair Draven
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Cerulean Club, Emerald, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Turquoise
Fright Night Draven Fright Night Draven
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
  • His design takes heavy inspiration from various Tim Burton films.
La Ilusión Draven La Ilusión Draven
Chromaskins Chromas: Citrine, Emerald, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Turquoise, Vivida

