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League of Legends Wiki

Dragon World is a series of alternate future/universe skins in League of Legends. Set in a world where dragons roam free, each champion is ether allied with the Dragons or against them.


Twice did dragonfire consume the world. Twice from the embers were heroes.

Dragon Slayers
  • Dragonslayer Braum Dragonslayer Braum
    • Dragonslayers first rose to battle their ancient foes hundreds of years ago, and after their victory, the land fell into a long, forgetful peace. When the dragons returned, most of the ancient warriors had passed away, leaving Braum to take up to their task with only his mighty shield to defend the innocent.
  • Dragonslayer Jarvan IV Dragonslayer Jarvan IV
    • All are accepted into the ranks of the dragonslayers, from the lowliest peasant to the mightiest king, for dragons would devour all equally. Jarvan IV willingly gave up the throne to join his doomed countrymen and stand against the fury of monsters reborn.
  • Dragonslayer Pantheon Dragonslayer Pantheon
    • When dragon fire consumed the world, heroes rose from the embers and cast down the beasts of legend. These warriors passed into history, then myth... but Pantheon alone remained, the last of the ancient dragonslayers.
  • Dragonslayer Vayne Dragonslayer Vayne
    • Many heeded the call of the dragonslayers as they mustered their forces, from common cutpurses to fabled monster hunters. Vayne was one such legendary recruit-for what is a dragon, if not the deadliest beast of all?
  • Dragonslayer Xin Zhao Dragonslayer Xin Zhao
    • The sorceress called a great mountain her home, and from it, reborn dragons poured endlessly into the sky. Though dragonslayers fell all around him, Xin Zhao struck into the monster's lair, determined to end her evil once and for all.
Dragon Trainers
  • Dragon Trainer Tristana Dragon Trainer Tristana
    • As the dragonslayers fought a bitter war with their nemeses, Tristana was busy with a draconic matter of her own. Deep in the wooded forests, away from the battles, she busily trained a young dragon - a trying task rewarded with a lifelong friendship.
  • Dragon Trainer Lulu Dragon Trainer Lulu
    • Dragons, though feared, are still living things and can be befriended under the right circumstances. Lulu enthralled her small friend with whimsical magic… becoming the first dragon trainer.
Dragon Masters
  • Dragon Master Swain Dragon Master Swain
    • Seeking to turn the very essence of dragons against them, the great Dragonslayer Swain battled beneath the earth for the souls of ancient, long-dead wyrms. In his hubris, he was consumed by their power, emerging a corrupted thrall of the monsters he once swore to destroy.
  • Dragon Sorceress Zyra Dragon Sorceress Zyra
    • Survivors of recent monster attacks tell stories of serpents in the sky and a powerful sorceress nesting deep in the mountains. If the rumors are true, it means the dragons have returned - and this time, Zyra is breeding them.


Rise of the Dragonslayers

Dragonslayer Promo 1


They arrived at sundown. Five of them. The attack was methodical, brutal. The keep’s defenses were useless. For an hour, the sky rained fire.

There aren’t enough survivors to tally our losses.

Before we fled, I examined a section of the south wall, liquefied by the dragon’s breath. No stone could have withstood that heat. Could anything?

I had never witnessed a dragon before today. Now, I see nothing else.

Dragonslayer Promo 2

The dragons didn’t want the city. They wanted us.

We fled through the melted stonework, but an old one hunted us. When all seemed lost, two extraordinary men came to our defense. Their valor bought us time to escape, but even they could not leave unscathed.

If men like these cannot defeat these beasts, we are truly lost.

Dragonslayer Promo 3

The dragon tracked us down.

This time, the heroes were prepared. One distracted the beast while the other waited high above. From a cliff’s edge, he dove upon the creature. His spear was true.

We studied the thing hoping to find a weakness. Instead, we took its strength. The scales are more resilient than any material I have ever known. They remain cool even when put directly to the flame.

With its hide, I will armor our heroes.

We may now stand a chance, but to wage a war, we will need more scales. And those with the courage to wear them.

Dragon Traier's Field Guide

TIP #123
Who didn't feed the dragon?
An unhappy dragon is a hungry dragon. Feed your dragon regularly to avoid
symptoms such as hunger, hanger, and a
sudden urge to eat.. well, you.

TIP #233
Your dragon's den
It's a common misconception that dragons
like to live in caves filled with gold. They
actually like to be out doors most of the
time, unless it's raining or there's a really
good movie on the television.

TIP #234
Your dragon's belly and you
Out in the wild and can't start a fire? Just
tickle your dragon's belly for a usually non-
lethal firestarter!

TIP #357
Face check
Do not point your dragon at or around your
face. Refusing to follow these rules will
probably almost 100% result in total body

Rocket Jump
Time to Fly
Your dragon will fire a high-impact flame
blast into the ground, sending you soaring
away from - or towards (good luck) -
enemies armed with very sharp, very
dangerous pokey things. For smooth
sailing, stow all Infinity Edges before

Rise of the Dragons

Zyra DragonSorceress Promo


A few sheep disappeared; a mountain hermit found dead, his shack burned to the ground.

Then the survivors arrived, carrying what little they had left. They told stories of serpents in the sky and a powerful Sorceress nested deep in the mountains.

The dragons rose again, and the dragonslayers returned once more to the field.

They fought as bravely as before, but this time the dragons never stopped coming.[2]



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