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League of Legends Wiki

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"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Doran's Shield item Health Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Boots of Speed item Spectre's Cowl item Bami's Cinder item
Essential Boots of Swiftness item Spirit Visage item Sunfire Cape item
Offensive Dead Man's Plate item Abyssal Mask item Thornmail item
Defensive Randuin's Omen item Warmog's Armor item Gargoyle Stoneplate item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Iron item
Summoner's Rift (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Machete item Health Potion item3 Warding Totem item
Early Boots of Speed item Skirmisher's Sabre item Bami's Cinder item
Essential Boots of Swiftness item Skirmisher's Sabre (Cinderhulk) item Spirit Visage item
Offensive Dead Man's Plate item Abyssal Mask item Thornmail item
Defensive Randuin's Omen item Warmog's Armor item Gargoyle Stoneplate item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Iron item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Doran's Shield item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item2
Essential Mercury's Treads item Spirit Visage item Sunfire Cape item
Offensive Wit's End item Liandry's Torment item
Defensive Randuin's Omen item Banshee's Veil item Warmog's Armor item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Iron item
Twisted Treeline (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Machete item Doran's Shield item Health Potion item
Essential Stalker's Blade (Cinderhulk) item Mercury's Treads item Spirit Visage item
Offensive Wit's End item Liandry's Torment item
Defensive Randuin's Omen item Banshee's Veil item Warmog's Armor item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Iron item
Howling Abyss
Starting Guardian's Horn item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item3
Essential Boots of Swiftness item Spirit Visage item Sunfire Cape item
Offensive Wit's End item Thornmail item Dead Man's Plate item
Defensive Locket of the Iron Solari item Warmog's Armor item Randuin's Omen item
Consumables Oracle's Extract item Health Potion item Elixir of Iron item


Playing As Dr Dr. Mundo
  • A well-timed Sadism Sadism can bait enemy champions into attacking you even when they lack the damage to finish you.
  • Spirit Visage Spirit Visage will increase the healing done by your ultimate ultimate and lower cooldowns on all of your abilities.
  • Cleavers Cleavers are a powerful tool for killing neutral monsters. Instead of returning to base, farm neutral monsters until your ultimate ultimate can heal you.
Playing Against Dr Dr. Mundo
  • Try to coordinate high-damage abilities with your allies right after Dr Dr. Mundo uses his ultimate his ultimate, but if you're unable to kill him quickly with burst he will heal through the damage.
  • Try casting Ignite Ignite when Dr Dr. Mundo uses Sadism Sadism to negate a large portion of its healing.


Ability Usage
  • Keep in mind that all of Dr Dr. Mundo's abilities cost Health icon Health as the resource, so you need to stay mindful of your ability usage because it could end up hurting you instead.
  • Use Infected Cleaver Infected Cleaver to poke from afar, or use it to last hit.
    • Try not to miss the skillshot too much because it can end up hurting you instead of the enemy since it costs health.
    • You can use Infected Cleaver Infected Cleaver to chase down fleeing targets, or you can use it to kite out enemies. It is really versatile.
Mastery Usage
Item Usage
  • Because of his toolkit, Dr Dr. Mundo doesn't really need to rely on offensive items as much as almost any other character in the game. He has only one ability that scales with damage items, being Burning Agony Burning Agony and the scaling on it is poor. Building Defensive items instead is a strong choice on him.
  • Unless the enemy team is full AD, Spirit Visage Spirit Visage is a mandatory item for Dr. Mundo. This item increases his sustain significantly. It allows him to heal a lot more from his ultimate and his passive. In addition, it makes nearly impossible to kill Mundo with an AP champion, as very few of them have the tools needed to break through Mundo's massive sustain and tankiness.
  • The Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads and Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi are standard choices of shoes for Mundo, but he can also make good use of Boots of Swiftness Boots of Swiftness to improve his chasing potential.
  • Sunfire Cape Sunfire Cape is one of the best armor items for Mundo, as it synergizes well with Burning Agony Burning Agony, and gives him more damage as Mundo will generally not be building dedicated damage items.
  • The Dead Man's Plate Dead Man's Plate is a strong choice on Mundo Mundo, due to the granted extra mobility that synergises with both Masochism Masochism and Sadism Sadism. This allows him to become a very strong chaser. The extra crowd control is also fairly useful.
  • The Zz'Rot Portal Zz'Rot Portal is a less used but also viable choice on Dr. Mundo. It can be used to split push and is very strong with a teammate also building this item.
  • Mundo's biggest strength ingame is his immense sustain granted from his Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush and after level 6, his ultimate Sadism Sadism. If correctly played until late game, Mundo can easily become a character that is very hard to kill. Picking character's who can counter his sustain and/or tankiness such as Katarina Katarina or Trundle Trundle are good choices.
    • Vayne Vayne can be considered a good counter against Mundo. All of his tankiness means nothing against her Silver Bolts Silver Bolts. Her sustained damage is too much for Mundo to endure, and because she is an ADC, she can even build sustain build sustain herself herself, and can build an item an item that can heavily cripple Mundo's sustain. Her mobility also makes it difficult for Mundo to efficiently land Infected Cleaver Infected Cleavers on her and will often force Mundo to activate Sadism Sadism in order to try to escape her. His lack of hard CC gives him another disadvantage in terms of attempting to stop her during teamfights.
  • Dodge his Infected Cleaver Infected Cleaver whenever you can in lane, as it can easily melt your health if not watched as well as giving him an opening to attack you.
  • Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds cripple Dr. Mundo heavily as he is heavily reliant on healing himself to function. Mortal Reminder Mortal Reminder and Morellonomicon Morellonomicon are well recommended items to purchase when there is a Mundo on the enemy team. Ignite Ignite is highly recommended if you play as a champion with poor sustain against Mundo.

