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Surrounded around the Shuriman Continent are several clans of Brackern, including clans in the Shuriman desert.


The Dormun are gigantic, slow-moving creatures protected with large chitinous plates covering their body. In the harsh conditions of Shurima they have evolved to survive the perpetual drought by utilizing an unknown sense to locate hidden reservoirs of water. Incidentally, certain nomadic tribes have built themselves a permanent home upon the backs of these beasts where they clean the creature and hunt any airborne pests who venture near.


Desert goats that travel in herds.


Mwatis are goatlike creatures with large plated casques on their heads. Mwati wool and plate are prised for felting and insulation.


Gigantic scarabs that roam in swarms, looking for unfortunate travelers to feed on. They seem to be common prey for Rammus Rammus.


Beside the Xer'Sai, other creatures from the Void, referred to as 'outerbeasts', can be found in the desert.

  • Xer'Sai: Creatures from the Void that plague the southern deserts. They are the size of big dogs on average, but can be smaller or much bigger. Rek'Sai Rek'Sai, as the queen, is by far the largest and most dangerous of her species. Xer'sai burst from their small burrows and ravage anything nearby, to the detriment of desert caravans. Once dead, the Xer'sai decompose at an abnormally rapid rate and become inedible.


Large and aggressive minotaur-like creatures. They are humpbacked quadrupeds with long limbs and thick horns.

Shuriman Camel[]

A breed of camels native to the deserts of Shurima and are used by caravans as well as common folk as primary mode of transportation. Despite being well-suited for lengthy travels in the desert landscape, they are still prey to a many predator such as the Xer'Sai.


Shurima Sandswimmers


Sandswimmers are massive quadrupedal creatures that traverse the Shuriman desert in cyclical patterns. They got their name due to their preferred method of travel. Their narrow bodies and webbed feet are perfectly design for swimming under the sand. They feed on bugs and other small creatures most desert beasts ignore. Scavengers will often memorize the predictable paths these creatures take, and jump onto their backs to ride as far as they wish.


The Skallashi are large quadrupedal herbivores. These hardy beasts of burden are common across Shurima, ideally suited to the harsh desert environment. Their key body feature is their long legs. Notoriously bad-tempered, they are nevertheless treated with great reverence. Their brown hides are often painted with sacred symbols of protection, and their horns hung with totems and charms. While these creatures are mostly used for travel and carrying heavy loads, on some larger skallashi people are able to built miniature rooms for more comfortable travel. To own one is often considered a sign of considerable prosperity.

Dr. Mundo Concept 01
Dr. Mundo

The Making of the Madman[]

By Mhija and ADillonMostDirty[1]

Dr. Mundo OriginalSkin old2

He's big, he's purple, and he has some disturbing origins...

We talked to Andy 'fantasyworld' Ho (Lead Analyst) Colt 'Ezreal' Hallam (Lead Game Designer) and Edmundo 'odnumde' Sanchez (Art Lead) to shed some light on the man, the monster, the Mundo Mundo.

Mundo never start in mail room.
What prompted the creation of Dr. Mundo?

Edmundo: Mundo was conceived and created back in the day when there were only like 30 folks at Riot. He was born from an original character description by Steven “Guinsoo” Feak, which he paired with a drawing I did of a surgeon, and gave him the placeholder name “Dr. Mabuse.” (which actually came from a 1922 German silent horror film of the same name...don't ask). Obviously that name wasn't going to fly, so we did some brainstorming to come up with something better. Brandon Beck happened to walk by while I was working on him and said, “Let's just call him Dr. Mundo.” I wasn't going to complain haha.

Andy: I had come into Riot as an intern and noticed that there were a bunch of work-in-progress champion designs that had some assets, but hadn't yet been finalized. Dr. Mundo was one of those, and I kind of just felt compelled to try and finish him. I pulled out all my limited tech skills and somehow managed to hack together a bunch of if/then lines of code that became Mundo's early kit.

Colt: Andy took the reins on Mundo. This was back when we were pumping out champions at a pretty insane pace, so the turnaround for Mundo was about a month--very short compared to the time and attention to detail we pour into champions these days. For animation references, we'd just record people acting like we thought a hulked-out chemical madman would. Somewhere in the archives there's a video of one of the designers stomping around with his tongue out like Mundo so we could figure out what the heck he should be doing in game.


Dr. Mundo (Fan art by denstarsk8)

May the best Mundo… Mundo.
How did Mundo's character develop?

The horror that was beta-era Mundo

Edmundo: The original design was an absolute monstrosity. I'm not kidding, he was literally some sewn-together hodgepodge of body parts from different creatures. There were lizard feet, a bunch of random limbs--a real freak show. We were going for some kind of collector vibe, a doctor who enhanced himself by Frankensteining himself together with various pieces, but it (obviously) didn't make any sense. We talked a bunch about how to shift his concept, and we ultimately landed on the idea of him being a Hulk-like scientist that was just...perma-Hulk.

Colt: The initial Mundo concept was vetoed pretty quickly. We just couldn't make it make sense. Did he cut off dinosaur feet? Were there giant lizard men out there? It just wasn't going to work. Edmundo came up with the second iteration, where Mundo was a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde type character--only we decided he was permanently stuck as Mr. Hyde. The tech wasn't there yet™ for a transforming character. We weren't able to mess around with that until Nidalee.

Andy: We'd changed the concept, though he was still a doctor for some reason. At first he had scissors, but we didn't have the tech yet to make those function properly either. So we ended up giving him this giant bone-saw, and that looked really weird. The act of throwing it at people felt really good gameplay-wise, but the huge sword-saw thing he had was very awkward visually. In true hacky fashion, we ended up just taking the giant model and scaling it down a bunch until it was more like a cleaver, and that stuck.

While we were starting to lock down the visuals, we hadn't really honed in on his personality yet. Even when we started bringing in voice actors, we pretty much planned to let them run with it. Fortunately, the first guy who auditioned positively nailed it with this hulking, maniacal, brutish persona, which also had a strong helping of derp to him. His rendition of Mundo really excited us, and we molded a lot of his final design around that.


Dr. Mundo (Fan art by yubigd)

Mundo smash like a boss!
What went into creating Mundo's kit?

Colt: There were some core gameplay elements we became attached to early on--mainly all the health regen. We loved the idea of a guy who could really quickly regain his health bar if you didn't finish him off. That “fire hose of health regen” feeling was super satisfying. Initially we toyed with reverse damage, where he'd turn on his ult and gain as much damage as he'd been dealt. But that basically made no one want to attack Mundo, so it ended up both screwing over your teammates and not letting the player enjoy the tank fantasy they'd signed on for. Tanks want to be attacked. We needed to incentivize players to come after you, to create that feeling of wanting to do it even though you know it's bad for you, like chasing Singed or hunting down Teemo. Beating up Mundo creates that Raid Boss DPS moment when you have to burst him down at the last second or he's coming back to get you.

Having a health cost for abilities was another core hook we wanted, which ended up working really well with his passive and ult. We wanted him to land in this area where it felt good for him to be taking damage.

Andy: We played around with a few things for Mundo's attacks. We really loved the way throwing cleavers felt, so we became kind of obsessed with them. For a time, the more cleavers you threw, the faster you could throw them. Eventually his cleaver cooldown would drop to zero, so he was machine-gunning cleavers everywhere. At one point we even integrated the cleavers into his ult! Mundo would just plant down and throw cleavers infinitely, like a Vel'koz ult, but with these blades. That was a little too crazy though, even for Mundo haha.


Dr. Mundo (Fan art by kachima)

Mundo do hostile takeover.

Why do you think Mundo--especially Corporate Mundo--has become such a community fixture?

Edmundo: I think people love Mundo just because he's a fun character to play and watch run around doing Mundo things. He's almost a cartoon, and has become pretty iconic at this point. Corporate Mundo is definitely one of my favorites, and it's no surprise the community loves it, since the idea came from them.

Andy: Corporate Mundo was a weird phenomenon. There was a lot of community fan art that started cropping up with the concept. Teams here at Riot got behind it because it was just hilariously derpy.


Mundo will go where he pleases!
What do you think is Mundo's future?

Colt: I don't know that he'll ever drastically change, taking his history into consideration. He gets moderate-sized tweaks every now and then to bring his mechanics up to date or tune his power, but the core of his kit has stayed remarkably consistent over the years. It may be because he just fills a cool niche. He performs well as a poke-tank, takes damage in a unique way, and--obviously--he goes where he pleases.

Andy: The only thing I'd really want to change would be the godawful Burning Agony particles. It was originally an old unused particle we had in the vault, and we ended up using it for Mundo just because it fit the name in a hilariously literal sort of way. But fireballs spinning around him makes no real sense thematically, so I'd love for us to give it another go at some point.

Edmundo: If we were to update Mundo in the future, there are things about his background we could explore more now that we have a better understanding of the world. He lacks a bit of depth right now, and we could give him some more believability. On the visual side I'd love to just generally update and polish some of his more out-of-date game assets, but I don't think we'd change anything core. You can be damn sure he'd keep that colorful skin and good ol' Mundo charm.

Full Relaunch[]

Champion Roadmap: June 2020[]

VGU That Goes Where It Pleases[2]
Dr. Mundo Update Teaser 01

The next champion update will be none other than the Madman of Zaun himself, Dr. Mundo. This project is very early in development and is scheduled for 2021, so expect to see a few more new champs in between the marksmen and Mundo.

The reason we're sharing so early is because we saw a strong positive reaction from players when we did the /dev blogs for Fiddlesticks and Volibear, so it's something we want to do for Mundo as well. We aren't going into any more detail on Mundo's VGU here, as we'll be releasing a full post next week that'll cover the super early exploration phase for his gameplay, narrative, and art.

Kicking Off Dr. Mundo's VGU[]

By The Dr. Mundo VGU Team[3]


The champion update that goes where it pleases.

As we mentioned in the recent Champion Roadmap, Dr. Mundo is up next for a VGU in 2021. We shared a lot of work-in-progress during Fiddle's and Voli's VGU, and we plan to do the same for Mundo. Our hope is that by showing the direction and plans for VGUs early, we can get more feedback from you all about what's working well and what we can improve on. This approach has gone well so far—both in regards to the feedback we've received and the reception from you all—so today we want to share an early look at our work on Mundo's update.

Let's start by talking a little bit about why we chose Dr. Mundo for a VGU and what our goals are.

Honestly, one of the main reasons we wanted to update Dr. Mundo is because of how dated his visuals have become—Mundo sticks out like a sore thumb in the current roster of champions. We felt like there was a lot of potential to really upgrade Mundo's visuals and theme to not only look better, but to fit in better with how League's visual style has evolved over the years.

We also think there's room for gameplay improvements to Mundo's kit. He has a lot that currently works well for him, like his super-tank regeneration and the ability to constantly chuck cleavers—both of which you can expect to stay, in some form or another, after his update.

Another major goal for Mundo's gameplay is to keep him a very simple champion. We want to build more mastery into his kit, but not the kind of mastery that will suddenly require you to have lightning fast reflexes, so expect his kit complexity to stay pretty similar.

With these goals in mind, let's hear what Dr. Mundo's lead gameplay designer, concept artist, and narrative writer have been exploring so far.

A Medical License to Kill

Glenn “Twin Enso” Anderson, Gameplay Designer:

Most League players probably have a memory (or several) of blasting outrageous amounts of damage into a Dr. Mundo, then watching as he goes on to kill your carry and walk out with more health than he started. The extreme tankiness and regeneration are definitely things we believe are core to the Doctor's identity, and ultimately when you play him you should feel like taking damage is a problem for other champions. This early in the process, we wanted to explore a variety of things we could do to ham up this experience even more.

Our main goals are to 1) give opponents more counterplay options against Mundo, 2) increase Mundo's gameplay variance beyond landing cleavers, and 3) bring Mundo into the modern era of League without sacrificing his overall simplicity. We haven't landed on the final direction for his kit yet, but here's a few of the things we've tried so far.

The first iteration we tested had Dr. Mundo gain one max health every time he was hit, and we soon after tried other versions of Mundo gaining max health by welcoming incoming damage. After a number of tests, it became clear that this was too much of an incentive for bad decision making. Players would often overcommit, intentionally position poorly, or seek out really bad trades, so we pivoted slightly to Mundo converting his defensive stats into, you guessed it, more health.

After a couple items his health bar became... an absolute unit.

Dr. Mundo Update Gameplay Concept 01

However, with such a ridiculous amount of health, the champions and items that were strong against Mundo became even stronger, and those that were weak became even weaker. This created even more polarized games than current Dr. Mundo, so ultimately we decided to stop pursuing this route.

Also, let me explain that little line, because it's not the execute threshold for Elder Dragon buff. We also tried giving Dr. Mundo really high health regeneration all the time, but some of the damage he took would lower his max health. The line is showing his “current” maximum health, which would only recover on fountain or on death. However, this contradicted the regeneration fantasy by making players feel punished for taking poke damage instead of protected from it, which is not a feeling we want for a masochistic tank. It also led to some stress and confusion around when to fight, when to recall, and generally managing your max health. Overall it was too much for poor Mundo's brain to think about, so we moved on to some simpler abilities.

Outside of giga health regeneration, we thought about other tools you'd expect from a Zaunite mutant-freak. We tried a few things (like not-so-surgical embedding and ripping out his cleavers), but the one that we tested the most was a chain-reacting corpse explosion.

While fun, ultimately this ability felt too zoning-oriented and overall “magey” for what you'd expect from a ripped melee top laner. Mundo having multiple tools to avoid going into melee didn't fit the character that he is visually, nor did it really encourage the type of gameplay we want Mundo to have.

We're still in a phase where everything is super crazy and experimental… kind of like Mundo. While none of these early explorations have felt quite right, our muscly purple MD will still be one of League's marquee megatanks. We're super excited to share these early explorations with you, to see where his gameplay goes, and about all the totally legitimate medical knowledge we'll pick up along the way.

Throwing Cleavers against a Wall

Sunny “Kindlejack” Pandita, Concept Artist:

Like Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo was one of my first loves in League (a trend is emerging). There's nothing quite like the rush of wading through your foes without a care in the world as their carries cry for someone to save them.

Dr. Mundo Update Concept 03

We started out with a big exploration, plumbing the depths of Zaun for directions revolving around what Mundo is and what Mundo could be. This is my favourite part of design because we aren't yet focused on answering questions, only to ask, and even though this kind of wild dreaming isn't always practical, it can lead to unexpected sparks that inspire a brighter future.

Ultimately the visual fantasies that are at his core are clear: DOCTOR and... MUNDO. The “Doctor” theme could be approached in many ways and all of them would be an improvement, so I'm really excited there. “Mundo,” on the other hand, is that quality of just being Mundo. Some would say it's indescribable, others pure purple, but I'd eyeball it as being an unkillable regenerating freak-machine that maybe doesn't have the cleanest grip on reality.

Dr. Mundo Update Concept 08

From left to right: Biomenace Mundo, Experiment Mundo, Ogre Mundo, Juiced Up Mundo

Tone is something we are discussing a lot. Some say Mundo is a horrific serial killer, others a lovable dope, some even tell me he's quite handsome. We think finding the right juxtaposition between the comedy and the menace of Mundo will be key. It's going to be a wild ride, and I'm sure the design will go exactly where it wants to.

Doctor? Mundo

John “JohnODyin” O'Bryan, Narrative Writer:

Reworking Mundo has been a unique experience from the start. Often when we rework old champs, they're in such bad shape that some of our changes end up being pretty drastic. On day one of this rework, we all kind of agreed that we like Mundo. So does much of the world. Obviously that didn't mean he couldn't be improved (especially visually), but everyone in the room felt he filled a unique space in our champ roster—one that we didn't want to abandon entirely. The idea of an unstoppable psycho who can't be hurt, combined with the whole “doctor” angle, is a goldmine that we wanted to dig into.


The next question I asked was, “Exactly how stupid do we want him to be?” We thought about making him an actual doctor, perhaps someone who went mad through his own medicine, but that put him in the same crazy scientist space as Singed Singed.

So we began to experiment with his role as a man who is not a doctor at all, but someone who thinks he's a doctor and is too stupid to know he isn't. We realized that while we have no shortage of crazy champs—Ziggs Ziggs, Jinx Jinx, and Kled Kled, to name a few—how many do we really have who are flat-out dumb? Maybe Trundle Trundle? (And even he's supposed to be smart for a troll.) We also realized the dumb thing works really well for a guy who's supposedly unaware of what is happening to his own body.

No matter where Mundo goes, it's been fun exploring the different potential avenues for his character.

What's Next?

We're planning to release Dr. Mundo in 2021, so you can expect the next /dev blog towards the end of the year, once we enter full production.

As always, let us know what you think: What excites you? What terrifies you? Why is Mundo the handsomest purple doctor of all time? We'll be reading through your thoughts and feedback, as we want all of you to help us make the best Mundo possible.

Champion Roadmap: September 2020[]

By Ryan 'Reav3' Mireles[4]

I Need a Doctor?!

We've made a lot of progress on Mundo’s VGU since the last time we shared an update, which covered his early ideation phase. At the time, most of what we shared was exploratory, but we did know three things we wanted from his update:

  1. We want to make big upgrades to Mundo’s visuals and theme, not only to look better, but to better fit in with how League's visual style has evolved.
  2. We want to make significant gameplay improvements to Mundo’s kit, while maintaining his super-tank regeneration and the ability to chuck cleavers.
  3. We want to keep Mundo a very simple champion.

After the post went out, we read a lot of your feedback about what was or wasn’t exciting from our early explorations. We saw that a lot of people wanted us to keep Mundo as a fun and comical champion, so that’s definitely something we plan on keeping. We really want Mundo to embody a kind of “dark comical” theme that we feel would be very unique to League’s roster of champions.

On the gameplay side, we tried a lot of different things, but the one that really stuck was pushing further on the feeling that Mundo goes wherever he pleases. We’ve decided to move forward with making Mundo an extremely difficult champion to lock down. This direction requires us to give him meaningful trade-offs—having CC-immunity in any form is a powerful tool—so Mundo will remain a champion with no hard CC or mobility on his kit.

Overall, we’re going to keep Mundo’s gameplay pretty similar. There will of course be tweaks and changes to many of his abilities to add more skill expression, satisfaction, and counterplay, but he will still feel like the same old Mundo we’ve grown to love.

We’ll dive much deeper into our progress on Mundo in his next /dev blog, which you can expect sometime next year. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with his latest concept art.

Dr. Mundo Update Concept 11

Champions in Season 2021[]

Now that we've talked about some of our plans for new champions, let's get right into VGUs.

So first of all, we're still hard at work on the Dr. Mundo update, which should go live this spring. We really want to amplify Dr. Mundo's whole "dark comedy" theme, while bringing up his visuals up to date as well. The last time we shared his new concept, we heard a lot of feedback from players that his hair was a bit too well-groomed for Mundo. We talked as a team about that and we agreed with it. So we updated it to look less well kept as you can see it in his new portrait art shown here.

Now as for his gameplay we still want Mundo to go where he pleases, chucking cleavers along the way. So we'll be keeping a lot of what you love about Mundo intact. But look out for a new dev blog this week that'll go way deeper into Mundo's development.

Ryan 'Reav3' Mireles[5]

The Latest on Dr. Mundo's VGU[]

By The Dr. Mundo VGU Team[6]


Mundo's still under the scalpel, but it's time for our routine checkup.

Hi all! It’s been a while since we shared our progress on Dr. Mundo’s champion update, and we have lots more to show today. Production is in full-swing, so we’ll be looking at his latest character model, animations, VFX, and SFX. Then we’ll take a peek at his Rageborn skin.

Before we jump in, let’s recap what we’ve shared so far.

Medical Professional Coming Through

We set out with three main goals for Dr. Mundo’s update:

  1. Upgrade his visuals and theme, not only to look better, but to better fit in with how League's visual style has evolved.
  2. Improve Mundo’s kit while maintaining his super-tank regen and ability to chuck cleavers.
  3. Keep Mundo a very simple champion.

One of our early challenges for Mundo was landing on the right tone for his doctor theme—is he a brilliant doctor who went mad, or a “brilliant doctor” who is mad? We read a lot of your feedback after our first post, and we saw that the thing that was important to many of you was that we keep Mundo a fun and comical champion. So that’s the direction we’ve headed. Our goal is for Mundo to embody a “dark comedy” theme, which we think is unique in League’s champion roster.

As for gameplay, we tried a few directions for Mundo’s kit, but the one that stuck was making him an extremely difficult champion to lock down. Having CC-immunity in any form is a powerful tool, so as a trade-off, Mundo will remain a champ with no mobility or hard CC. And of course, he’ll still chuck cleavers.

Dr. Mundo Update Concept 11

Finally, the last time we shared Mundo’s concept art, we heard that his hair was feeling a bit too well-kept for Mundo. We talked about that feedback as a team, and we agreed, so we’ve untidied him up a bit.

Dr. Mundo Update Concept 14
Madman Brilliant Doctor Escapes

Edgar “SpaceReptile” Monteon, Job Title: Character Artist

Being part of the development process for Mundo drew me in as a character artist right away.

Mundo’s visual process began with concept art to establish his identity, then these visual elements get "digested" (so to speak) and become fleshed out. Throughout, I spent enough time creating Mundo's sandal, dials, torn clothing to be completely immersed in the visual story that is Mundo. This immersive experience is what’s most insightful and fun for me, and it’s what I would like to share with you.

Dr. Mundo Update Model 01

Creating Mundo’s new model and texture is like setting the stage for other disciplines (like animators and VFX artists) to expand him further. We also have to think about how we retain what we love from Mundo’s old model. From a visual perspective, Mundo is an explosive character that does not fit in his clothing, and this is what makes him so threatening and powerful to me.

With new Mundo, you can see there’s more room for a more dynamic character—he wears a soft sandal and his animations have multiple layers of personality. It’s evident Mundo went through an ordeal of modifications and then escaped from somewhere. The type of outfit Mundo wears, as well as his weapons, are a tell-tale sign of what has transpired in Mundo’s recent past, and it was a blast painting in details that support this story.

Dr. Mundo Update Animation Concept 03
Severely Stupid and Seriously Scary

Drew “sandwichtown” Morgan, Lead Animator:

During early exploration, I wanted to lean heavily on the silliness of Mundo and have some fun seeing how goofy we could push him. Part of what makes him unique is his severe dumbness, so it was fun exploring how dumb and weird he could be. We knew he also needed to feel dangerous though, and so the real challenge was balancing how seriously scary he could be while still being a bit of a caricature. Most of his core mechanics are meant to feel weighty and strong, but sprinkled in there are some moments of levity.

Dr. Mundo Update Animation Concept 04

Originally his Q was going to be a jumping toss, which felt pretty good but was feeling too happy and carefree. The current version has him really leaning into the ax cleave, only briefly breaking his stride to wind up, then continuing to trudge along immediately after while he grabs a new weapon from his bag. Having him continue his stride mid throw helps him feel determined and purposeful. Always marching forward.

His tower attack however highlights his stupidity and inability to feel pain...

Dr. Mundo Update Animation Concept 05

Emotes will be a place to tip the balance a bit more goofy, but the core animation set will maintain the feel of an unstoppable brute. Mundo is not delicate, and he doesn't really use restraint. His movements should all be at 100% because he doesn't know how to hold back, which is why he is so uncontrollably dangerous.

Chemically Enhanced Physicality

Jason “LankyTree” Chisolm, VFX Artist:

As a long time League player, VGUs remain some of my favorite projects to be a part of, especially when it’s a champion as iconic as Dr. Mundo. I like to start out each and every project by coming up with a few VFX pillars—these essentially serve as guidelines for me. Every effect I make should help reinforce these pillars and be informed by them.

One of the major ones for this project was “chemically enhanced physicality.” I wanted to really emphasize that Mundo’s over-the-top strength and utter disregard for pain is the result of chemical augmentation and experimentation. The big standout example of this is Mundo’s ultimate. It’s this really iconic moment where we get to see Mundo transform into this HP regenerating monster. It’s something the team really wanted to highlight and bring a lot of attention to.

So let’s take a look into Mundo’s big bag of unstable chemicals and medical tools to see how it’s done.

Dr. Mundo Update Animation Concept 06

How do we highlight such a big transformation? Well quite simply by making him big, so big he bursts out of his jacket, absolutely shredding it to pieces and sending the many buckles flying. Then we saturate him in some good old fashioned Zaunite chemicals. He’s so heavily saturated that it’s just evaporating off of him, surrounding him in this gaseous cloud, and what doesn’t evaporate drips off to really give a sense that he’s soaked in these chemicals.

The Sounds of Zaunite Chemicals

Like other VGUs, it's always cool to look at where we were before in comparison to what we are trying to evolve the champion into. For Dr. Mundo, I really wanted to keep a few things that players have come to know about him, but also push his physicality and strength even more. I really wanted it to feel like you are in a fight with a giant unpredictable force that only increases in power as time goes by. There were a lot of cool experiments that other disciplines were working on with his muscle expansion and size, so I wanted to make sure I captured a bit of that in his abilities.

A cool space that I had fun exploring was the sound of the Zaunite chemicals that he uses. I tried different things, like processing ice recordings to see what tonalities I could get from it, dropping ice cubes on a super hot pan with oil, and even using chicken recordings from our library and reprocessing them to get cool tonal textures. Nothing specific is quite ready to share yet, but here’s a bit of a compilation of some of the elements I was able to get from those explorations.

One of the Skins

Sunuman “KindLeJack” DePandito, Surgeon-Hobbyist:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: There’s nothing more exciting than completing a champion update only to crack open their skin catalogue and see the vast potential which lies therein! At Riot we prize the “player focused mindset,” and I feel like there’s little more player focused than bringing the love and learnings from all those years of experience to a faithful old champ’s moldering cosmetic collection. The newer skins get cleaned up and adjusted to work with the new base design and there’s always wins to be had there, but the senior citiskins are the ones that really get to pop out of the salon ready to drop some jaws.

Speaking of which…

Dr. Mundo Update Rageborn Concept 04

Ready for the Rift Quest invitational PvP tournament, it’s Rageborn Mundo Rageborn Mundo! Today I wanted to share one specific skin from Mundo’s impressive trove that is finally finding a home in a now-storied skin theme. “Red Mundo” is coming back with a bolder edge—paying homage to classic fantasy but updated for the current edition, Mundo burns with the rage of a berserker as he paves the road to victory with naves. Not even cute necromancers are safe!

Checkup Complete

That’s all we have to share for today. As always, we’ll be looking through your thoughts and feedback, so please keep ‘em coming. This will be our last post for Mundo’s VGU, and you can expect to see it on PBE in a few months. Until then, happy doctoring!

Dr. Mundo Update Model 02

Champion Roadmap: April 2021[]

By Ryan 'Reav3' Mireles[7]

Enter the Mundoverse

It’s been a bit since the last Mundo dev blog, but I can finally say we’re getting pretty close to re-releasing the Madman of Zaun. Thanks for everyone's patience (man this champion has a lot of skins).

Dr. Mundo Splash Update Concept 01

First off, we wanted to share some of Mundo’s new voice lines. New Mundo's VO comes across as a shade or two smarter than current Mundo—it was basically impossible for that not to be the case since live Mundo's lines don't even acknowledge the fact that he's a "doctor," let alone his reasoning (questionable as it might be) for the methods he chooses. As we’ve mentioned before, though, we want to preserve Mundo’s dark yet extremely comical (...and dumb) personality, and his VO is an important part of that.

Another thing we thought would be cool to share before his official launch is the final Rageborn Mundo splash art. In the last dev blog, we showed the final concept art for that skin, and since then we’ve finished it.

Dr. Mundo RagebornMundoSkin

Finally, we’re currently putting the last bit of polish on his Legendary skin, Corporate Mundo. We want to make sure that skin hits the quality bar and expectations for modern Legendary skins. The team is having a blast working on it, as you can see by this fun animation Drew “Sandwichtown” Morgan put together to inspire the team.

… okay, we’ll also share a bit of Corporate Mundo’s new VO:

Now that we have gone through that maddening detour, let’s get back to those dark and edgy champions coming next in the return of the Ruined King saga. }}


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