Passive: While you are within 550 range of a turret, it generates 6 stacks over 3 seconds. At maximum stacks, your next basic attack against the turret detonates the stacks to deal 200
Champions killed with Comeuppance (R) (+ 30% of your maximum health) bonus adaptive damage.
Demolish cannot be triggered against the same turret again by anyone for 3.5 seconds. Stacks expire by one every 1 second if you move out of range.
Notes [ ]
Multiple users of Demolish can generate stacks against the same turret.
Patch History [ ]
Slot changed from Inspiration Slot to Inspiration Slot 3.
Health ratio increased from Champions killed with Comeuppance (R) 25% maximum health to inherit 30% .
V3.2 - Added
Type: Slot 3 Inspiration rune.
Passive: While within 550 range of a turret, generates stacks over 3 seconds. At maximum stacks, your next basic attack against the turret discharges the stacks to deal 200 Champions killed with Comeuppance (R) (+ 25% of your maximum health) bonus Adaptive damage .
Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Summoner level: 10.