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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki
For the faction, see Demacia Crest icon Demacia.


Equipped Radiant item determined for Demacia's Champions or having equipped with Demacia Emblem Demacia Emblem with the Demacia trait activated
Cost-1 Cassiopeia OriginalTFTSquareCho'Gath OriginalTFTSquareGraves OriginalTFTSquareIllaoi OriginalTFTSquareIrelia OriginalTFTSquareJhin OriginalTFTSquareKayle OriginalTFTSquareMalzahar OriginalTFTSquareMilio OriginalTFTSquareOrianna OriginalTFTSquarePoppy OriginalSquareRenekton OriginalTFTSquareSamira OriginalTFTSquare
Assassin's Mark (P) empowered Attacks landed on championsRadiant Demon Slayer TFT itemWarmog's Pride TFT itemFist of Fairness TFT itemJak'sho the Protean TFT itemWarmog's Pride TFT itemLuminous Deathblade TFT itemDemon Slayer TFT itemJak'sho the Protean TFT itemJak'sho the Protean TFT itemRabadon's Ascended Deathcap TFT itemAbsolution TFT itemWarmog's Pride TFT itemLuminous Deathblade TFT item
Cost-2 Ashe OriginalTFTSquareGalio OriginalSquareJinx OriginalTFTSquareKassadin OriginalSquareNaafiri OriginalTFTSquareQiyana OriginalTFTSquareSett OriginalTFTSquareSoraka OriginalTFTSquareSwain OriginalTFTSquareTaliyah OriginalTFTSquareTwisted Fate OriginalTFTSquareVi OriginalTFTSquareWarwick OriginalTFTSquare
Assassin's Mark (P) empowered Attacks landed on championsRadiant Luminous Deathblade TFT itemWarmog's Pride TFT itemRunaan's Tempest TFT itemDvarapala Stoneplate TFT itemFist of Fairness TFT itemFist of Fairness TFT itemWarmog's Pride TFT itemJak'sho the Protean TFT itemRoyal Crownshield TFT itemSpear of Hirana TFT itemRabadon's Ascended Deathcap TFT itemAbsolution TFT itemTitan's Vow TFT item
Cost-3 Darius OriginalTFTSquareEkko OriginalTFTSquareJayce OriginalTFTSquareKarma OriginalTFTSquareKatarina OriginalTFTSquareMiss Fortune OriginalTFTSquareNautilus OriginalTFTSquareNeeko OriginalTFTSquareQuinn OriginalTFTSquareRek'Sai OriginalTFTSquareSona OriginalTFTSquareTaric OriginalTFTSquareVel'Koz OriginalSquare
Assassin's Mark (P) empowered Attacks landed on championsRadiant Sterak's Megashield TFT itemMidnight Reaper TFT itemLuminous Deathblade TFT itemUrf-Angel's Staff TFT itemFist of Fairness TFT itemSpear of Hirana TFT itemDvarapala Stoneplate TFT itemRoyal Crownshield TFT itemLuminous Deathblade TFT itemSterak's Megashield TFT itemSpear of Hirana TFT itemAbsolution TFT itemSpear of Hirana TFT item
Cost-4 Aphelios OriginalTFTSquareAzir OriginalTFTSquareFiora OriginalTFTSquareJarvan IV OriginalTFTSquareKai'Sa OriginalSquareMordekaiser OriginalTFTSquareNasus OriginalTFTSquareNilah OriginalTFTSquareSejuani OriginalTFTSquareShen OriginalTFTSquareSilco OriginalTFTSquareXayah OriginalTFTSquare
Assassin's Mark (P) empowered Attacks landed on championsRadiant Guinsoo's Reckoning TFT itemThe Baron's Gift TFT itemSterak's Megashield TFT itemWarmog's Pride TFT itemWillbreaker TFT itemThe Baron's Gift TFT itemDvarapala Stoneplate TFT itemTitan's Vow TFT itemBulwark's Oath TFT itemDvarapala Stoneplate TFT itemRabadon's Ascended Deathcap TFT itemLuminous Deathblade TFT item
Cost-5 Aatrox OriginalTFTSquareAhri OriginalTFTSquareBel'Veth OriginalTFTSquareGangplank OriginalTFTSquareHeimerdinger OriginalTFTSquareK'Sante OriginalTFTSquareRyze OriginalTFTSquareSion OriginalTFTSquare
Assassin's Mark (P) empowered Attacks landed on championsRadiant Blessed Bloodthirster TFT itemUrf-Angel's Staff TFT itemRapid Lightcannon TFT itemFist of Fairness TFT itemSpear of Hirana TFT itemBulwark's Oath TFT itemSpear of Hirana TFT itemWarmog's Pride TFT item


  • Random radiant items will always be assigned according to the type of the champion based on default recommended items when building.

General Notes[]

  • The champion with the highest number of items is considered the strongest. If there are multiple champions, the one that was placed on the battlefield last is chosen.
  • Two additional champions must be equipped with Demacia Emblem Demacia Emblem to form a prismatic combination.

Patch History[]
