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: ''Not to be confused with the [[summoner spell]] {{si|Dash}}
'''Dash''' is a type of champion [[ability]] that causes the user to move to a destination at an increased speed. [[Skillshot]]s can hit the champion mid-way through the dash. Some dashes can be used to pass through walls. Blinks are similar to dashes, but they are instantaneous; as such, they can't be hit mid-travel.
[[File:Dash screenshot.png|thumb|275px|{{ci|Sejuani}} using {{ai|Arctic Assault|Sejuani}}.]]
== Strategy ==
A dash spell can be used for offensive or for escaping purposes. For offensive purposes, it's best used for either initiation or for finishing blows. Strategy of a dash spell is dependable on the champion's attribute: For example, {{ci|Shen}} can use his dash ability, {{ai|Shadow Dash|Shen}}, to initiate the battle, or {{ci|Akali}} can use her dash ability, {{ai|Shadow Dance|Akali}}, to secure a kill.
A '''dash''' is a type of [[champion ability]] in [[League of Legends]] that causes the caster to move to a location or in a direction while traversing the intervening distance. This is distinct from {{tip|blinks}}, which describe instantaneous movement from one location to another.
== Types ==
There are five types of dashes:
* Line dash
* Ground Targeted dash
* Single Target dash
* Point Blank dash
* Blink
All abilities that involve changing the location of the user via direct transit are classified as dashes, even ones that visually appear to be 'jumps', or utilize movement through the air - the game engine does not take into account the height of a unit so jumping units are considered to be on the ground for the purposes of [[skillshot]]s and alike.
=== Line dashes ===
These kinds of dashes move the champion in a straight line toward the targeted location.
Most dashes can be used to pass through otherwise impassable terrain, which require their end point to be within walkable terrain for this to be possible, but certain spells (such as {{cai|Relentless Pursuit|Lucian}}) have a small overhead where the crossing will succeed where it otherwise would not if a wall is just slightly too wide for it. Attempts made to cross terrain with a dash that does not fulfill this criteria will simply result in the champion stopping short.
* {{cai|Bandage Toss|Amumu}} (If it hits an enemy unit)
* {{cai|90 Caliber Net|Caitlyn}} (Knocks herself backwards)
{{cai|Steadfast Presence|Poppy}}, {{cai|Unraveled Earth|Taliyah}}, {{cai|Doom 'n Gloom|Vex}}, {{ii|Voltaic Cyclosword}}, and {{ri|Sudden Impact}} all interact with dashes.
* {{cai|Valkyrie|Corki}}
Dash abilities cannot be cast while under the effect of {{tip|ground}} or {{tip|root}}, unless otherwise stated.
Abilities with {{tip|knockdown}} effects (such as {{cai|Event Horizon|Veigar}} or {{cai|Flame Chompers!|Jinx}}) will stop units mid-dash (unless they were {{tip|displacement immune}}, {{tip|cc-immune|crowd control immune}}, protected by {{tip|spell shield}}, or {{tip|untargetable}}). {{tip|Airborne}} and {{tip|suspension}} effects will also override and effectively interrupt dashes.
A select few dashes can also be interrupted by {{tip|immobilize|immobilizing}} and {{tip|polymorph|polymorphing}} effects.
Dashes should not be confused with {{tip|airborne|displacements}}, which are usually sourced from enemies (and are classified as {{tip|crowd control}}).
== [[Auto-targeted]] dashes ==
* {{cai|Shuriken Flip 2|Akali|Shuriken Flip}} (second cast)
* {{cai|Bandage Toss|Amumu}} (when hitting a unit)
* {{cai|Between Worlds|Aurora}} (when colliding with the border)
* {{cai|Magical Journey|Bard}} (when clicked)
* {{cai|Certain Death|Briar}} (second cast)
* {{cai|Chronobreak|Ekko}}
* {{cai|Rootcaller|Ivern}} (when clicking a rooted target)
* {{cai|Dragon Strike|Jarvan IV}} (when colliding with a {{ai|Demacian Standard|Jarvan IV}})
* {{cai|Fate's Call|Kalista}} (Oathsworn pull-in)
* {{cai|Dismounted Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard|Kled|Dismount}}, {{ai|Jousting 2|Kled|Jousting}} (second cast) and {{ai|Chaaaaaaaarge!!!|Kled}} (second dash)
* {{cai|Resonating Strike|Lee Sin}}
* {{cai|Zenith Blade|Leona}}
* {{cai|Dredge Line|Nautilus}} (when hitting a unit)
* {{cai|Tunnel|Rek'Sai}} (when clicking an existing tunnel)
* {{cai|Abduct|Sylas}} (when hitting a unit)
* {{cai|Deathly Leap|Thresh}} and {{ai|Dark Passage|Thresh}} (when clicked)
* {{cai|Shadow Surge 2|Vex|Shadow Surge}} (second cast)
* {{cai|Jaws of the Beast|Warwick}} (when held)
* {{cai|Soul Unbound 2|Yone|Soul Unbound}} (second cast)
* {{cai|Satchel Charge|Ziggs}}
* {{si|Dash}}
* {{tip|Gates}} (first dash)
== [[Direction-targeted]] dashes ==
* {{cai|Umbral Dash|Aatrox}}
* {{cai|Shuriken Flip|Akali}} (reverse-targeted in first cast) and {{ai|Perfect Execution 2|Akali|Perfect Execution}} (second cast)
* {{cai|Heroic Swing 2|Akshan|Heroic Swing}} (second cast)
* {{cai|Astral Flight|Aurelion Sol}}
* {{cai|Across the Veil|Aurora}}, {{ai|The Weirding|Aurora}} (reverse-targeted), and {{ai|Between Worlds|Aurora}} (initial cast)
* {{cai|Void Surge|Bel'Veth}}
* {{cai|Wall Dive|Camille}}
* {{cai|90 Caliber Net|Caitlyn}} (reverse-targeted)
* {{cai|Phase Dive|Ekko}}
* {{cai|Lunge|Fiora}}
* {{cai|Body Slam|Gragas}}
* {{cai|Body Slam|Gragas}}
* {{cai|Quickdraw|Graves}}
* {{cai|Collateral Damage|Graves}} (reverse-targeted)
* {{cai|Martial Poise|Kalista}}
* {{cai|Dragon Strike|Jarvan IV}} (When used in the direction of {{ai|Demacian Standard|Jarvan IV}})
* {{cai|Reaping Slash|Kayn}} and {{ais|Umbral Trespass|Kayn}} {{ai|Umbral Trespass 2|Kayn|recast}}
* {{cai|Zenith Blade|Leona}} (If it hits enemy champion)
* {{cai|Pocket Pistol|Kled}} (reverse-targeted) and {{ai|Jousting|Kled}} (first cast)
* {{cai|Dredge Line|Nautilus}} (When it hits terrain or an enemy)
* {{cai|Slice and Dice|Renekton}}
* {{cai|Path Maker|K'Sante}}
* {{cai|Arctic Assault|Sejuani}}
* {{cai|Relentless Pursuit|Lucian}}
* {{cai|Shadow Dash|Shen}}
* {{cai|Eviscerate|Naafiri}}
* {{cai|Searing Charge|Ornn}} and {{ai|Call of the Forge God 2|Ornn|Call of the Forge God}} (recast)
* {{cai|Spinning Slash|Tryndamere}}
* {{cai|Phantom Undertow|Pyke}}
* {{cai|Tunnel|Rek'Sai}} (when creating a tunnel)
* {{cai|Slice|Renekton}} and {{ai|Dice|Renekton}}
* {{cai|Broken Wings|Riven}} and {{ai|Valor|Riven}}
* {{cai|Disdain|Urgot}}
* {{cai|Tumble|Vayne}}
* {{cai|Tumble|Vayne}}
* {{cai|Vault Breaker|Vi}}
* {{cai|Spectral Maw|Viego}}
* {{cai|Infinite Duress|Warwick}}
* {{cai|Warrior Trickster|Wukong}}
* {{cai|Mortal Steel 2|Yone|Mortal Steel}} and {{ai|Soul Unbound|Yone}} (first cast)
* {{cai|Spark Surge|Zeri}}
* {{ii|Hextech Rocketbelt}}
=== Ground targeted ===
== [[Location-targeted]] dashes ==
Ground targeted dashes are dashes that move the champion to the target location, applying some sort of effect at the destination.
* {{cai|Trickster|Fizz}}
* {{cai|Spirit Rush|Ahri}}
* {{cai|Heroic Swing|Akshan}} (third cast)
* {{cai|Blood Frenzy|Briar}}
* {{cai|Valkyrie|Corki}}
* {{cai|Playful|Fizz}} and {{ai|Trickster|Fizz}}
* {{cai|Justice Punch|Galio}} and {{ai|Hero's Entrance|Galio}}
* {{cai|Hop|Gnar}} and {{cis|Mega Gnar}} {{ai|Crunch|Mega Gnar}}
* {{cai|Skip 'n Slash|Gwen}}
* {{cai|Quickdraw|Graves}}
* {{cai|Onslaught of Shadows|Hecarim}}
* {{cai|Onslaught of Shadows|Hecarim}}
* {{cai|Killer Instinct|Kai'Sa}}
* {{cai|Distortion|LeBlanc}} / {{ai|Mimic Distortion|Leblanc}} (First Activation)
* {{cai|Fate's Call|Kalista}} (Oathsworn selected dash)
* {{cai|Dance of Arrows|Kindred}}
* {{cai|Leap|Kha'Zix}}
* {{cai|Footwork|K'Sante}}
* {{cai|Distortion|LeBlanc}} and {{ai|Mimic Distortion|LeBlanc}}
* {{cai|Watch Out! Eep!|Lillia}}
* {{cai|Unstoppable Force|Malphite}}
* {{cai|Unstoppable Force|Malphite}}
* {{cai|Pounce|Nidalee}}
* {{cai|Terrashape|Qiyana}}
* {{cai|Soaring Slam|Rammus}}
* {{cai|Arctic Assault|Sejuani}}
* {{cai|Shadow Dash|Shen}}
* {{cai|Dragon's Descent|Shyvana}}
* {{cai|Dragon's Descent|Shyvana}}
* {{cai|Abscond|Sylas}}
* {{cai|Weaver's Wall 2|Taliyah|Weaver's Wall}} (second cast while channeling)
* {{cai|Rocket Jump|Tristana}}
* {{cai|Rocket Jump|Tristana}}
* {{cai|Spinning Slash|Tryndamere}}
* {{cai|Grand Entrance|Rakan}}
* {{cai|Ferromancy: Crash Down|Rell}}
* {{cai|Stormbringer|Volibear}}
* {{cai|Elastic Slingshot|Zac}}
* {{tip|Gates}} (second dash)
=== Single targeted ===
== [[Unit-targeted]] dashes ==
Single targeted dashes allow a champion to reach the location of a target in range, regardless of how much it travels after the dash has been cast. These dashes can only pass through walls if there is a valid target on the other side. Targeted dashes will not affect the target if they use a blink, but will travel with the target if they use a dash.
* {{cai|Shadow Dance|Akali}}
* {{cai|Perfect Execution|Akali}} (first cast)
* {{cai|Headbutt|Alistar}}
* {{cai|Headbutt|Alistar}}
* {{cai|Shifting Sands|Azir}} (only after using {{ai|Arise!|Azir}})
* {{cai|Noxian Guillotine|Darius}}
* {{cai|Endless Banquet|Bel'Veth}}
* {{cai|Stand Behind Me|Braum}}
* {{cai|Head Rush|Briar}}
* {{cai|The Hextech Ultimatum|Camille}}
* {{cai|Lunar Rush|Diana}}
* {{cai|Lunar Rush|Diana}}
* {{cai|Lunge|Fiora}}
* {{cai|Venomous Bite|Elise}}
* {{cai|Blade Waltz|Fiora}}
* {{cai|Empowered Whiplash|Evelynn}}
* {{cai|Urchin Strike|Fizz}}
* {{cai|Urchin Strike|Fizz}}
* {{cai|Devastating Charge|Hecarim}}
* {{cai|Harsh Lesson|Illaoi}}
* {{cai|Bladesurge|Irelia}}
* {{cai|Bladesurge|Irelia}}
* {{cai|Cataclysm|Jarvan IV}}
* {{cai|Cataclysm|Jarvan IV}}
* {{cai|Leap Strike|Jax}}
* {{cai|Leap Strike|Jax}}
* {{cai|To the Skies!|Jayce}}
* {{cai|To the Skies!|Jayce}}
* {{cai|Umbral Trespass|Kayn}} (first cast)
* {{cai|Resonating Strike|Lee Sin}} (Automatically targets enemy hit by {{ai|Sonic Wave|Lee Sin}})
* {{cai|Footwork|K'Sante}} (ally cast)
* {{cai|Safeguard|Lee Sin}} (Targetable to allied champion, wards and minions only)
* {{cai|Safeguard|Lee Sin}}
* {{cai|Twisted Advance|Maokai}}
* {{cai|Twisted Advance|Maokai}}
* {{cai|Alpha Strike|Master Yi}}
* {{cai|Hounds' Pursuit|Naafiri}}
* {{cai|Slipstream|Nilah}}
* {{cai|Paranoia|Nocturne}}
* {{cai|Paranoia|Nocturne}}
* {{cai|Aegis of Zeonia|Pantheon}}
* {{cai|Shield Vault|Pantheon}}
* {{cai|Heroic Charge|Poppy}}
* {{cai|Heroic Charge|Poppy}}
* {{cai|Audacity|Qiyana}}
* {{cai|Vault|Quinn}}
* {{cai|Battle Dance|Rakan}}
* {{cai|Void Rush|Rek'Sai}}
* {{cai|Ferromancy: Mount Up|Rell}}
* {{cai|Unseen Predator|Rengar}}
* {{cai|Daredevil Impulse|Samira}} and {{ai|Wild Rush|Samira}}
* {{cai|The Show Stopper|Sett}}
* {{cai|Kingslayer|Sylas}}
* {{cai|Noxian Diplomacy|Talon}}
* {{cai|Blazing Stampede|Udyr}}
* {{cai|Cease and Desist|Vi}}
* {{cai|Thundering Smash|Volibear}}
* {{cai|Nimbus Strike|Wukong}}
* {{cai|Nimbus Strike|Wukong}}
* {{cai|Audacious Charge|Xin Zhao}}
* {{cai|Audacious Charge|Xin Zhao}}
* {{cai|Sweeping Blade|Yasuo}}
* {{cai|You and Me!|Yuumi}}
* {{cai|Death Mark|Zed}}
=== Point Blank ===
== Terrain-targeted dashes ==
* {{Cai|Hookshot|Camille}}
Point blank dashes allows the user to move at or towards the cursor, like smart cast skillshots. Some of these dashes allow the champion to pass through walls if the dash can move enough to arrive at the other side of the wall.
* {{cai|Spirit Rush|Ahri}}
* {{Cai|Dredge Line|Nautilus}}
* {{cai|Playful|Fizz}}
* {{Cai|Assassin's Path|Talon}}
* {{cai|Pounce|Nidalee}}
* {{cai|Tumble|Vayne}}
* {{cai|Broken Wings|Riven}} (Moves forward or to an enemy champion if the cursor is above them)
* {{cai|Valor|Riven}}
=== Blink ===
== Knockdowns ==
{{main|Types of Crowd Control#Knockdown}}
These abilities target a point or area and teleport the champion to the location, usually causing an effect afterwards. These are unique from the dash abilities listed above because they avoid all hazards between the points and are therefore not affected by them. For example, {{ci|Akali}} gets stunned when using {{ai|Shadow Dance|Akali}} through {{cai|Event Horizon|Veigar}} but {{ci|Kassadin}} can {{ai|Riftwalk|Kassadin}} past with impunity.
* {{si|Flash}}
* {{cai|Arcane Shift|Ezreal}}
* {{cai|Charm|Ahri}}
* {{cai|Crowstorm|Fiddlesticks}}
* {{cai|Curse of the Sad Mummy|Amumu}}
* {{cai|Riftwalk|Kassadin}}
* {{cai|Grim Visage|Hwei}}
* {{cai|Shunpo|Katarina}}
* {{cai|Flame Chompers!|Jinx}}
* {{cai|Frozen Tomb|Lissandra}}
* {{cai|Distortion|LeBlanc}} / {{ai|Mimic Distortion|Leblanc}} (Second activation)
* {{cai|Grand Skyfall|Pantheon}}
* {{cai|Nether Grasp|Malzahar}}
* {{cai|Deceive|Shaco}}
* {{cai|Event Horizon|Veigar}}
* {{cai|Stand United|Shen}}
* {{cai|Doom 'n Gloom|Vex}}
* {{cai|Cutthroat|Talon}}
* {{cai|Gravity Field|Viktor}}
* {{cai|Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser|Urgot}}
* {{cai|Infinite Duress|Warwick}}
* {{cai|Infinite Duress|Warwick}}
* {{cai|Gate|Twisted Fate}}
* {{cai|Fate Sealed|Yone}}
* {{cai|Living Shadow|Zed}} (Second activation)
=== Dash cancels ===
* {{cai|Death Mark|Zed}} (Second activation)
* {{cai|Steadfast Presence|Poppy}}
== Dashes that are interruptible by CC ==
The following dashes are interrupted by {{tip|immobilize|immobilization}} or {{tip|polymorph}}.
* {{cai|Heroic Swing|Akshan}}
* {{cai|Hookshot|Camille}}
* {{cai|Martial Poise|Kalista}}
* {{cai|Grand Entrance|Rakan}} and {{ai|Battle Dance|Rakan}}
* {{cai|Sweeping Blade|Yasuo}}
* {{cai|You and Me!|Yuumi}}
== Dashes that can't bypass terrain ==
* {{cai|Heroic Swing 2|Akshan|Heroic Swing}} (second and third cast)
* {{cai|Void Surge|Bel'Veth}} (while not {{sbc|True Form}})
* {{cai|Justice Punch|Galio}}
* {{cai|Jousting|Kled}} (first cast)
* {{cai|Path Maker|K'Sante}} and {{ai|Footwork|K'Sante}} (while not {{ai|All Out|K'Sante}})
* {{cai|Watch Out! Eep!|Lillia}}
* {{cai|Searing Charge|Ornn}} and {{ai|Call of the Forge God 2|Ornn|Call of the Forge God}} (second cast)
* {{cai|Broken Wings|Riven}} (first two casts) and {{ai|Valor|Riven}}
* {{cai|Daredevil Impulse|Samira}}
* {{cai|Disdain|Urgot}}
* {{cai|Tumble|Vayne}}
* {{cai|Spectral Maw|Viego}}
* {{ii|Hextech Rocketbelt}}
== Lunge ==
{{tip info|Lunge}}
* {{cai|Noxian Guillotine|Darius}}
* {{cai|Justice Punch|Galio}} (backwards windup)
* {{cai|Decisive Strike|Garen}}
* {{cai|Bellows Breath|Ornn}}
* {{cai|Shattering Strike|Rell}}
* {{cai|Unstoppable Onslaught 2|Sion|Recast of Unstoppable Onslaught}}
* {{cai|Jaws of the Beast|Warwick}} (before holding down the key)
{{Ability types}}
{{Gameplay elements}}

Latest revision as of 00:35, 26 September 2024

Not to be confused with the summoner spell Dash Dash
Dash screenshot

Sejuani Sejuani using Arctic Assault Arctic Assault.

A dash is a type of champion ability in League of Legends that causes the caster to move to a location or in a direction while traversing the intervening distance. This is distinct from Flash blinks, which describe instantaneous movement from one location to another.

All abilities that involve changing the location of the user via direct transit are classified as dashes, even ones that visually appear to be 'jumps', or utilize movement through the air - the game engine does not take into account the height of a unit so jumping units are considered to be on the ground for the purposes of skillshots and alike.

Most dashes can be used to pass through otherwise impassable terrain, which require their end point to be within walkable terrain for this to be possible, but certain spells (such as Lucian's Lucian's Relentless Pursuit Relentless Pursuit) have a small overhead where the crossing will succeed where it otherwise would not if a wall is just slightly too wide for it. Attempts made to cross terrain with a dash that does not fulfill this criteria will simply result in the champion stopping short.

Poppy's Poppy's Steadfast Presence Steadfast Presence, Taliyah's Taliyah's Unraveled Earth Unraveled Earth, Vex's Vex's Doom 'n Gloom Doom 'n Gloom, Voltaic Cyclosword Voltaic Cyclosword, and Sudden Impact Sudden Impact all interact with dashes.

Dash abilities cannot be cast while under the effect of Grounded icon ground or Root icon root, unless otherwise stated.

Abilities with Knockdown icon knockdown effects (such as Veigar's Veigar's Event Horizon Event Horizon or Jinx's Jinx's Flame Chompers! Flame Chompers!) will stop units mid-dash (unless they were Unstoppable icon displacement immune, Cc-immune icon crowd control immune, protected by Spell Shield spell shield, or Untargetable icon untargetable). Airborne icon Airborne and Stun iconAirborne icon suspension effects will also override and effectively interrupt dashes.

A select few dashes can also be interrupted by Stun icon immobilizing and Silence icon polymorphing effects.

Dashes should not be confused with Airborne icon displacements, which are usually sourced from enemies (and are classified as Stun icon crowd control).

Auto-targeted dashes

Direction-targeted dashes

Location-targeted dashes

Unit-targeted dashes

Terrain-targeted dashes


Dash cancels

Dashes that are interruptible by CC

The following dashes are interrupted by Stun icon immobilization or Silence icon polymorph.

Dashes that can't bypass terrain


EditA lunge refers to the movement of a champion during an ability's cast animation (such as short-ranged abilities) or an empowered attack's animation (such as empowerments that grant Range icon bonus range), in order to place the champion in range for a follow-up attack.

Lunge is a movement distinct from Dash dashes, primarily by not triggering effects that would otherwise interact with dashes, such as Poppy's Poppy's Steadfast Presence Steadfast Presence.