Dark Harvest is a rune in
League of Legends.

- Dark Harvest does not trigger off of damage that applies neither attack nor spell effects (e.g. , , ).
- Dark Harvest will trigger on
clones, but not
- Dark Harvest will not reap additional Souls during the delay before a Soul is gained.
- Dark Harvest is often taken on the Howling Abyss, as the single lane setup causes regular teamfights leading to a lot of takedowns, producing more stacks than the average Summoner's Rift game.
Map-Specific Differences[]
Howling Abyss differences edit
- Damage per soul changed to 4.
Nexus Blitz differences edit
- Damage per soul changed to 2.
- Base damage changed to 15 − 55 (based on level).
Ultra Rapid Fire differences edit
- Cooldown changed to 12 seconds.
- Base damage changed to 10 − 50 (based on level).
- AP ratio changed to 10% AP.
- AD ratio changed to 20% bonus AD.
- Damage per soul changed to 2.
- Obtained from the
From Beginning to End augment.
- Base damage changed to 50 − 100 (based on level).
- Bonus AD ratio changed to 35% bonus AD.
- AP ratio changed to 25% AP.
- Damage per soul changed to 10.
Sound Effects[]
- Triggered
- Collecting soul
- Soul harvested
Patch History[]
- Cooldown reduced to 35 seconds from 40.
- Takedown cooldown reduced to 1 second from 1.5.
- Cooldown reduced to 40 seconds from 45.
- Base damage reduced to 20 at all levels from 20 − 80 (based on level).
- Damage per stack increased to 9 from 5.
- ARAM-only Balancing:
- Bonus damage per Soul increased to 4 from 2.
- Base damage increased to 20 − 80 (based on level) from 20 − 60 (based on level).
- AD ratio reduced to 10% bonus AD from 25% bonus AD.
- AP ratio reduced to 5% AP from 15% AP.
- Bug Fix: Now properly triggers from damage caused by active items.
- Base damage reduced to 20 − 60 (based on level) from 40 − 80 (based on level).
- Removed: Can no longer trigger off other procs (e.g. , ) aside from , whose effect is built to behave like a separate ability.
- V8.23 - November 26th Hotfix
- ARAM-only Balancing:
- Bonus damage per Soul reduced to 2 from 4.
- V8.23 - November 20th Hotfix
- Base damage reduced to 40 − 80 (based on level) from 50 − 80 (based on level)
- Bonus damage per Soul reduced to 5 from 8.
- New Effects:
- Damaging a champion below 50% of their maximum health by any mean deals 50 − 80 (based on level) (+ 8 per Soul) (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 15% AP) bonus
Adaptive damage and reaps 1 Soul. This cannot happen again for 45 seconds, resetting to 1.5 seconds on champion
- On ARAM, souls increase the damage by 4 instead of 8.
- Damaging a champion below 50% of their maximum health by any mean deals 50 − 80 (based on level) (+ 8 per Soul) (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 15% AP) bonus
- Old Effects:
- Enemy and allied, champions, large minions and large monsters that die nearby drop Soul Essences on the ground. These last for 10 seconds or until picked by moving close to it. If you kill the target yourself, the Soul Essence will be automatically picked up. Champions grant 6 Soul Essence; large minions grant 4 Soul Essence; and large monsters grant 2 Soul Essence. Select champion summoned units are classified as large minions.
- Collecting a Soul Essence empowers your next basic attack against an enemy champion or structure within the next 20 seconds to deal 20 − 60 (based on level) (+ Total Soul Essence) (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) bonus
Adaptive damage.
- After collecting 150 Soul Essences you become Soul Charged, increasing the time to trigger the empowered attack to 300 seconds.
- Range: 1400 / 300
- Base damage reduced to 20 − 60 (based on level) from 40 − 80 (based on level).
- Bug Fix: Dropped Soul Essence particle is now brighter and clearer for colorblind players.
- ARAM-only Balancing:
- Soul Essences from champion takedown reduced to 4 from 5.
- Soul Essences from large minion reduced to 2 from 4.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where a VFX box appeared when a soul was dropped on the ground.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where, if multiple players took Dark Harvest, only one of them could see the soul glow on units that will drop Dark Harvest souls.
- Bug Fix: On ARAM, tooltip now properly indicates that champion souls are worth less soul essence.
- Map-Specific Balancing: On ARAM, champions soul essences dropped reduced to 5 from 6.
- V7.22 Added
Domination Keystone rune.
- Passive: Champions, large minions, and large monsters drop Soul Essence on death, which you can collect by moving nearby. Collecting Soul Essence empowers your next attack versus an enemy champion or structure within the next 20 seconds to deal 40 − 80 (based on level) (+ Total Soul Essence) (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) bonus
Adaptive damage.
- Champion souls grant 6 Soul Essence; large minion souls grant 4 Soul Essence; and large monster souls grant 2 Soul Essence. Select champion summoned units are classified as large minions.
- After collecting 150 Soul Essence you become Soul Charged, increasing the time to trigger the empowered attack to 300 seconds.
- Adaptive: Deals either physical or magic depending on which would deal the most damage.
- Passive: Champions, large minions, and large monsters drop Soul Essence on death, which you can collect by moving nearby. Collecting Soul Essence empowers your next attack versus an enemy champion or structure within the next 20 seconds to deal 40 − 80 (based on level) (+ Total Soul Essence) (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) bonus