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League of Legends Wiki
Cosmic Insight is a rune in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


  • Cosmic Insight behaved similarly to the removed Season 2016 mastery Intelligence mastery 2016 Intelligence.

Item Haste
None 0
Cosmic Insight rune 10

Item Haste (Equivalent in CDR)
None 0%
Cosmic Insight rune 9.09%

Item Cooldown
Items Base Cooldown Cosmic Insight rune
Sheen itemBloodsong itemIceborn Gauntlet itemLich Bane itemTrinity Force item 1.5 1.36
Malignance itemStatikk Shiv item 3 2.73
Unending Despair item 5 4.55
Eclipse item 6 5.45
Tear of the Goddess itemArchangel's Staff itemDream Maker itemFimbulwinter itemManamune itemSundered Sky itemWinter's Approach item 8 7.27
Imperial Mandate item 9 8.18
Tiamat itemProfane Hydra itemRavenous Hydra itemTitanic Hydra itemZaz'Zak's Realmspike item 10 9.09
Luden's Companion item 12 10.91
Blade of the Ruined King itemStridebreaker item 15 13.64
Celestial Opposition item 18 16.36
Banshee's Veil itemExperimental Hexplate itemHeartsteel itemHorizon Focus itemSolstice Sleigh itemStormsurge item 30 27.27
Hextech Alternator itemScout's Slingshot itemEdge of Night itemHextech Rocketbelt item 40 36.36
Youmuu's Ghostblade itemZeke's Convergence item 45 40.91
Umbral Glaive item 50 45.45
Verdant Barrier itemCryptbloom itemKnight's Vow item 60 54.55
Shurelya's Battlesong item 75 68.18
Hexdrinker itemQuicksilver Sash itemImmortal Shieldbow itemLocket of the Iron Solari itemMaw of Malmortius itemMercurial Scimitar itemRanduin's Omen itemRedemption itemSeraph's Embrace itemSterak's Gage item 90 81.82
Mikael's Blessing itemZhonya's Hourglass item 120 109.09
Guardian Angel item 300 272.73

Summoner spell haste
Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift
Base cooldown ▶ 360s
(ClarityCleanseExhaustGhostHealUnleashed Teleport)
Cooldown reduction icon Haste
12 (Ionian Boots of Lucidity item) 321.43s 267.86s 214.29s 160.71s 80.36s 17.86s
18 (Cosmic Insight rune) 305.08s 254.24s 203.39s 152.54s 76.27s 16.95s
30 (Cosmic Insight rune Ionian Boots of Lucidity item) 276.92s 230.77s 184.62s 138.46s 69.23s 15.38s
Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss
Base cooldown ▶ 300s
Cooldown reduction icon Haste
70 (Howling Abyss aura) 176.47s 141.18s 105.88s 47.06s 11.76s
82 (Howling Abyss auraIonian Boots of Lucidity item) 164.84s 131.87s 98.9s 43.96s 10.99s
88 (Howling Abyss auraCosmic Insight rune) 159.57s 127.66s 95.74s 42.55s 10.64s
100 (Howling Abyss auraCosmic Insight runeIonian Boots of Lucidity item) 150s 120s 90s 40s 10s

Patch History[]

  • Summoner spell haste increased to 18 from 15.
  • New Effect:
    • Gain 15 summoner spell haste and 10 item haste.
  • Old Effects:
    • Gain 5% cooldown reduction and increases the cooldown reduction cap to 45%.
    • Additionally, reduces the cooldown of summoner spells and item actives by 5%.
V7.22 Added
  • Inspiration icon Inspiration Slot 3 rune.
    • Passive: Gain 5% cooldown reduction and increases the cooldown reduction cap to 45%. Additionally, reduces the cooldown of summoner spells and item actives by 5%.

