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League of Legends Wiki
Conditioning is a rune in League of Legends icon League of Legends.

Conditioning gained VFX

Stats Gained VFX


  • The increase in stats from Conditioning does not exclusively count as bonus armor or magic resistance.
    • The 3% increased base armor and magic resistance do not count as bonus armor/magic resistence, and in the infotip panel when you hover the armor or magic resist stat are not displayed as an increase to the player's base armor/magic resistence. The values in the infotip do not add up properly for this reason.(bug)
      • Due to a lack of any base armor and magic resistance ratios in the game it is unable to be determined whether the 3% bonus to base resistance stats counts as base armor/magic resistance or not. In the similar case of Overgrowth Overgrowth, they do count as the former.

Map-Specific Differences[]

Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss differences edit
  • Initial cooldown changed to 8 minutes.
Nexus Blitz icon Nexus Blitz differences edit
  • Time available changed to 6 minutes.
ProfileIcon0785 The Thinking Manatee Ultra Rapid Fire differences edit
  • Initial cooldown changed to 6 minutes.
Conditioning Mark

Sound Effects[]


Patch History[]

  • Bonus resistances reduced to 8 from 9.
  • Increased resistances reduced to 3% from 4%.
  • Increased resistances reduced to 4% from 5%.
  • Bonus resistance time increased to 12 minutes from 10.
  • Undocumented: The percentage bonus resistances gained will now correctly increase effects that scale with bonus resistances (e.g. Dazzle Dazzle, Aftershock Aftershock).
  • Bonus armor and magic resistance after 10 minutes increased to 9 from 8.
V7.22 - Added
  • Resolve icon Resolve Slot 2 rune.
    • Passive: After 10 minutes gain 8 bonus armor and 8 bonus magic resistance and increases your total Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)armor and Champions that have been made a Vessel by Test of Spirit (E)magic resistance by 5%.

