Cloth Armor is a basic item in League of Legends.
Builds Into
Cost Analysis
Gold Value
- 15 armor = 300
- Total Gold Value = 300
Gold efficiency
- basic item from which the gold value for the stat armor is derived (approximately 20 per point of armor). is the
Similar items
- can be purchased as a starter item to improve lane sustainability against physical damage dealers.
Old icons
Patch History
- Now builds into .
- No longer builds into , , .
- Now builds into , .
- Now builds into .
- No longer builds into and .
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the Cloth Armor and starting bundle would display "+1 More" text even though it does not grant a third item.
- Now builds into .
- Updated icon.
- Now builds into , , , , and .
- No longer builds into and .
- No longer builds into , since that item has been removed from the game.
- Removed from recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Removed from recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Removed from recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Removed from recipe for .
- Removed from recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Removed from recipe for .
- Removed from recipe for .
- Armor reduced to 15 from 18.
- Now properly displays missing item build paths.
- Added to recipe for .
- Removed from recipe for .
- Fixed a bug in the Tutorial where would occasionally show up as a .
- Removed from recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Unknown
- Armor reduced to 18 from 20.
- Added
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Arena Prismatic items
- Arena Anvil items
- Arena exclusive items
- Removed items