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League of Legends Wiki
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  • Last updated: V14.13 - Updated Names and section on Minions
This article was last edited by Hailfire805 on 23-Sep-2024 10:05.
See also pets, mounts, and named weapons.

A champion summoned unit (often referred to as a 'pet') is a game character similar to a minion, monster, or champion, that is spawned into the game by a champion.



A clone is a copy of a champion that is only considered a champion for targeting purposes, otherwise considered a Summon Tibbers pet. Damage rating Takedowns also consider it as a pet (Glorious Evolution Glorious Evolution exception) and its damage is still credited to the owner (and so will attract Turret icon turret aggro as with any champion damage). Depending on the creation, a clone can copy almost almost all effects from the owner, such as item bonuses and current inflicted debuffs.

Interactions with other abilities, runes, and items are case by case.

The damage dealt by a clone's basic attacks is not considered to be ability damage and so will not trigger spell effects (e.g. Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment, Luden's Companion Luden's Companion). Some clones can Heal power icon heal themselves with Life steal icon life steal if they have any, and Spoils of War will be triggered by clones' attacks.

The player can control the following clones' actions to an extent. This can be done either by Alt + RMB or via the button used to summon them (such as R).
The player cannot control the following clones' actions.
  • Fiddlesticks' Fiddlesticks' Scarecrow Effigy Scarecrow Effigy
    • Reveals the area and performs a random action after being Sight icon seen by a nearby enemy champion. Uniquely, it is a valid target for Teleport Teleport.
  • Illaoi's Illaoi's Test of Spirit Test of Spirit
    • Does not perform any actions but is vulnerable to damage, which is transferred to its "body" (i.e. the champion it is tethered to).
  • Lissandra's Lissandra's Iceborn Subjugation Iceborn Subjugation
    • Summons clones from slain enemy champions that chase nearby enemies for 4 seconds, dying afterwards.
  • Wukong's Wukong's Nimbus Strike Nimbus Strike
    • Creates two clones that dash to enemies around the target. Untargetable icon Untargetable during the dash, but become targetable for 0.25 seconds by non-targeted effects after reaching their targets.


A Minion icon Minion is a champion-summoned unit that some champions can create. Each summoning champion can only summon their unique minions. These units exist independently of their summoning champion, but usually, will only stay summoned for a limited amount of time or as long as the summoning champion is in the immediate vicinity. These units have stats including health, which is independent from that of the summoning champion. These units may have their attacks and stats increase based on the stats of the summoning champion, but they may also be static. All damage dealt by these units is credited to the summoning champion.

The player can control the following pets' movement. This can be done either by Alt + RMB or via the button used to summon them (such as R)
The following units behave autonomously.

Structures / Terrain[]

The individual units that make up the terrain sometimes have visible health bars (similar to lane minions) in Spectator Mode or briefly upon initially being summoned; and can sometimes be clicked upon to view their target frame, offering arbitrary statistical information. Aside from the aforementioned bug, terrain usually cannot be selected as a target directly for exceptional cases.

Although Bard's Bard's Magical Journey Magical Journey is functional on static terrain, it cannot be created on player-created terrain.

Structures can be directly targeted, but otherwise have the same (plus some additional) interactions. Some additional effects include Stormbringer Stormbringer and Soaring Slam Soaring Slam.
  • Turret is one type of structure and has some effects that will trigger versus turrets but not other structures, such as Explosive Charge Explosive Charge.
  • There are currently no examples of champion summoned inhibitors or other non-turret structures, but they are a distinct classification.

Targetable Traps[]

Traps are triggered when valid targets come into their trigger range. In all existing cases, their damage is classified as ability damage credited to their champion. Traps are initially stealthed after a brief "arm time", and will be revealed by True Sight icon True Sight, Control Wards Control Wards, and Oracle Lens Oracle Lens.

Miscellaneous / Wards[]

The following units have no known classification but can be safely tagged as allied/enemy "units", which makes them valid targets for Safeguard Safeguard and Teleport Teleport but invalid targets for most other effects (i.e. things that affect minions, champions or any of the above categories). One possible tag for many of the following units is "ward", since wards follow this behavior.


"Non-targetable" refers to units that are never meant to be targetable:

Non-targetable Traps[]

Traps are triggered when valid targets come into their trigger range. In all cases, their damage is classified as ability damage and is credited to their champion. If hidden from sight, they will be detected by Oracle Lens' Oracle Lens' hostile unit detection.

