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League of Legends Wiki
Champion Mastery 1

Champion Mastery

Champion Mastery is a progression system which tracks a player's aptitude and experience with each champion. At the end of every game, players receive a grade which scores their performance in comparison to the whole player base in that respective champion and position combination. These grades then translate into a point score which accumulates over time, eventually unlocking new Champion Mastery tiers and rewards as the player advances through the system.

Champion Mastery is directly tied with Hextech Crafting.

While uploaded with patch V5.6, this system wasn't fully implemented on all servers until May 6th 2015, during the patch V5.8 cycle.

How the System works


All summoners who've hit level five or higher will be eligible for Mastery points. Upon release in patch V5.8, this feature supported only PvP Summoner's Rift games (Blind Pick, Draft, Ranked). [1]. As of patch V6.12 the system now supports ARAM and Twisted Treeline Modes. It also supports special game modes including Ascension, Legend of the Poro King, Ultra Rapid Fire, Hexakill, and One for All. All Co-Op vs. AI modes still does not allow players to earn Mastery points.


Champion Mastery 2

Grading score

Every game you play with a champion, you will earn a grade based on how well you performed in comparison to all other players in your region that have played your champion-position combination (i.e., Vel'Koz bottom lane will only be compared to other Vel'Koz bottom lane players), with S+ only being awarded to the highest percentile of players. [2] These grades are not persistent and only represent how well you performed in that specific game. However, a higher grade is worth more points towards your mastery of that particular champion.

  • Grades can only be viewed by yourself. Teammates and 3rd party websites cannot access them.  But as of patch 6.5 there is a glitch to view friends Champion Mastery. [3]
  • Grades are opt-in. They are only shown if you hover over the point score. [4]
  • While you are graded versus all players in your region, the grading system is not influenced by your matchmaking rating (MMR). There is nothing to stop a Silver 2 from being the best Lissandra player in the region, should they consistently score S+ for their games. [5]
  • Performance uses a mix of core game metrics that Riot is confident cannot be abused through means such as AFK farming or spam warding. [6]
  • Riot will not reveal the exact factors that determine grading to prevent players from attempting to game the system. [7]

Champion Mastery

Champion Mastery 3

Grading system

Champion Mastery is currently divided into 5 tiers with Tier 5 being the highest, although there are plans to add two more tiers in the near future. To progress through the tiers, you need to play games on your champion and earn mastery points (CP), with a current projection of 15-30 games to reach Tier 5. [8] The amount of mastery points earned is displayed as a circular progress bar around your grade in the post-game screen. While a higher grade is worth more mastery points, the amount of mastery points gained is also influenced by team performance and party size (premade bonus).

$${\rm Champion \ Mastery \ Gain} = {\rm Individual \ Contribution} + {\rm Team \ Performance} + {\rm Party \ Bonus}$$

Team performance is affected by whether or not your team wins.

Players can track their progress with each champion outside the post-game screen in the Champion section of their profile. Furthermore, the three champions with the highest point score are displayed prominently on the profile landing page, next to your ranked standings.

"Unplayed" is considered separate from Tier 1. After playing a single game, players immediately enter Tier 1 and start their progress towards Tier 2.

Mastery points can be earned beyond the maximum tier. The total is displayed below the champion portrait on the profile screen together with the Tier 5 crest. [9]

The following describes the amount of Champion Mastery points required to go from one tier to the next: [10]

To reach Tier CP Required Cumulative CP Required Cumulative CP %
1 0 0 0
2 1800 1800 8
3 4200 6000 28
4 6600 12600 58
5 9000 21600 100

Party bonus is awarded based on group size:

Party Size Party Bonus
Party of one No bonus
Party of two 2% of CP earned
Party of three 4% of CP earned
Party of four 6% of CP earned
Party of five 10% of CP earned


There are 5 ranks of Champion Mastery currently obtainable. You will earn the following crests and their associated rewards as you accumulate Champion Mastery points:

Champion Mastery 4

Champion Mastery displayed beneath champion icons

Champion Mastery Kill Announcement

Announcement Banner (Shown: Tier 7 Morgana kills a Tier 7 Morgana)


At each rank there is also a role-specific title which you’ll be able to see on your profile. Below are the titles you get at each rank for a given role.

Level Assassin Fighter Mage Marksman Support Tank
1 Thug Scrapper Initiate Tracker Aide Grunt
2 Prowler Brawler Conjurer Strider Protector Bruiser
3 Cutthroat Warrior Invoker Scout Keeper Bulwark
4 Reaper Veteran Magus Ranger Defender Enforcer
5 Slayer Destroyer Warlock Pathfinder Guardian Brute
6 Executioner Warmonger Sorcerer Sharpshooter Sentinel Colossus
7 Deathmaster Warlord Archmage Sniper Warden Juggernaut


  • Champion Mastery Guide by Riot Support
  • Free to play champions can be leveled up to Tier 4. After that, they will stop accruing points until the champion is unlocked. [11]
  • Mastery points do not decay.[12]
  • Progress will not be reset in the event of a champion rework. [13]
  • Visibility of Champion Mastery to other players: [14]
    • Profile Page:
      • Top three champions
      • 8 champions in progress
      • Mastery Score: Total of Mastery Tiers unlocked
    • Loading Screen:
      • Mastery Badges: These will appear in all queues but are only visible to your allies. [15]
    • In-Game:
      • Kill Announcement Badges
      • In-Game Emote: These will be visible to all players, should you choose to perform the emote.


Will I get xp credit for how much I've already played a champion? We’re not currently planning to do this. Because this is a new system, we want players to feel progress (and earn rewards!) based on how well they do and the champions they choose to play.

What goes into the grading system? How do you calculate it? It’s based on the champion and role that you just played in a game. So, for example, we look at Annie mid differently to Annie support. We take a series of performance metrics and compare how you do to all other players in your region in your champion / position combination. It is percentile driven - so earning a high score means you performed in the top x% of players on that champ in that position. The grade itself governs the point gains.

How many games will it take to level up? We expect players to take 15-30 games to level through the first set of levels (1 through 5). We’ll be unlocking additional levels later.

Is this going to feel grind-y? This system is performance based - the quicker you master a new champion, the quicker you’ll make progress. At the same time, we want it to be accessible enough that all players can feel good about improving. We’re tuning this system so that you will be leveling up the set of champions that you really enjoy playing and getting meaningful feedback on your performance each game. The ceilings are intentionally set low for each individual champion to avoid making it feel like a grind.

Can you be demoted? No demotions or decay is currently planned.

What other kinds of rewards are planned for the future? We are going to see how people enjoy using the system and what they like about it before we finalize our future plans. We’d love feedback on this.

Will skins ever be a reward? It’s not something we’re considering right now, but we are exploring other ideas for unique rewards we think you guys might like.

Will this work on Dominion and ARAM? Will it ever in the future? We’re currently limiting this to SR.

Can the enemy team see the crests in-game or in the loading screen? Not initially, but we may revisit this in the future.

Can other players see my grade at the end of the game? No. These grades are for you and not something for others to be able to see. They will not available to 3rd party sites either.

Will the score account for AFKers? Can confirm, AFKing will result in a bad score."

Champion Mastery Loading Screen


  • Champion Mastery rewards will not be awarded retroactively. [16]
  • Tier 6 (Magenta Diamond) and Tier 7 (Cyan Hexagon) already appear in the files. However, they have yet to be activated. Hence, the highest achievable tier is currently Tier 5 (Red Triangle).
    • As of v6.10, Tier 6 (Magenta Diamond) and Tier 7 (Cyan Hexagon) have been implemented.
      • However, unlike the previous Tiers, you need to craft them through Hextech Crafting, in order to achieve the higher tiers.[17]
        • From Tier 5, you need to get 2 Mastery 6 Token of the champion, by achieving S- grade and up, and 500 blue essence, or a champion shard of the same champion, or a permanent champion shard of the same champion.
        • From Tier 6, you need to get 3 Mastery 7 Token of the champion, by achieving S grade and up, and 600 blue essence, or a champion shard of the same champion, or a permanent shard of the same champion.
  • The in-game emote causes the champion to produce a mastery badge. Unlike other emotes it doesn't seem to interrupt anything and can even be used while dead. Default key binding: Ctrl + 6. It is visible to both teams. [18]



LoL Animations - Champions mastery

See Also

