Bloodstone is a series of alternate future/universe skins in League of Legends. Set in a world of the Bloodstone, each champion is a Bloodstone cultist.
The fabled Bloodstone grants impressive abilities at an equally chilling price. Many bodies lie in its wake, with doubtless more to come, because there is no shortage of power within the darkness, only the will to seize it.
- Bloostone Cultists
A zealous sycophant to his order, Hecarim unquestioningly serves the will of the Bloodstone. While less subtle than his masters would like, he is nonetheless effective in his purpose of executing enemies in a grisly fashion.
Once a powerful sorceress who sought absolute control over her followers, Lissandra transformed into something altogether different when she finally found the hallowed Bloodstone. The magic she drew from it drove her to slay those who once tended to her every whim. To this day she wanders in search of more mortals to sacrifice to her newfound source of power.
This blood-crazed killing machine scours the battlefield to sate the Bloodstone. The more he slays, the more he fuels his powers. This in turn feeds his frenzy, creating a never ending cycle of spilt viscera and gore.
Considered to be the most handsome and cunning acolyte of his Bloodstone cult, Taric seized power after the former leader took to the hunt. Now fully in control of his Bloodstone artifact, he uses his powers to maintain his youth and beauty at all costs—even if it means getting his hands a little bloody.
Former leader of a Bloodstone cult, Vladimir took part in a ritual that sacrificed his humanity—along with the blood of several victims—to transform the once foppish noble into a terror of the night. To satiate his sanguine cravings, he stalks the urban labyrinth in search of hapless prey.
The Rivers Shall Run Red[]
Crystal Quest[]
- Series 1
- Bloodstone shares corrupting properties with Red lyrium from the Dragon Age series.
- This theme shares some visual similarities with the Rift Quest skin set.
- appears in the story Crystal Quest as a forest statue.