Champion Roadmap: September 2021[]
- Until Next Year
That’s all we’ve got for today. Our next update will be at the start of next year where we’ll have a lot to share, including more details on the new villainous support, the next VGU planned after Udyr, as well as an overwhelming new jungler that should fill a void in all your hearts.
Champions in Season 2022[]
“ | So after the new dark support, we-
I see it... I see everything. The Lavender Sea. Purple cities cover the land. She rules over it all. My Empress. This is what Runeterra should be - its true form. The city of Belveth shall fall first. Beautiful Remora swimming endlessly through cities of Lavender. Overwhelming everything in her path. Consuming us. We are all saved. Where am I? Yeah I'm - I'm good. Where was I in the script? Oh yeah, yeah, that's right. So after the new support, we've been hard at work on a terrifying new jungler who's ramping up to swam the Rift later this year. I'll just leave it at that for now, since just talking about it is starting to bring back that uneasy feeling. |
— Ryan 'Reav3' Mireles[2] | |
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Champion Roadmap: April 2022[]
- A Whole New World
Don’t you dare close your eyes! The Champions Team has something coming soon. Something beautiful, something inevitable, something foretold. A new skirmisher for all those jungle players out there. A new Empress to submit to… and you will submit.
Those who do so willingly will be rewarded by becoming part of the ever-expanding Lavender Sea, crashing like waves against the enemies’ defensive structures. Give in to your Empress and let her feed on your essence, so you may become part of the new evolution of Runeterra. And as an added bonus, if you succumb to her you will also bear witness to her true elegance, her true beauty, and the true face of the Void.
Who wouldn’t want that? I already submitted in January. And while there wasn’t cake, it was still a good time. So what are you all waiting for?
Champion Insights: Bel'Veth[]
By Landess 'SMALL BABY PANDA' Cole[4]
The Void is the antithesis of life. It wants the end of existence. It wants nothing.
But Bel’Veth wants everything.
Though the Empress of the Void has only just now graced your screens, she has always been inevitable. She is the predestined product of a cancer that has been growing in the Void and changing it from within, undetected.
Until now.
- A Leader for the Void
The Void has always been something of a mystery, even to us. It’s a complex, overwhelmingly powerful concept that seeks to unmake the material realm. On a physical level, Void champions are insectoid, prehistoric, or gloopy—they don’t offer much humanity, no matter what Rek’Sai simps say.
With this in mind, the Champions Team wanted to create a character that would evolve the Void and bring in more storytelling potential. Someone who could move the Void’s story forward and offer an avenue for future conflicts.
“We needed an established leader with a voice and a role. Someone that looks and acts different than the Void stuff that we’ve seen before,” explains principal narrative writer Jared “Carnival Knights” Rosen.
The greater Void and the Watchers—the god-like masters of the Void—want existence to end so they can return to peaceful nothingness. But a new part of the Void is forming, and its goals go against everything the old Void stands for.
This new, cancerous pocket of the Void—the Lavender Sea—wants to exist on its own, a plan that flies in the face of the old Void. It has been slowly consuming parts of the mortal realm and recreating a broken, corrupted version.
When swallows up the bustling metropolis of Belveth in its entirety, a massive flood of information is consumed. In a flurry of malignant growth, a new form comes into existence. Bel’Veth is born.
opens a Void rift that“She is very much a product of what a malevolent, metastatic cancer wants for the new Void. It wants a leader. It wants to be like the world above, so it makes her,” Carnival Knights explains.
Every piece of information from every mind of every being within the swallowed city has been consumed and used to create Bel’Veth. And though she has only just been “born,” she knows all of this information. She understands all of it. She can use all of it.
“Even though she’s essentially a baby, her mind contains millions of (Editor’s note: definitely over 200) years of compressed knowledge,” says Carnival Knights.
And what does a hungry baby Void Empress want? To consume everything in the universe, of course. But Bel’Veth doesn’t just want to consume.
“She uses the information she consumes to expand her mind and build a world of her own so that she doesn’t have to deal with the world of reality or the world of the Void,” Carnival Knights says. “When she destroys both, then she’ll finally have enough information to make the world that she wants. She believes that when she eats all of it, it will be perfect.”
She’s not your typical “evil” character though. She’s methodical and calculated, yes, but she doesn’t have an ego. She never lies—she doesn’t need to. She has simply done the math and come to the conclusion that she will win. Her victory is inevitable.
The rise of Bel’Veth and her newly enlightened Void will mean different things for different Void champs.
To Vel’Koz and the Watchers, Bel’Veth is a complete horror. In their eyes, a Void creature cannot want to exist.
Malzahar, on the other hand, sees the opportunity in Bel’Veth’s rise to power. She is a new path for the Void that he could get on board with, because he wants to bring about the end of the mortal world.
The more animalistic Void creatures may not even register that anything is going on. For beastly mother
, there’s an animalistic need to protect her offspring, the Xer’Sai, from Bel’Veth’s influence. Creatures like , , and may ally with—or be forcibly changed by—Bel’Veth.And as for
and ... They could find themselves in an unfortunate alliance of circumstance with Bel’Veth.“Do you side with the creature who tells you that she’s going to eat you, but maybe it will take a little while because she’s gotta beat these other guys first? Or do you destroy her, fight her, maybe lose, and then the Watchers destroy everything anyway?” Carnival Knights ponders.
But we’ve only just witnessed Bel’Veth’s genesis—her ascent is yet to come. For now, Bel'Veth remains in the Lavender Sea, growing in power until the day she emerges and Runeterra is forced to face her.
- From the Depths
Outside of expanding the Void’s story and impact on Runeterra, our new Empress also presented an opportunity to bring a new look to the Void.
In the past, the Void has been insectoid or alien with lots of hard, bony shapes. For Bel’Veth, the team wanted to go in a more natural direction, so they started considering inspirations like fungus and deep ocean creatures. They saw a lot of potential in concepts that inspired awe, but also fear.
Art director Larry “TheBravoRay” Ray pulled out a concept that had been put on ice long, long ago in a small indie company far, far away: the Void ray.
“The Void ray was iceboxed more than 10 years ago,” TheBravoRay says. “Brandon ‘Ryze’ Beck and Marc ‘Tryndamere’ Merrill approved the concept, but we couldn't figure out a kit at the time and didn’t have the proper tech to support the idea.”

Yes, Larry Ray has been waiting patiently to unleash a colossal Manta Ray onto Summoner’s Rift for the last decade.
So the giant manta ray has been waiting in the wings for a long time—but it’s not Bel’Veth’s only form. In fact, she hides her true manta form most of the time.
As the team started exploring the deep sea as an aesthetic direction, they latched onto the concept of lures—think anglerfish with lights dangling from their heads or creatures with bulbous, bioluminescent eyes that draw in prey. By the time the prey realizes what it’s looking at, it’s already too late.
And that’s precisely how Bel’Veth operates.
Using the information she has consumed, she creates the facade of a human woman. A false head is perched atop her manta body, framed by a flowing fin carefully draped to mimic hair. Her manta ray “wings” wrap around her to create a regal cloak. She moves as though she has legs, though there are only tentacles. She creates the eerie picture of a human, with none of the soul that comes with being one.
“We wanted to bring beauty, danger, and horror to the Void,” TheBravoRay explains.
But when Bel’Veth returns to her true manta form, she’s at her most powerful—and most terrifying.
“When she unfurls and the head goes away, you’re like ‘Oh, that’s what that actually is. I’m dead now,’” Carnival Knights laughs.
Making Bel’Veth sound monstrous was the finishing touch. Lead sound designer Brandon “Riot Sound Bear” Reader took inspiration from his previous work on Kai’Sa to create sounds fit for a Void Empress.
“I created sounds to match the colors purple, grey, or pink. A lot of those textures come out sounding goopy or guttural—thick, round, and both organic and synthetic at the same time. And then I added in organic textures by recording myself talking and making noises with my mouth into a microphone,” Riot Sound Bear says.
But he took things a step further to reflect Bel’Veth’s ultimate goal—consuming to expand her knowledge.
“I thought, how cool would it be if Bel'Veth consumed the audio of some older Void champions? So I decided to reprocess and re-create a lot of their iconic sounds.”
Using these consumed Void sound effects as building blocks, Riot Sound Bear brought Bel’Veth’s terrifying sounds to life.
- Devouring the Jungle
The horror of Bel’Veth reaches far beyond her lore and physical design, all the way onto the Rift. She’ll bring terror to your late game, courtesy of game designers August “August” Browning and Jonathan “EndlessPillows” Fuller.
Bel’Veth’s kit revolves around feeding in the jungle. (No, not like your ranked teammates.) She wants to eat everything she can get her wings on. When Bel’Veth consumes (meaning kills) a large monster or champion, she stacks attack speed… infinitely.
And then there’s her ultimate. When August started on Bel’Veth he wanted her ult to feel like Bel’Veth was finally unveiling her true form.
“I was imagining what would happen if she actually managed to trick you. What would happen if she drew you in? The ultimate is the in-game expression of this,” he says. “She draws you in, she kills you, and then she devours your body. And then uses that energy that she got from devouring you to show who she truly is in all her grand splendor, which by the way isn’t even remotely human. It’s just a giant, angry manta ray.”
Bel’Veth’s base kit is already incredibly powerful, so her ultimate is less of a big in-combat moment and more of a long-duration steroid. After eating a body, she temporarily unleashes her True Form, which grants her increased max health, out-of-combat move speed, attack range, and total attack speed. She can also dash through walls while in her True Form by using her Q.
You can strategically use this ability where you want, whether you're navigating a team fight, pushing a lane, taking Baron, farming your jungle, or plotting the end of the mortal realm.
“Something we asked ourselves was does she really need a reliable in-combat ultimate like most melee champions? Or could she have something a bit different that can be used in different situations, given that her base kit has a lot of damage and movement already,” August explains.
And what is a Void mommy without her spawn? Using Bel’Veth’s ult to consume a Void monster—Baron or the Rift Herald—allows her to start summoning an army from the Void.
“Bel’Veth is the Void Empress, so she can rip open the fabric of reality and create rifts to another world that bring the Void to bear. She has that power,” August says. “So we expressed that by giving her a very special moment when she eats a Baron or a Rift Herald, where she will transform minions that die into voidlings.”
Before you pull out your pitchforks and “200 years of experience” signs, Bel’Veth should be pretty weak early (she is a newborn, after all), but as the game progresses all will witness the true power, beauty, and devastation of the Void Empress... and her super fast slappy wings.
Bel’Veth may be a whole new frontier for Void champions, but she’s still a big ol’ monster when it comes down to it.
“Bel’Veth is 10 feet tall from head to ‘feet,’ but she’s 15 feet long from tip to tail, with a 22-foot wingspan. And then in her leviathan form she’s like Galio-sized,” Carnival Knights says, noting the team’s excitement for how players will react. “The taste for a giant lady champion is high right now, so I think the memes will flow heavily.”
A deserved welcome, as this giant lady takes a giant step forward for the Void.
“Bel’Veth is someone who can bring some logic, feeling, and personality to the Void, regardless of where it ends up. The Void just didn’t have the complexity that it deserved,” says TheBravoRay. “I hope that players will pick up on the fact that the Void is moving somewhere… and hopefully they like a big manta ray.”Why Bel'Veth Slaps[]
With all of the excitement leading up to Bel’Veth’s inevitable consumption of Runeterra, we wanted to celebrate her release by addressing some player questions we’ve seen popping up![5]
- Why was Bel’Veth created as an auto-attack based champion?
Bel’veth, at her core, is lying to you. She may LOOK like an elegant sorceress at first glance, but that false visage conceals who she truly is: an overwhelmingly powerful void monster that’s more than ready to rip you apart on the frontlines of battle and devour your essence (with auto-attacks).
For Bel’Veth, we went into development wanting to create a unique, yet broadly appealing champion. We thought about making her an assassin from the Void, but Kha’Zix already occupied the space pretty well. We also considered making her a mage; however we felt that doing this would make her too niche of a jungler for players. Ultimately, we felt a skirmisher would be the best way to meet both of these development goals.
Around the same time, some devs were testing out the idea of a champion with infinitely scaling attack speed. This concept was something that really excited the team and we decided it would fit Bel’Veth’s theme well, so we decided to implement it in her kit (at the time, her artwork was in very preliminary stages).
- Why is her champion icon her “human” face and not her “real” one?
Champion icons need to be easy to identify in the middle of a game, even at small sizes. Bel’Veth’s “real” face was designed to be hidden within her splash art in order to capture and portray her angler fish-like design concept. When it came time to translate her splash art into an icon, her “real” face ended up being a gameplay clarity issue, so we landed on her “fake” face as her in-game icon.
- Why does Bel’Veth have infinite attack speed scaling and true damage?
Much like the Void, Bel’Veth’s infinite attack speed scaling will consume everything in its way… eventually.
Her ramping true damage on-attack helps us to emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of a scaling skirmisher. Her damage ramps up to very high levels against durable opponents, but she’s less effective in the first moments of a fight and so isn’t as good at burst killing an opponent. The more attack speed she has, the faster this damage scales up, stressing just how important it is that she farm early (and consequently, how important it is for her enemies to prevent her from doing that.)
- What was creating a manta ray champion like? Do manta rays slap?
The starting point for Bel’Veth has always been this manta ray-like form and that posed some really unique animation challenges. She needed to come across as both regal and monstrous. She’d be flying, but she also had to move as though she were swimming. The contrast between her elegant base form and her horrific monster form was also a lot of fun to play with as her key theme. Strangely enough, it also meant we had to sort of ignore our experience and avoid making her false head too animated, since it’s ultimately not her “true” self.
Working on Bel’Veth was challenging and interesting for many reasons, especially when it came to figuring out her auto attacks. As soon as we started production we tested many ways a manta ray could attack as a melee character (disclaimer: no manta rays were hurt in this process). After several explorations using her tail, spiky skirt, and wings, we decided to have different sets of attacks for different attack speeds. We chose to make her wings slash while her attack speed is low (that’s right, those aren’t slaps). As her attack speed goes up she starts stabbing the opponent and when it gets REALLY high she gets special, speedier stabs while in her true form!
- What do you think of manta rays?
As Riot’s resident (and possibly only) oceanographer, I think manta rays are dope. People who are not oceanographers often confuse them with stingrays, but Manta rays are nice because they won’t hurt you. I do not believe the same is true of Bel’Veth.
Manta rays don’t have teeth or tail spines. They flap through the water in a pretty elegant way and suck down small fish and crustaceans. I have seen them in the wild in places like Hawaii and Costa Rica and they are beautiful to behold. I believe the same is true of Bel’Veth.
Pro tip: You can often prevent stingray stings by shuffling your feet when you walk through sandy marine environments rather than lifting your foot up and stepping down on potential rays.
- Bel'Veth is voiced by Anoush NeVart.[6]
- Bel'Veth has a pan-middle eastern accent, intended to replicate a pan-Shuriman accent in universe.[7]
- Bel'Veth's Korean voice actress is Park Go-woon.[8]
- Bel'Veth's codename in development was Void Empress.
- Bel'Veth's placeholder model in development was a recolored .
- Bel'Veth's gameplay hook was , in order to capture the feeling of the inevitably of the void consuming everything.
- Bel'Veth's concept was repurposed from the Void Ray champion concept.
- Bel'Veth's name is a pormanteau of two concepts in Semitic mythology: Ba'al, the storm god in the Ugaritic tradition, and Maveth, the angel of death.[9]
- Bel'Veth's face is a pastiche of vaguely shuriman facial features due to eating the city.[10]
- A scrapped spell tested on Bel'Veth was an ability that created permanent, long range portals across the map.[11]
- She is 3.75 Teemo tall.[12]
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- ↑ Champion Roadmpa: September 2022
- ↑ Champions in Season 2022
- ↑ Champion Roadmap: April 2022
- ↑ Champion Insights: Bel'Veth
- ↑ Why Bel'Veth Slaps
- ↑ Bel'Veth's Voice Actress
- ↑ Carnival Knights on Bel'Veth's Accent
- ↑ Patch 12.11 highlight video on the Korean League of Legends channel
- ↑ Carnival Knights on Bel'Veth's Name Origin
- ↑ Carnival Knights on Bel'Veth's Face
- ↑ EndlessPillows on Scrapped Bel'Veth Abilities
- ↑ Measuring Champions with Teemo | THE VOID EDITION. League of Legends on TikTok