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Bel'Veth Universe Background
Bel'Veth (Universe)Bel'Veth (Universe)
Bel'Veth (League of Legends)Bel'Veth (League of Legends)
Bel'Veth (Esports)Bel'Veth (Esports)
Bel'Veth (Teamfight Tactics)Bel'Veth (Teamfight Tactics)
Bel'Veth (Development)Bel'Veth (Development)
Bel'Veth (Trivia)Bel'Veth (Trivia)

A nightmarish empress created from the raw material of an entire devoured city, Bel'Veth Bel'Veth is the end of Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra itself... and the beginning of a monstrous reality of her own design. Driven by epochs of repurposed history, knowledge, and memories from the world above, she voraciously feeds an ever-expanding need for new experiences and emotions, consuming all that crosses her path. Yet her wants could never be sated by only one world as she turns her hungry eyes toward the Void's old masters...

Bel'VethSquare"This world will not be forgotten. I will replace it—a child devouring its parent."  Bel'Veth
Read Biography


The Void[]

The Void Crest icon Void was once an empty nothingness but upon the birth of a Runeterra Crest icon new dimension, the Void's silence was interrupted and new entities were forcefully pulled into reality, leading to the creation of the first Voidborn. These Voidborn were the subjects of the Watchers and held an innate desire to consume all of reality in order to return to the perfect silence of the Old Void.

The Lavender Sea[]

Bel'Veth Teaser 01

The Lavender Sea.

Due to the war efforts of mortals and the Watchers' attempted invasion of the Freljord Crest icon Freljord, more rifts between the dimensions would rip open and increase the abrasive contact between both realities. The Void, mutating from constant contact with the Runeterran reality, would develop an 'allergic reaction' that took the form of a cancerous pocket of reality located underneath the deserts of Shurima Crest icon Shurima called the Lavender Sea. Littered with hideously remade shapes and forms meant to mimic the world above, this pocket would mutate so heavily that it practically became sentient, managing to deny the commands of the Watchers and embrace its own desires, wishing to consume and remake all of existence in its own image rather than destroy it.


Malzahar Feast of the Prophet

Malzahar Malzahar gathering a crowd of people to sacrifice to the Lavender Sea, as an ominous vision of Bel'Veth is seen behind him.

After consuming more sentient beings, the Lavender Sea took inspiration from those it consumed and began to crave a leader to represent itself; something that could physically interact with the mortals of this reality. The Lavender Sea soon made contact with a Shuriman boy named Malzahar Malzahar, delcaring him the prophet of the Void and granting him visions of an empress to feed mortal minds and memories to.[1] After opening up a large rift, Malzahar managed to sink the entire Shuriman port city of Belveth into the Void, allowing the Lavender Sea to completely consume and assimilate the city and some of the surrounding ocean.[2]

By consuming the collective consciousnesses of the entire city, Bel'Veth was finally born as a physical manifestation of the Lavender Sea. Naming herself after the city she consumed at her birth, Bel'Veth was born from the combined memories, experiences and emotions of everyone that lived in the city when it sank, granting her millions of years worth of knowledge and near-omniscience. Still hungering to consume and remake all of reality, she then devised and perfected a plan to consume both Runeterra as well as ultimately stop her progenitors the Watchers.

Modern History[]

From within the Lavender Sea, Bel'Veth continues to enact her intricate plan, telapathically communicating with many mortal minds in the world above, most notably her prophet Malzahar, as well as other Voidborn that she urges to join her on her mission as she did with Vel'Koz Vel'Koz.

Bel'Veth also sent out many Voidborn remora, drone-like creatures spawned from the Lavender Sea and shaped after the sealife that surrounded the city of Bel'Veth. Living as extensions of Bel'Veth's will, they were often sent out as swarms, overwhelming enemies to further Bel'Veth's plans. At some point a group of specialized remora, later nicknamed Lamplights, fought the Void huntress Kai'Sa Kai'Sa while travelling through an underground passage in the Shuriman desert. These Lamplights soon fled to the Sai Kahleek and made contact with a colony of Xer'Sai, granting the hatchlings and Callers a peculiar, soft-blue glow and seemingly mutating them to follow Bel'Veth's commands. Angered by the intruders on their territory, a furious Dunebreaker attacked and killed the Lamplights alongside Kai'Sa and Taliyah Taliyah.[3]

Recent Events[]

Encounter with Kai'Sa[]

Bel'Veth Kai'Sa Pinwheel

Bel'Veth confronting and showing her true form to Kai'Sa Kai'Sa.

After her fight against the Xer'Sai queen Rek'Sai Rek'Sai,[4] Kai'Sa fell through a massive hole underground and landed inside the Lavender Sea itself, which Bel'Veth anticipated thanks to her careful planning. Bel'Veth revealed herself in a vaguely disguised form to Kai'Sa, who attempted to attack her in response before becoming restrained as Bel'Veth slowly shifted into her true, monstrous form.[5] Trapped and cornered, Kai'Sa began to realize that this creature was the embodiment of the entire city as Bel'Veth formally introduces herself and reveals that she named herself after the city she consumed, something that Kai'Sa thought was impossible for Voidborn to be capable of.

Now slightly frightened by the alarmingly intelligent Voidborn, Kai'Sa exclaimed that she will kill Bel'Veth by any means, to which Bel'Veth simply states that she won't. Seeing herself as truly inevitable, Bel'Veth explained that she's already calculated and formed a perfectly intricate plan to consume all of reality and that others, such as her thought deceased Kassadin Kassadin, have attempted to stop her already with little to no success. Shocked by the revelation about her father, Kai'Sa accused Bel'Veth of lying despite Bel'Veth stating that she simply doesn't see the use in lying.

By explaining her plan to eventually stop the Watchers from completely destroying reality, Bel'Veth began to bargain and offered Kai'Sa a choice: help her find a way to completely defeat her Watcher progenitors and in return Bel'Veth will spare humanity for a period of time, or resist and simply be destroyed with the rest of existence either by Bel'Veth or the Watchers.

Bel'Veth explains that though her victory is inevitable, she is willing to give mortals a chance to fight against her by sparing their lives for a short period of time, even though she's confident that they won't succeed. Furious by the prospect of working with this Void monster, Kai'Sa attempted to attack Bel'Veth once again with no effect, as she stabbed her in the chest with the tip of her wings and lifted her up. Bel'Veth told Kai'Sa to seek out the Watchers and find a way to destroy them before sending her flying upwards towards the surface, emerging out of the sands and left with Bel'Veth's proposition.[6]


Typically, Bel'Veth utilizes a disguise with the face of a middle-aged woman with gray skin, deep purple eyes and a third eye in the center on her forehead. Draped on the side of her head is a dorsal fin-like structure mimicking a strand of hair. Her face isn't very animated, almost like a statue, and her mouth doesn't match her speech. Her shoulders have large spikes acting as shoulder pads and she wraps herself in her wings to mimic the appearance of a regal cloak, standing ten feet tall with a twenty-two foot wingspan. She has a tail that drags behind her with a massive bulb at the end.

Bel'Veth's true form is that of a golden stingray-like Voidborn, growing into a gargantuan size and revealing her 'face' to be a false head attached to a lure-like appendage. Her true face is revealed to be located at the center of her body where he chest would be; a massive gaping maw with teeth and four beady purple eyes. The protrusions on her shoulders are revealed to actually be horns on and her wings completely unfurl and appear as massive pectoral fins with pointed stingers at each tip.


Unlike most Voidborn, Bel'Veth is sapient and individualistic due to the human qualities she consumed at her birth. Seeing herself as the embodiment of the true Void Crest icon Void, her main goal is to assimilate all of Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra into the Lavender Sea and remake all of reality in her own perfected image. She is cold and immensely intelligent, having nigh-omniscience and the ability to calculate information at a humanely unfathomable rate. Because of this she is extremely arrogant, having calculated her plans so precisely that she genuinely sees her own success as an inevitability, though its unclear whether or not this is genuine intelligence or just delusions of grandeur. Because of her arrogance, Bel'Veth sees herself as a superior being and looks down on most beings including her creators the Watchers. She is so certain of her success that she never lies, deciding only to state harsh truths as she sees it. In her efforts to eventually remake all of reality, Bel'Veth is willing to bargain and make deals with lesser beings that would oppose her, as she did with Kai'Sa Kai'Sa.


  • Voidborn Physiology: Bel'Veth is a very particular Voidborn, birthed from the Lavender Sea's desire for a representative within physical reality. All Voidborn are considered the contructs and subjects of the Watchers, programmed with their inherent desire to consume all of reality but turned into vicious animals. Due to their completely alien nature, Voidborn are unrestricted from the laws of reality and can come in many forms, sometimes mimicking biological lifeforms of Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra. Bel'Veth for instance has taken the form of a massive manta ray-like beast.
    • True Form: True Form: Though Bel'Veth typically utilizes a vaguely human-like disguise, she is capable of transforming into a more monstrous form, turning her false 'chest' into a gaping maw with many rows of teeth. In this form, Bel'Veth grows gargantuan in size, becoming physically stronger and faster.
    • Winged Flight: Winged Flight: Bel'Veth's manta ray-like form grants her giant wings that allow her to hover above the ground and fly at incredible speeds to the point where she moves faster than the human eye can track.[6] The tips of her wings are incredibly sharp, allowing her to slice and stab at opponents with immense speed.
    • Tail Strength: Tail Strength: Bel'Veth has a massive tail with a spiked tip at the end of it. Using her sheer strength, Bel'Veth can slam her tail on the ground so hard that it disrupts the ground.
    • Voidborn Spawning: Voidborn Spawning: Bel'Veth can spawn her own Voidborn out of the Lavender Sea and shaped after the aquatic life that surrounded the city of Belveth. Some of these creatures, which she calls remora, are drone-like without thoughts of their own, acting solely as extensions of Bel'Veth's influence and attacking in swarms at Bel'Veth's command. Some of these spawn have become more specialized and have begun spreading Bel'Veth's influence to other Voidborn outside of the Lavender Sea, such as how the Lamplights encountered the Xer'Sai in Sai Kahleek and began granting their soft-blue glow to some of the Xer'Sai hatchlings.[3]
  • Telepathy Bel'Veth has powerful telepathic abilities possibly due to her unique birth and connection to the Lavender Sea. She has shown capabilities of not only communicating telepathically but doing so on a large scale with hundreds of different individuals. She's been capable of doing this from great distances, having been shown to communicate and manipulate mortals on the surface of Shurima all the way from the Lavender Sea deep underground. Through her telepathy, she has been capable of contacting and sending visions to her prophet Malzahar Malzahar and convincing him to bring other mortals to do her bidding.
  • Nigh-Omniscience: Having been born from the coalesced consciousnesses of an entire city, Bel'Veth's mind has a millennia's worth of knowledge collected from all the minds she consumed at her birth. Along with that, Bel'Veth's knowledge is still capable of constant expansion as she perfectly stores the knowledge and experiences of whatever she consumes in her own brain. With this, Bel'Veth is capable of computing thoughts and calculations thought impossible for mortal minds, allowing her to create a plan so intricate that, according to her, it is simply impossible to fail as she is absolutely certain in her inevitable victory. Along with that, thanks to the Lavender Sea's rare deviation from the Void, Bel'Veth has a unique sense of sentience that separates her from other Voidborn, showing a capability to not only name herself but also bargain rather than blindly consume like an average animalistic Voidborn would.


Kai'Sa Kai'Sa[]

As a well versed huntress of the Void Crest icon Void, Kai'Sa is the natural enemy of Bel'Veth and aims to oppose everything she stands for. Bel'Veth however looks down at Kai'Sa, both with a form of admiration but also entertained by her foolishness in her attempts to stop her. Bel'Veth mostly admires Kai'Sa as she is one of the few individuals to retain their sanity after encountering the Void so much, with the only other individual being her own father Kassadin Kassadin. During their first encounter, Kai'Sa continuously attempted to attack Bel'Veth with no effect. Bel'Veth offered Kai'Sa a deal to find a way to stop her creators the Watchers from completely erasing reality and, in return, Bel'Veth will give humanity a period of time before being consumed by her Lavender Sea, seeing her success as inevitable whether or not Kai'Sa assists her.[6]

Kassadin Kassadin[]

Though it's unclear whether or not Bel'Veth has personally encountered Kassadin, she is very much aware of him as one of the few people to retain their sanity after facing the Void alongside Kai'Sa, who she is aware of as her father.[6]

Malzahar Malzahar[]

As Malzahar ventured through the lands of Shurima Crest icon Shurima in search of his true destiny, he stumbled upon the ruins of Void Crest icon Icathia and encountered the enigmatic powers of the Void. It's believed that he may have communicated with the Lavender Sea itself, suggesting that Bel'Veth was responsible for influencing his mind.[7]

When the Lavender Sea desired a leader, it commanded Malzahar to find and gather enough minds to sacrifice to the Void so that it may birth one. This ultimately led him to open a rift in the city of Belveth, meaning he was the one responsible for her birth.[2] Bel'Veth considers Malzahar her prophet, using him to carry out her desires among mortals and rallying followers to reshape reality according to her own vision.[8]


Because of Bel'Veth's unique nature, she fights with other Voidborn due to their unwillingness to join her cause. Despite this, she actually speaks in high regards to her fellow Voidborn especially if they display more intelligence that can somewhat match her own, seeing potential for them to join her and evolve past the need to serve the Watchers.

Vel'Koz Vel'Koz[]

Because of Vel'Koz's intelligence and continuous loyalty to the Watchers, he serves as a constant rival to Bel'Veth. She constantly taunts him for serving the Watchers to willingly, stating that they are incapable of seeing her vision of the Void. In turn, Vel'Koz may actually fear her in some regards.[9]


Though it's unclear whether or not Bel'Veth herself has encountered any of the Xer'Sai, her own Voidborn spawn have encountered many of them in the Sai Kahleek. These Voidborn have been seen 'infecting' Xer'Sai hatchlings with a mysterious blue glow which is implied to put other Voidborn under Bel'Veth's control.[3]


The Lavender Sea, and in turn Bel'Veth, are initially constructs created by the Watchers when their reality first made contact with Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra. Because of her mutations even as a Voidborn, Bel'Veth has evolved past the need to serve the Watchers and has grown sentience, seeing her own vision for the Void that would remake and assimilate rather than destroy. She believes that the Watchers are incapable of understanding this vision, having a low opinion on her creators and doing everything in her power to defy them and the 'Old Void.' [9]

Recently, she has made a deal with the Void huntress Kai'Sa, offering her and her people a chance at salvation if she finds a way to finally destroy the Watchers.[6]

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Bel'Veth OriginalCentered

Void Crest icon


The Empress of the Void

By Jared Rosen

Starring Champion

Bel'Veth All That Will Ever Be

Void Crest icon


All That Will Ever Be

Let the Lavender Sea take you.

Malzahar Bel'Veth's Promise

Void Crest icon


Bel'Veth's Promise

Vel'Koz Bel'Veth's Warning

Void Crest icon


Bel'Veth's Warning

Her time is now and your time is up, Eye of the Void.

Bel'Veth Kai'Sa Pinwheel

Void Crest icon

Short Story


By Jared Rosen

“Okay,” Kai’Sa pants...

Mentioned Champion

Malzahar Feast of the Prophet

Shurima Crest icon

Short Story

Feast of the Prophet

By Jared Rosen

Meir follows a crowd of cultists out of the prophet’s tent city, and down into a low valley at the edge of the desert.

Alternate Universes

Anima Squad Swarm Promo 01

Runeterra Crest icon


Swarm (Story)

By Ty Sheedlo, River Jaffe, Elyse Lemoine

Blast-and-juke your way through countless enemies, hopefully gaining enough power along the way to slay the big baddie who awaits you at the end of each map. And if you don't succeed, just dust yourself off, rethink your strategy, power up, and try again.


  • Bel'Veth's name originates from the Ba'al (a storm god and savior figure in Ugaritic tradition) and Maveth as well as deriving from death, oblivion or angel of death.[10]
    • In-universe, Bel'Veth's name originates from Belveth, the city that she assimilated, which translates to "God of Oblivion" in Shuriman language.
  • Bel'Veth's face and accent are an amalgamation of Shurima Crest icon Shuriman features, as the city of Belveth was in Shurima.[11]



See also[]
