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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki



While the stewards worried and waited for their beloved Norra to return, they saw to her enchanted library, dusting shelves and stocking parchment. But the library's OTHER occupants - magical curiosities collected on Norra's travels - soon grew restless without their owner.[1]

It was Assistant Librarian Jelly that headed up a search party to look for Norra, and though wrangling the other stewards AND a handful of animated artifacts was challenging, keeping Yuumi focused on top of it all was a bit, well... a bit like herding cats.[2]


  • Internally, this card is called Mouse Steward.
  • One of LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator3 Yordle Portals can be seen in the artwork.


Keyword Summon Summoned[]

Allied LoR Champion Indicator3Yuumi present

  • ▶️   Assistant Librarian: "If we split up we can- Yuumi? Wake up!"
    • ▶️   Yuumi snores. "Wha? Sorry I was napping. What did you say?"

Keyword See Sees a Unit card Unit Keyword Summon Summoned[]

Allied LoR Champion Indicator3Yuumi

Attack Declared[]

Keyword Nexus Strike Nexus Strike[]

Block Declared[]

Keyword Death Death[]

Change Log[]

Assistant Librarian
  • Added.

