Passive: Your ability damage against an enemy champion will hurl an Arcane Comet at their current location that lands after 0.8 seconds, dealing 30 − 100 (based on level) (+ 1 inheritper stack) Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 35% bonus AD)Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 20% AP)inheritphysical or inheritmagic damage to enemies hit, and generating 1 stack if it hits at least one enemy champion. (16 − 8 (based on level) second cooldown)
If「 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)10% bonus AD ≥ Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)5% AP, 」「 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)bonus AD ≥ Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)50% AP, 」deals Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage. If otherwise, deals Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage.