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League of Legends Wiki
Arcane Comet is a rune in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


  • Arcane Comet can be seen flying from the champion using it even if there is no vision of them, possibly giving away their position.
  • The impact indicator has a radius of 175 units, for reference.
  • The comet will be disabled on death, but its cooldown will still be able to get reduced by ability hits.
  • Arcane Comet can be blocked by Spell Shield spell shields.
  • Arcane Comet is a Projectile projectile and can be intercepted by Braum's Braum's Unbreakable Unbreakable, Samira's Samira's Blade Whirl Blade Whirl, and Yasuo's Yasuo's Wind Wall Wind Wall.
  • Arcane Comet's cooldown is reduced by the ability that triggers it.

Map-Specific Differences[]

Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss differences edit
  • Cooldown changed to 15 − 8 (based on level) seconds.


  • Damaging abilities that apply a Slow icon slow make it difficult for the enemy to avoid the Arcane Comet.
    • Hard crowd control abilities typically guarantee the Arcane Comet to hit.


Sound Effects[]

Rune ready

Patch History[]

  • Bug Fix: No longer cancels basic attacks in the middle of their windup when the comet is fired.
  • Base damage increased to 30 − 130 (based on level) from 30 − 100 (based on level).
  • AD ratio reduced to Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)10% bonus AD from Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)35% bonus AD.
  • AP ratio reduced to Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)5% AP from Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)20% AP.
  • Undocumented: No longer triggers spell effects.
  • Bug Fix: Now has ally/enemy color differentiation.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip now properly lists its base damage.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it had a minimap icon.
V7.22 Added
  • Sorcery icon Sorcery Keystone rune.
    • Passive: Damaging an enemy champion with an ability hurls an Arcane Comet at their current location, dealing 30 − 100 (based on level) Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 20% AP) Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 35% bonus AD) Ability powerAttack damage Adaptive damage after a brief delay.
    • Damaging enemy champions with an ability reduces the remaining cooldown.
    • Adaptive: Deals either physical or magic depending on which would deal the most damage.
    • Cooldown: 20 − 8 (based on level) seconds.

