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League of Legends Wiki

Welcome to the Playground is the first episode of the first season, and the first episode overall.

Official Synopsis[]

Orphaned sisters Vi Vi and Powder Powder bring trouble to Zaun Crest icon Zaun's underground streets in the wake of a heist in posh Piltover Crest icon Piltover.[1]


Young sisters Vi Vi and Powder Powder are seen amidst the aftermath of a devastating battle which took place upon the Bridge of Progress connecting Piltover Crest icon Piltover and Zaun Crest icon Zaun. The corpses of their parents lay among the fallen. Vander Vander, who had led the Zaun revolutionaries into battle, takes pity on the two children and carries them to safety.

Some years later, Vi leads Powder alongside their adoptive brothers Mylo Mylo and Claggor Claggor on a heist that begins upon the rooftops of Piltover. Powder, the youngest of the group, is afraid to jump a gap between buildings but Vi assures her that she's ready. Still, she nearly falters.

They make their way to the balcony of an affluent Piltover penthouse, later revealed to be Jayce Jayce's study. Vi forces the door open and they begin filling a bag with whatever valuables they come across. Powder discovers a cache of what she doesn't recognize as hex crystals, but Jayce arrives outside the entrance. Mylo bars the door with a chair while Vi rushes the group to grab what they can and get out. Powder pockets the crystals, but drops one in her haste. After rolling across the floor, it collides with a wall and shatters, resulting in a massive explosion which causes a portion of the outside wall to crumble and collapse onto the ground below.

The children flee the scene, pursued by a squad of Piltover enforcers, though they make their escape by jumping into a garbage chute. On the way home, they're stopped by another group of urchins led by a boy named Deckard Deckard. Deckard insists they share some of the loot, but Vi swings the heavy bag of valuables into Deckard's face. She then tosses the bag to Powder while she, Mylo, and Claggor engage in a fist fight with Deckard and his thugs. With the three of them distracted, one of the boys attempts to seize the bag from Powder, prompting her to run away on her own with the older boy in pursuit. Vi, Mylo, and Claggor successfully defeat Deckard and the others, but Powder is backed into a dead end alone. She attempts to deploy a homemade grenade (which she calls "Mouser") in order to halt her aggressor, but it ends up being a dud. She is ultimately forced to discard the bag of loot into the deep waters below in order to distract the boy while she escapes.

Powder regroups with her siblings a short while later, where Mylo bemoans the rotten luck of having lost their entire haul and accuses Powder of "jinxing" every job. They take an elevator down into Zaun and begin walking home.

Meanwhile, Vander is tending bar at The Last Drop, where he lives with the four adopted children. He pours a pair of drinks for a patron named Huck, who sits down with a man named Verne and his associate, Jules. Verne declares that his business with Huck is concluded, and throws Huck a small sack of money. Huck is furious, stating that the sum is far less than what they agreed upon. Verne insists that his price is fair, and Jules makes a show of intimidating Huck by brandishing a short blade. Vander intervenes, asserting that Jules and Verne would not be allowed to leave his bar in one piece unless they honored their word to Huck.

Vi, Powder, Mylo, and Claggor arrive home moments later. Though Vi insists that Vander not learn of their failed heist, it becomes apparent that he already knows. Vander scolds Vi for her foolishness, reminding her that Piltover is off limits. After their argument gets heated, Vander tells the other kids to leave so that he and Vi can speak in private. He reprimands Vi for not understanding the gravity of her leadership role in the family, saying that she is ultimately responsible for the fates of her younger siblings. Vi wants to stand up for Zaun, but Vander insists that meddling with Piltover will only lead to more problems. He tells her that she'll have to lay low for a while.

Vander takes Claggor and goes to have a word with Ekko Ekko, or "Little Man," who tipped Vi off to Jayce's penthouse in the first place.

Powder discovers that she still has several hex crystals in her pockets. She then overhears a conversation between Vi and Mylo in which Mylo belittles Powder once again. However, Powder leaves before she can hear the next part of the conversation, in which Vi defends Powder and criticizes Mylo's own performance during the heist.

Vander and Claggor arrive at Benzo's Benzo's pawn shop, where Ekko works. Benzo tells Ekko to step outside so that he can speak with Vander. There, Claggor asks how Ekko found Jayce's penthouse, and Ekko informs him that he followed Jayce home after Jayce made some purchases at Benzo's shop. Two enforcers, Marcus and Grayson, suddenly approach from down the street. Claggor leaves in haste and Ekko acts natural.

The enforcers enter the shop and declare their intention of hunting down whoever caused the explosion. Benzo and Vander play coy, to which Marcus reacts angrily. Grayson tells Marcus to take a walk and cool off, and he does so. Ekko climbs up to the building's second floor, where he is able to spy on the ensuing conversation. He is surprised to learn that Grayson and Vander have a pre-established deal: Vander keeps his people off of Piltover's streets, and in return, the enforcers stay out of his business. Grayson beseeches Vander for information, saying that things will only escalate if she doesn't apprehend a suspect tonight, but Vander refuses. She gives him a capsule meant for a pneumatic messaging tube, saying that it will reach her (and only her) if he changes his mind.

Vi finds Powder brooding and berating herself for "ruining everything." When Powder rejects Vi's attempts to comfort her, she brings Powder up to the roof and points out several locations around the city where Vi, Mylo, and Claggor failed spectacularly in the past. Most notably, she points out her favorite childhood toy, a stuffed bunny, hanging from a power line. She says that they've all had bad days, but the important thing is that they learn and stick together. Powder reveals that she still has the hex crystals, which Vi offers to keep their "little secret." She assures Powder that she's stronger than she thinks, and that one day, this city will respect them.

Meanwhile, in a reclusive laboratory, Deckard is manhandled by a group of adult thugs. Silco Silco criticizes the boy's performance, saying that he was supposed to follow Vander's children without interfering. Deckard lies and says that he was the one ambushed. Silco implies that he would sooner kill Deckard than allow anyone to tie the boy back to him, but Deckard saves himself by revealing valuable information: that the children were behind the explosion in Piltover. The thugs escort Deckard away, leaving Silco alone with Singed Singed.

Silco asks for a demonstration of Singed's latest work: a bright purple liquid, later to be known as "shimmer." Singed places a cat inside the cage of a lab rat whose drinking water has been replaced with shimmer. While the cat initially prowls, meaning to kill the smaller creature, the rat frantically drinks shimmer and displays drastic physical changes as a result. Its eyes turn purple and it grows dramatically in size, easily killing the cat in one swift blow and even cracking the glass of the cage in the process. Singed asks if Silco has a subject in mind, to which Silco implies that he means to further test shimmer on Deckard.


Based on the game

League of Legends icon League of Legends

Look Development

Jerome Combe

Head of Production, Riot

Melinda Wunsch Dilger

Head of Production, Fortiche

Herve Dupont

  • Kevin Alejandro as Workshop Owner
  • Shohren Aghdashloo as Grayson Grayson
  • JB Blanc as Vander Vander
  • Miles Brown as Young Ekko Ekko
  • Remy Hill as Marcus Marcus
  • Mia Sinclair Jenness as Powder Powder
  • Mara Junot as Jules Jules
  • Josh Keaton as Deckard Deckard
  • Bill Lobley as Huck Huck
  • Yuri Lowenthal as Mylo Mylo & Thug #1
  • Dave B. Mitchell as Verne Verne
  • Roger Craig Smith as Claggor Claggor
  • Jason Spisak as Silco Silco
  • Hailee Steinfeld as Vi Vi
  • Fred Tatasciore as Benzo Benzo
  • Brett Tucker as Singed Singed
VO Director

David Lyerly

VO Manager

Kathy Cavaiola

Additional Casting by

Meredith Layne, CSA

Production Managers
  • Delphine Blaineau
  • Isabelle Boningre
  • Rafael Curulla
  • Charlotte Frances
  • Matt Salkin
  • Dave "DUBZ" Wong
Production Supervisors
  • Oliver Espallargas
  • Diane Moscet
  • Nicolas Nepveu
  • David Portner
  • Alyssa Roberts
  • Jeremie Winslow
Post Production Supervisor

Eric Bergman

Post Production Supervisor (Tencent Edit)

David Lyerly

CG Supervisor

Sebastien Rossi

Production Finance

Rob Hollocks

Production Consultant

Mark Taylor

Production Coordinators
  • Romane Belaisch
  • Marco Carillo
  • Alice Chaput
  • Lola Delmas
  • Cassie Jo Dull
  • Caesar Feliz
  • Pauline Fleury
  • Marie-Lou Gely
  • Michael Harding
  • Ethan Hubbert
  • Kiahna Manker
  • Clement Peres
  • Cecile Rastouil
  • Marlene Torest
  • Celine Le Therisien
Production Assistants
  • Messaline Agarico
  • Gaetan Cafaro
  • Prescillia Catel
  • Margaux Courtois
  • Antoine Deprez
  • Camille Dymarsky
  • Aurelie Garnier
  • Marion Legoy
  • Theo Lemonnier
  • Yvann Makele
  • Bleunn Mallat
Script Manager

Kathy Cavaiola

Executive Story Editor

Amanda Overton

Writers Assistant

Andrew Zuber

First Assistant Directors
  • Morgane Dupre
  • Mathieu Roumegoux
Second Assistant Directors
  • Melissa Idri
  • Zoe Nerot
Art Directon

Julien Georgel

Production Designer

Aymeric Kevin

Senior Concept Artists
  • Arnaud-Loris Baudry
  • Charles Lee
Concept Artists
  • Mads Ahm
  • Nick Carver
Visual Development
  • Simon Andriveau
  • Baptiste Gaubert
  • Thibault Leclerco
  • Medhi Leffad
  • Barthelemy Maunoury
Senior Characer Designers
Character Designers
  • Sergi Brosa
  • Cecile De Gantes
  • Kim Hong (Nesskain)
  • Samuel Klughertz
  • Alexandre Mahboubi
  • Lucil Meunier
  • Ivan Pozdnyakov
  • Alexis Rives
Prop Designers
  • David Canoville
  • Corentin Maignien
  • Fabien Ouvrard
Background Designers
  • Bruno Couchinho
  • Philippe Diop
  • Kevin Lemoigne
  • Christophe Oliver
  • Anthony Vivien
  • Vasili Zorin
Color Script Arists
  • Julien Georgel
  • Kevin Lemoigne
  • Alexis Liddell
Storyboard Supervisor

Simon Andriveau

Storyboard Artists
  • Lionel Allaix
  • Herve Barbereau
  • Romain Barriaux
  • Alice Bissonnet
  • David Cazeaux
  • Anaïs Chevillard
  • Jean-Jacques Denis
  • Thomas Fourniret
  • Etienne Mattera
  • Wandrille Maunoury
  • Ahmed Nasri
  • Manon Serda
  • Dyveke Skold
  • Jonathan Velette
Pre-Visual Layout Supervisor
  • John Clark
  • Pauline Motard
Pre-Visual Storyboard Artists
  • Seung Eun Kim
  • Dustin Wicke
  • Roberto Fernandez
  • Gilad Carmel
  • Lawrence Gan
  • Martin Jay
  • Benjamin Massoubre
  • Ernesto Matamoros-Cox
  • Emmanuel Pilinski
  • David Ian Salter, ACE
Assistant Editors
  • Jean Barrucand
  • Stephen Meek
  • Melanie Moulin
2nd Assistant Editor

Guglelmo Cuellar

Pipeline Supervisor

Charles Bouet

Lead Pipeline Developer

Melissa Goudjil

Pipeline Developers
  • Maxime Binetruy
  • Cyrill Calbac
  • Sebastien Courtois
  • Marion Debrick
  • Julien Donadille
  • Florent Godin
  • Paul Jacamon
  • Coulin Laubry
  • William Loew
  • Alexy Long
  • Bettina Migot
  • GWilherm Monn
Lead Technical Director

Benoit Delaunay

Technical Directors
  • Julien Chastaing
  • Lucie Goiran
  • Remi Viette
Assets Supervisor

Michel Pecqueur

Modeling Supervisor

Edouard Cellura

Character Modeling Artists
  • Guillaume Kerfriden
  • Melissa Golcberg
  • Thibaut Granet
  • Ladislas Gueros
  • Thomas Vuillier
Prop Modeling Artists
  • Thomas Campos
  • Elodie Dos Santos
  • Chanel Fremont
  • Tony Lebrun
  • Romain Mazevet
  • Philippe Nguyen
  • Candice Theuillon
Grooming Supervisors
  • Christophe Gigot
  • Olivier Pierre
Grooming Artist

Camille Canonne

Texturing Supervisor

Candice Theuillon

Texturing Artists
  • Chanel Fremont
  • Thibaut Granet
  • Romain Mazevet
  • Maena Paillet
  • Gilles Roman
Rigging Supervisor

Michel Pecqueur

  • Arthur Bodart
  • Pascal Burtin
  • William Loew
  • Kevin Jullien
Blendshapes Supervisor

Alexandre Bourlet

Blendshapes Artists
  • Solena Frehel
  • Marie Gadaud
  • Gaetan Simonot
Layout Supervisor

Pauline Motard

Layout Artists
  • Isabelle Blanc
  • Daniel Callaby
  • Thomas Campos
  • Thibault Colonges
  • Theo Coriton
  • Tom Gouill
  • Jean-Baptiste Cumont
  • Julien Hassenforder
  • Clement Pierre
  • Philippe Tastet
  • Benjamin Tussiot
  • Eline Zhang
CG Environment Supervisor

Claude Chabot

CG Environment Lead

Simon Magnan

CG Environment Artists
  • Loic Bramouille
  • Pierre Debras
  • Nazli Doale
  • Alexia Ferry
  • Jessica Ferry
  • Loic Mathon
  • Pulkita Mathur
  • Florian Pasquier
  • William Rima
  • Maud Rolland
Matte Painting Supervisor

Julien Georgel

Matte Painting Leads
  • Kevin Le Moigne
  • Anne-Laure To
Matte Painters
  • Martin Bailly
  • Faustine Dumontier
  • Jonas Genevaz
  • Samuel Klughertz
  • Alexis Liddell
  • Celine Lorthiois
  • Oliver May
  • Thierry Million
  • Geoffroy Thoorens
  • Anthony Vivien
Animation Director

Barthelemy Maunoury

Lead Animators
  • Daniel Callaby
  • Nicolas Candido
  • Samy Fecih
  • Jean-Charles Gonin
  • Stephane Mangin
  • David Nasser
  • Gwenole Oulc'hen
  • Remy Terreaux
  • Martial Andre
  • Jim Bierton
  • Pierre Bottai
  • Fanny Brotot
  • Agathe Bulik
  • Yann Caussat
  • Erh Lei Chai
  • Lea Chervet
  • Jean-Batiste Cumont
  • Nicolas Debon
  • Juliana De Lucca
  • Leo Dediot
  • Maxime Delalande
  • Vincent Donaz
  • Damien Duprat
  • Simone Fiorito
  • Audrey Fobis
  • Jeremy Fromentin
  • Tom Gouill
  • Aline Hananel
  • Yu-Ting Zhou
  • Jonghyun Jung-Boix
  • Andrien Kedochim
  • Olivier Lafay
  • Jean-Michel Ponthieux
  • Matthieu Razungles
  • Claude Ricros
  • Clarisse Rubini
  • Jean-Vincent Sales
  • Emilie Scaps
  • Jeremy Taburet
  • Mehdi Tebbakh
  • Florian Titone
  • Damien Zeelen
Fix Animation Supervisors
  • Steve Alves
  • Fanny Lhotellier
Crowd Simulation Artists
  • Reynald Bayeux
  • Williuam Bobant
Cloth Supervisor

Matthieu Gouget De Landres

Hair Supervisor

Christophe Gigot

CFX Artists
  • Clemence Barros
  • Sebastien Caenen
  • Anthony Laggabe
  • Alexis Magaud
  • Loic Peze
  • Guillaume Poignant
3D Effects Artists
  • Henri Morain
  • Flavien Rogeon
2D Effects Supervisor

Guillaume Degroote

2D Effects Lead Animator

Aurelien Rassencourt

2D Effects Animators
  • Frederic Mace
  • Martin Touze
Lighting & Rendering Supervisor

Nicolas Millecamps

Lighting & Rendering Artists
  • Thomas Cailliez
  • Sandrine Jaber
  • Antoine Laroye
  • David Musique
  • Alexandre Spontak
Confo Rendering Artist

Guillaume Letourneur

  • Thomas Meseguer
  • Ramy Zaouai
Compositing Supervisors
  • Jerome Combe
  • Yann Leroy
Compositing Technical Lead

Michael Bellamy

Compisiting Artists
  • Hugo Bodoukian
  • Alexis Charles
  • Quentin Collet
  • Emmanuelle Duplan
  • Sophie Garrigues
  • Carla Gharbi
  • Mylene Guerin
  • Marie-Alix Hoffmann
  • Mxime Temple
  • Eva Virlouvet
Final Compositing Artist

Julien Baret

Sound Supervision & Design
  • Eliot Connors, MPSE
  • Brad Beaumont, MPSE
  • Odin Benitez, MPSE
Foley Artists
  • Dan O' Connell
  • John Cucci
Foley Mixers
  • Jack Cucci
  • Richard Duarte
  • Tavish Grade
Additional Foley

Walter Spencer

Dialogue / ADR Editors
  • Borja Sau Razquin
  • Brad Beaumont, MPSE
Sound Editors
  • Brad Beaumont, MPSE
  • Eliot Connors, MPSE
  • Odin Benitez, MPSE
Foley Editor

Matthew Wilson

1st Assistant Sound Editor

Pernell Salinas

Assistant Dialogue Editor

Jeff Picarello

ADR Voice Casting
  • Terri Douglas
  • Mark Sussman
ADR Mixer

Michael Miller

Additional Voices
  • Patty Connolly
  • Terri Douglas
  • Elisa Gabrielli
  • Hollis Hart
  • Scott Menville
  • Arthur Ortiz
  • Ashley Peldon
  • Marcella Lentz-Pope
  • Abigail Ludrop
  • Ben Pronsky
  • Keith Silverstein
  • Mark Sussman
  • Shane Sweet
  • Kirk Thornton
  • Kari Wahlgren
  • Scott Whyte
  • Adam Wylie
Pre-Recording Mixers
  • Penny Harold
  • Andrew Garrett Lange
Pre-Recording Mix Tech

Nick Jimenez

Dialogue / ADR Recording Services

Formosa Group

Sound Re-Recording Services Provided by

Formosa Broadcast

Lead Composer

Alexander Temple


Alex Seaver of Mako

Music Consultant

Ray Chen


Michael Barry

  • Daniel Behrens
  • Anthony Parnther
  • Isabella Abiera
  • Kelci Hahn


Danny Lohner

Featured Soloist

Ray Chen


Cameron Stone


Thanh Tran

Music Assistant

Andrew Kierszenbaum

Score Coordinator

Noah Gladstone

Musician Contractor

Hollywood Scoring - Los Angeles

Orchestra Contractor

Scoring Berlin

Score Performed by

Scoring Berlin - The Berlin Orchestra

Music Scoring Mixer

Adam Michalak

Recording Engineers
  • Tobias Lehmann
  • Tom Russbueldt
Pro Tools Editors
  • Milton Gutierrez
  • Keith Ukrisna
Assistant Engineers
  • Cornelius Durst
  • Sergej Marx
Recording Facility

Teldex Studio Berlin

Main Title Theme - "Enemy"
  • Enemy (from Arcane: Season 1 Original Soundtrack) - Imagine Dragons ft. JID, Arcane
  • Written by: Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben Mckee, Daniel Platzman, Robin Fredriksson, Mattias Larsson, Justin Tranter, Dustin Route p/k/a J.I.D
  • Published by; Imagine Dragons Publishing (BMI) / Universal/KIDinaKORNER, Wolf Cousins (STIM) / Warner Chappelli, Music SCAND (STIM), Justin's School for Girls (BMI) WARNER-TAMERLANE PUBLISHING CORP, Route Way LLC/Reservoir Media (BMI)
  • Imagine Dragons appears Courtesy of KIDinaKORNER/Interscope Records.
  • JID Appears Courtesy of Dreamville/Interscope Records
Original Soung - "Playgrounds"
  • Playground (from Arcane: Season 1 Original Soundtrack) - Bea Miller, Arcane
  • Written by: Alexander Seaver, Sebastien Najand
  • Published by: Songs by Riot Games Music Publishing (BMI), Mako Music Publishing (ASCAP)
Music Supervisor

Andre Marsh

  • Andre Marsh
  • Bob Debelina
Soundtrack Project Manager

Kerianne Pinkstaff

A&R Coordinator

Daniel Gerber

Main Title Concept by


Main Title Animation by

Fortiche Production

Titling by

Bond Creative Inc.

Supervising Producer

Chris Neuhahn

  • Ash Brannon
  • David Dunne
  • Molly St. John
  • Ben St. John
  • Nick Luddington
  • Amanda Overton
Showrunner Consultant
  • Monica Macer
  • Brian Ryan
S&P Consultant

George Lentino

Fortiche Studio Team
  • Pascal Charrue
  • Jerome Combe
  • Arnaud Delord
Chef Financial Officer
  • Augustin Bernard
  • Bruno Le Sassier
Production Administrator

Pethia Dahenane

Cost Controller

Emna Mezghani

Administrative Officers
  • Marine Ducros
  • Oriane Dumas
  • Loretta Holmeier
  • Laurence Ferali
  • Claire Varin
Human Resources Officers
  • Emmanuelle Aubeau
  • Lionel Bechara
Satellites Consultant

Annelyse Vieilledent

Head of Operations

Helene Waniowski

Office Manager

Monique Mamo

Office Coordinators
  • Laure Bazin
  • Matthieu Ferrandez
Daily Sunshine

Damares Lharidon

IT Managers
  • Yann Moriaud
  • Jean-Bernard Vassard
IT Administrators
  • David Bovorasmy
  • Christophe Peretti
IT Technician

Florian Moreau

IT Intern

Lucas Kieffer

IT Consultant

D-NS - Anthony Bousselier

Digital Intermediate Provided by Mikros
Digital Colorist

Nicolas Guibert

Digital Intermediate Producer

Fabrice Van Nieuwenhove

Head of Digital Intermediate

Mathiewu Leclerq

Digital Intermediate Coordinator

Anais Meuzeret

Digital Intermediate IO & QC
  • Karim Berkane
  • David Vertueux
  • Stephane Gestin
  • Mathieu Cavillon
Third Party Services
R&D On Guerrila Render Software


Aquarium Software Development


Stock Footage Provided by

Mitch Martinez


Passport English Language Services

Accounting by


Auditing by



Risk Media Assurances


BNP Paribas

Mastered in Dolby Vision
Special Thanks
  • Ari Arad
  • Ivan Bilancio
  • Skip Brittenham
  • Bruce Daitch
  • Jonathan Eirich
  • Eric Heisserer
  • David Heyman
  • Jack Hsu
  • Michael Laus
  • Roy Lee
  • Dan Lin
  • Jamie Moss
  • Sue Naegle
  • Mac Reynolds
  • Terry Rossio
  • Eric Scott
  • Terran Seifert
  • Greg Silverman
  • Jocelyn Stamat
  • Riot Audio
  • Riot China IP Team
  • Riot Franchise Dev Team
  • Riot Games Music
  • Riot Legal Team
  • Riot Narrative Team
  • Riot Worldbuilding Team
Thanks to All Past & Present League of Legends Players
Animation Produced by Fortiche Productions
Co-President by
  • Mark Ren
  • Steven Ma
  • Thirty Sun
From Tencent
This Series has benefited from the French Tax Rebate for International Production
Copyright 2021 Riot Games, Inc.


  • In Jayce's Jayce's study, several things can be seen:
    • The first lore depiction of the solar systems of Runeterra can be seen as a ceiling mount.
    • The Valdiani that Powder Powder stumbles upon has the Shurima Crest icon Shuriman crest on it.
    • The metallic horse Powder takes is a reference to the Metallic horses on the Merry-Go-Round of the music video, Get Jinxed.
  • In Jayce's bedroom, several things can be seen:
    • A book with a Triquetra. In real life, these symbols were put on Runestones.
    • A poster of Hextech Janna Hextech Janna skin.
    • The clock on the wall is a reference to "The Old Hungry", a nickname for the old watchtower in Piltover and Zaun.
    • The sandwiches that Jinx ate were sold as actual meals (themed as Jayce's favorite meal) in Arcane themed cafes during the Arcane event.
  • During the kids' escape from Piltover, they pass by Zindelo's Incognium Runeterra.
  • When the boys enter an abandoned house, which is a secret entrance to Zaun's underground, it can be seen in frame to Gentleman Cho'Gath Gentleman Cho'Gath (non-canon easter egg).
  • At the docks several posters can be seen:
    • A poster ad for the Zaunite bar, The Last Drop.
    • A poster of the Pentakill logo, covered with a LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator puffcap (non-canon easter egg).
    • A poster "Injured on an Airship?" featuring Corporate Mundo Corporate Mundo (non-canon easter egg).
  • During the walk through the Zaunite Lanes, a captured Krug can be seen.
  • In the basement of the pub several things can be seen such as a picture of Vander with his adopted kids, a saxophone, and a fish plushy.
    • The fish plushy is a possible future inspiration for Fishbones Fishbones.
      • Later on Jinx is seen rummaging the trash and finding teeth for future Chompers Chompers.
  • In the pawn shop, several items can be seen such as: Tryndamere's Tryndamere's helmet, Heart of Gold Heart of Gold, Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon's Deathcap (old design), Ionia Crest icon Ionian masks (an owl mask, Liandry's Torment Liandry's Torment, and a mask similar to the one Blood Moon Akali Blood Moon Akali has), Remnant of the Ascended Remnant of the Ascended locket, and Health Potion Health Potion.
    • The owl mask that Ekko peers through is similar to the Firelight mask he will use later.
  • The Dusk-Runner at the entrance to Benzo's Benzo's is most likely the same Dusk-Runner that Ekko Ekko and Powder were seen stealing from the Piltover Police Crest Piltover Wardens in the "Enemy" music video.
  • The fighting moves Ekko shows to Claggor Claggor are a reference to both the fighting moves done by Vi in the "Enemy" music video, and the ones done by Jinx Jinx in the Get Jinxed video.
  • During the League of Legends Arcane event, Jayce's study was explorable via the client, including his notes. His notes stated that he got one of his hex stones fairly recently from Benzo's pawn shop.
  • During the rooftop scene, a mural of Sona Sona can be seen drawn over with graffiti.
  • The "little secret" sceenshot part can be found as an Easter Egg in the recall of the Arcane Jinx Arcane Jinx skin from a picture holding her.


'Playground' Lyrics

Who told you what was down here?
Come along, if you wanted a peek

I’ve seen your face around here
Come alone, tell me under the table
What do you seek?

Welcome to the playground, follow me
Tell me your nightmares and fantasies
Sink into the wasteland underneath
Stay for the night, I’ll sell you a dream

Ohh... Welcome to the playground

What brings you to the lost and found, dear?
Won’t you pull up a seat?
Everybody got a price ’round here to play
Make me an offer, what will it be?

Oh... what will it be?

Welcome to the playground, follow me
Tell me your nightmares and fantasies
Sink into the wasteland underneath
Stay for the night, I’ll sell you a dream

Ohh... Welcome to the playground
Ohh... Welcome to the playground

Welcome to the playground

Welcome to the playground

Welcome to the playground, follow me
Tell me your nightmares and fantasies
Sink into the wasteland underneath
Stay for the night, I’ll sell you a dream

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