Special Champion Sneak Peek - The Nine Tails Fox[]
By Average Gatsby[1]
Occasionally, we debut future champions a bit ahead of time because we're super excited about them and we just can't contain ourselves!
Let us introduce you to our take on the Asian legend of
.We think her combination of strength, beauty, power and grace will yield a fun and amazing champion to play! While she is very early in development, here's a little sneak peek at what she'll be able to do:
Based on the story of a fox who wanted nothing more than to become human, this champion will be a ranged caster who utilizes her
to decimate her opponents on the battlefield. She's going to be extremely agile and versatile, using her nine tails to in and out of combat with style and grace. She will also make use of her , where she will summon balls of fire which will seek out and destroy nearby enemies.She's very early in development, so as always her abilities and artwork are subject to change, but we hope you're as excited about her as we are!
Mechanics Preview - Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox[]
Greetings Summoners!
Back in the end of September, we announced The Nine Tails Fox much to the excitement of our community. Well the time has finally come and after much anticipation, we wanted to reveal the gameplay style for Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox.
gameplay style revolves around mobility and managing position to aim her spells. When played properly, Ahri darts around teamfights, picking off wounded stragglers and harrying soft enemies.
This is largely accomplished through her
, which allows her to dash multiple times before going on cooldown. Ahri can either use all three quickly to chase, burst, or escape, or she can spread out their uses to keep enemies guessing and juke around the battlefield. Combining this with her high magic damage and her ability to lock enemies down, she can strike from unexpected angles or bait enemies into over-committing to disadvantageous situations.Ahri's major gameplay decisions are based on her assessment of risk/reward. Her burst is high, but must be in short range to maximize it. This creates a dynamic that requires her to endanger herself to reach full potential. Play it safe and have more light damage, or commit and go for the kill? Use your dash for damage, or save it for escape? The choices are constant with these opposed strengths and weaknesses.
Her kit is really designed to appeal towards opportunistic players who prefer characters with a lot of action, and especially players that like to lull enemies into overconfidence, only to capitalize and punish them. Ahri's dangerous, seductive nature is something we're happy to deliver for players who like to toy with their enemies before destroying them.
By Nikki 'Bananaband1t' Brown[3]
Every champion in League has a unique DNA, and it has nothing to do with biology. In champ design, DNA stands for design (gameplay), narrative (thematic and story), and art (...art). These three elements are the building blocks for every champion, and designers team up to make sure they fit together and elevate each other. Yet it wasn't always this way. Years ago, it wasn't uncommon for one of these pillars to lead the charge, with the others being molded around it. Ahri was one of those champions founded on thematic alone.
The goal for her was simple: Bring the story of the nine-tailed fox to League.
Myths about this cunning creature exist across Asia, and even though there are variations between countries, the core of the tale remains the same. Stories tell of a magical fox who can transform its appearance at will—which usually means it turns into a very attractive woman who uses beauty and charm to lure unsuspecting men to their doom. After killing the poor fools, the nine-tailed fox absorbs their life essence or eats their livers, hearts, or flesh, depending on the version.
Figuring out how to build Ahri's character based on these myths was tricky. For one, devs didn't want to just copy-paste an existing story into League. Ahri still needed to feel unique, even if she was based on real-world myths.
Plus, there was the risk of potentially upsetting anyone who didn't feel like their version of the tale was accurately represented by Ahri. "Early on, we considered blending these stories into a cohesive whole," says senior game designer Colt "Ezreal" Hallam, "but we believed this would be disrespectful to each culture's individual stories."
Since Ahri was scheduled to release around the time we launched Korean servers, devs focused on gumiho, the Korean version of the nine-tailed fox. When gumiho transform, they maintain some of their fox-like characteristics, such as furry ears or nine tails. After killing their human prey, the gumiho either feast on their flesh or absorb their life essence, depending on the story. Gumiho are often seen as purely evil (sort of like old-school, non-sparkly vampires), so the challenge with Ahri was creating a more sympathetic character. "You want to feel like the protagonist when you play, even if what you're doing is villainous," says narrative writer Alex "Skribbles" Yee. "We had to find Ahri's motivation for killing so she'd feel more relatable."
Ahri's story tells of a clever fox who wished to become human. One afternoon, the fox stumbled upon the aftermath of a human battle and was drawn to a man taking his dying breaths. As the essence of life left his lips, Ahri the fox instinctively absorbed it and was partially transformed into a human. She was ridiculously beautiful—and knew the power that it held. Using her charm, she seduced men to their deaths, consuming more and more life essence in an attempt to become fully human. But with her growing humanity came a moral compass, and she soon found herself unable to kill without remorse.
This tale gave Ahri a motivation for murder that wasn't just in cold blood—she was driven by her desire to be human—while still reflecting the gumiho myths she was based on.
Bonus: Ahri was named by Korean players through a poll[4] on the League of Legends website. She almost could've been Nabi, Danbi, Ruri, Dasom, or Chorong, but Ari won out. "Ari" literally means graceful and elegant in Korean, so the "h" was added to give her a more unique name.
From the start, Ahri's abilities included an orb, a charm, fox-fire, and some kind of dash. This consistency is far from the norm in champ development, but because most of Ahri's abilities were directly based on her thematic, nothing drastically changed. Most alterations were subtle and aimed at making her kit feel as satisfying as possible.
Here's a list of Ahri's abilities we couldn't think of a clever subheader for:
Charm: From day one, Ahri had a single-target charm. "It was the clearest, most direct connection to her thematic," says Ezreal. "She had to make people fall in love with her."
What changed: The speed at which charmed champs walked towards Ahri had to be lowered (by a lot) because she'd just walk the lovestruck dummies directly into her tower.
Fox-fire: In some myths, the nine-tailed fox could literally generate fire. More often, fox-fire was a representation of the spirits they collected, which is what Ahri's orbiting fox-fire is.
What changed: Fox-fire could once be used to illuminate bushes during its duration, kind of like a ward, but tech issues put an end to that. Ahri later had nine rotating fox-fire flames, but rapidly shooting off nine projectiles made each one feel pretty unimportant. "I liked the idea of including the theme of nine in her kit as much as possible," says Ezreal. "So instead, I created the nine-hit passive and changed fox-fire to a much more manageable three."
Spirit Rush: Ahri was designed to be an assassin who skirts the edge of the fight looking for opportunities to get in, and a dash helps her get into the fray to make clutch picks.
What changed: The original version of Ahri's ult had an unlimited range. She'd have to continuously spend mana to travel, but if Ahri passed over an enemy champion, she'd do bonkers damage--she basically became an Ezreal ult. "We had to change this ultimate due to its interactions with the Dominion map, which is easily one of my biggest regrets on the character," says Ezreal.
Later, Ahri had a three-part dash (like her live ult) that used an ammo system similar to Akali's, but she'd almost always save one dash as an oh-shoot-I'm-getting-ganked escape button, and that was no fun.
Orb of Deception: Every champion in League should have a clear source of power, which is basically the object or technique they use when fighting. It's obvious when someone has a bow or sword, but it's less clear when it's a weaponless fox lady. "Ahri's orb was something players could look at, understand, and guess what it does--it's a ball, so she'll probably throw it," says Ezreal. Plus, the orb gave Ahri a way to drain life essence (aka health) from champs in game.
Nine-tailed foxes rely on their beauty to seduce victims, so there was no doubt that Ahri should be a very attractive character.
"When I drew Ahri," says senior concept artist Paul 'Zeronis' Kwon, "my goal was for her to become the most beautiful, mystical, and elegant champion in the game."
At the time, Zeronis was a contractor, which meant he received an overview of Ahri's character in an email and then set out to draw the fox-like female. It was a fast sketch because she was moving quickly through development, but it only took one drawing to find the direction for League's nine-tailed fox. "Of all the champions I've worked on, this was most my style," says Zeronis. "She'd be my waifu."
Once his sketch was completed and emailed back to the office, Zeronis had no other influence or information about Ahri's development. In fact, he didn't even know this was the artistic direction chosen until he saw Ahri announced to players. (...something something, small indie company. But really, Riot was a much different place back then.)
It seems like it would've been a straightforward path from there, but Ahri actually had major art changes right before launch, as seen in the original splash released to players.
Notice anything different, like maybe the red lining on her dress or details on her sleeves or the part where SHE ALMOST DIDN'T HAVE EARS?! And those tails aren't even real—they were a part of her outfit.
What happened?
Part of it was just tech concerns. It was unclear if it'd be possible to make Ahri's tails connect to her dress in-game in a way that looked natural, so they were redrawn as part of her outfit. Devs eventually found a fix to the tech issues though, so that wasn't the deciding factor.
The main reason Ahri was designed without ears or (real) tails was to try to really differentiate her from the myths she was built on.
There was a lot of concern about Ahri as a champion throughout development, and some Rioters were worried she wouldn't fit into League's universe or that players wouldn't get her. This uncertainty led to Ahri losing her most fox-like features, which made her look more like an "average" girl than a legendary nine-tailed fox.
Even with the mixed feedback, devs decided to go back to her original design. "It's natural to want to make something unique," says Ezreal, "but we found we were doing so for the wrong reasons. Ultimately, we believed players would want the true version of the nine-tailed fox more than an artificially unique one." Ahri's signature tails and ears returned, and she's been breaking hearts and taking lives on the Rift ever since.
Skins & Events in Season 2022[]
“ | There are no plans for a "League of Legends 2," so we're committed to updating the game over time as part of a broader effort to modernize your experience on your favorite champions. Last year, we shipped a major update to | , modernizing her base skin, animations, and VFX, as well as most of her skins and splashes. This year we'll be focusing on Ahri. One of our older, yet most popular champs in League, she doesn't have back animations and the animations she does have just feel extremely dated. Not only for her base skin, but for all Epic Skins that use the same foundation. You can expect to see a Caitlyn-level update for Ahri later this year.
— Jonathan 'Bellissimoh' Belliss[5] | |
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LoL Pls: Champions and Preseason 2023[]
“ | Another thing a lot of people have been asking to see progress on is the Ahri update that we announced at Season Start. Well, the ASU team has been hard at work and is ready to share some art, like the final composion seen here. The base version is close to complete and the team is super excited to show you some of the progress on how she's looking in-game. Look at all those sweet polygons! And here's a sneak peak of her updated VFX. Ahri still has a ton of skins that also need to be updated, so she still needs a little more in the foxfire oven before we can get her in your hands. But you can expect to see her sometime early next year. |
— Ryan 'Reav3' Mireles[6] | |
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Ahri's ASU[]
By Ahri ASU Team[7]
Editor’s Note: This is a big post, as we’ve got a lot to catch up on. Enjoy!
Hey everyone! I’m Layla “yoganinja” Jean, the producer in charge of Ahri’s ASU. In the recent LoL Pls we shared an update on Ahri’s base concept and VFX progress. Today we want to take you behind the scenes to learn a little more about Ahri’s ASU. But before we get to the Nine-tailed Fox, let’s talk a bit about ASUs.
An ASU (Art & Sustainability Update) is primarily focused on sustainability, aka making it easier to develop skins. As you can imagine, some of our older champions are pretty challenging to create skins for, and our capabilities and standards continue to evolve year after year. We want to make future skin development for these champs more streamlined. To do this we do a number of things, like refactoring how data is set up in the engine, how art is authored across source art packages, and using modern tools and tech to upgrade the champion.
Art is our secondary focus, with the goal of bringing an older champion up to modern day standards. Each ASU is customized to what that champ needs and will therefore vary in scale. But we’ll generally update the base champion and all 1350 (and below) skins so the champ’s older in-game visuals, animations, audio, etc. are brought up to modern standards and better reflect their DNA and core fantasy.
An ASU differs from other updates (VGUs or CGUs) as it does not touch gameplay or ability functionality, or heavily reimagine our champion’s lore.
When selecting the next ASU, we take into account many factors such as everything we talked about above, and things like tech debt and complexity, art quality, or champion popularity.
Which brings us to Ahri! She’s a beloved champion and we consistently receive feedback about how outdated her rig and animations feel when she gets new skins. Her base doesn’t even have some basic animations or a recall—which are now standard for new champions. So she was an ideal candidate for an ASU.
All that said, let’s talk about how Ahri’s update is progressing!
- Narrative
Elyse “Riot apothecarie” Lemoine, Senior Narrative Writer:
Ahri was my second project with the ASU team after
and getting the chance to work with everyone again was incredibly exciting! (Especially as an Ahri main.) That being said, it can also be pretty intimidating writing scripts for champions as beloved as Ahri.For ASUs, narrative has two goals: Guiding narrative cohesion through collaboration with the ASU team, and bringing the champion up to our current narrative standards.
When it comes to updating champions, I usually take a multi-step approach:
- Researching the champion by digging into existing content.
- Understanding what players love about that character—what is the power fantasy for this character?
- Creating a comprehensive story guide that breaks down the character's personality pillars, backstory, goals, beliefs, and relationships.
- Writing the final voiceover script.
There are plenty of steps in between these, like reading existing scripts to find lines to carry over, or writing scenelets/exploratory scripts to find the character's voice. But, at the end of the day, we’ve got a cohesive narrative document that becomes the basis for the voiceover script to make sure that the character's voice is consistent and strong.
It might seem like a 160-line script should be pretty straightforward, but it's all the steps getting to this point that make it an involved process (and not every writer works that way)! I find that it helps me stay on track, while also serving as a narrative asset that I can share with the team.
Ahri’s process had the added unique opportunity of taking place after the release of Ruined King: A League of Legends Story. However, this left us with a decision: Will base Ahri's new script be pre- or post-Ruined King? Talking with our concept art lead Thomas “Riot Hylia” Randby, we decided that post-Ruined King Ahri would be the most exciting for players. After seeing her grow so much over the course of the game, it felt like a loss to revert her back to who she was before: Someone running from the pain of her past rather than moving forward with her chin held high.
This updated version of Ahri was so much fun to write and it gave us the space to play in when it comes to what Ahri’s future holds for her. Now that she's finally let go of the burden of her past and the pain of her regrets, she can see the world and approach her future with excitement!
- Concept
Thomas “Riot Hylia” Randby, Lead Concept Artist:
As new champions, events, and cinematic experiences are released, players are able to immerse themselves in the world of League of Legends in all sorts of new and exciting ways. Oftentimes though, the speed at which the narrative evolves and changes may leave certain characters feeling lacking. Caitlyn, for instance, felt like a relic of the early days of League where Piltover had a less unique identity and existed simply as a steampunk inspired whimsical city of technology.
In Ahri’s case, players have had several opportunities to see higher fidelity and more nuanced iterations of the character. She’s been in cinematics for League, Wild Rift, and Legends of Runeterra, and she was a key character in Ruined King with new designs and more unique character interactions. More than reinventing Ahri, we really wanted to bring her up to par with what players already experienced.
Ultimately we opted to blend elements from her appearance in A New Dawn, her Wild Rift turntable, and some small homages to her Ruined King appearance, making use of luxurious silken fabrics and long flowing hair but retaining certain elements to emphasize her more wild side as well as her innate Vastayan grace. Her hair is a bit wilder, paying homage to her more feral appearance in Ruined King as she struggles to control her power and the desire to sate her baser instincts. This more feral side reveals itself when she lets loose during Spirit Rush, and a dangerous glow appears in her eyes and her tails unfurl in all their glory!
Ahri also posed a unique challenge in the sheer number of skins in her catalog. In a similar vein as her base, many of these skins have featured in other experiences that allowed us to draw inspiration for their updated designs.
K/DA and K/DA All Out, for example, featured smaller, more intricate details in their cinematic appearances that we were able to use in her newly updated in-game visuals thanks to her fresh rig and proportions.
One of the most common responses we’d see when we’ve released new skins was the matter of her tails. In her previous iteration, Ahri’s tails didn’t originate from a single point and clipped pretty badly through her thighs and back, even as low as her shins! To resolve this issue, we opted to include multiple layers of fabric on each skin where Ahri’s tails connect to her body physically. One layer masks the origin point, and the other sits beneath the tails to communicate that their origin point is on her body.
Working with the team to bring Ahri’s visuals into the modern era of League was an absolute joy and privilege, and I can’t wait to see her running wild on the Rift!
- Tech Art
Izzy Cheng, Senior Technical Artist:
On the rigging side I knew Ahri’s tails were very important for her in-game read and fantasy. Not only did they need to feel right, but we also wanted to make it easier for devs to work with them on future skins from a sustainability standpoint.
The animators, character artists, and I did a lot of testing and many iterations on the tails to make them feel more fun, fluid and floofy. I added more fidelity into the tail rig which allows each tail to move smoothly either on their own or in a group all together as nine. My goal was to make sure each tail could create smooth arcs and curves for maximum elegance.
- Alongside the tails, I cleaned up and brought the whole Ahri rig up to our current new champion rig standards.
Animation Einar “Riot Beinhar” Langfjord, Senior Animator:
This is my second go at developing an ASU after finishing Caitlyn. I am beyond excited to bring one of our IP’s most beloved characters up to our modern standard. There is so much I wanna talk about for Ahri as she is very complex, but for today I wanna focus on an aspect of the character that’s truly unique to Ahri: Her tails and how we approached developing them in a way to both be sustainable and give us some great results.
When looking into what would be important for animation, we knew right away that making the proper fantasy of the NINE-tailed Fox a reality was one of our top priorities. The tails are such a unique character trait that has a lot of potential, so we want to put the time and effort into getting them to look good.
However, nine tails on a single character is a lot of work, especially if you want them to look right. I worked closely with Izzy, our technical artist, to get the right kind of functionality for Ahri’s tails. We found that blending between a single main tail and nine individual tails gave us great results that also meant we didn’t have to micromanage each one all the time. We did a lot of testing with different values and ended up with a system that gave us a satisfying result when testing tail movement.
Having a solid system for the tails while creating individual animations is great, but to truly sell the fantasy of the Nine-tailed Fox, the tails also need to respond to player input. We therefore worked very closely on the in-game simulation system and applied live simulations on each of the tails at all times. They all have slightly different movement values so they all feel like they move more true to a tail you would see on a real fox, with a hint of a magical twist. Simply running around as Ahri should feel fun as you dodge between skillshots and hunt down your prey.
Charm is one of Ahri’s most iconic abilities, and we really wanted to use the tails to make the iconic moment even more impactful. We really wanted to express her alluring nature and show how far the new tail rig could be pushed to make nice poses.
However, a problem we ran into was the camera angle. If you work on how an ability looks from one angle, it won’t necessarily look good from others.

When the spell is shown from the intended angle it looks great, but flipped around the spell loses its "charm"
We still thought this was a very interesting direction to go, so we decided to make four animations for the spell instead of one. Each corresponding to the direction you are looking at the map. Yes each of these spellcasts are unique based on if you are facing north, east, west, or south!
Riot Sirhaian, Senior VFX Artist:
Just like Caitlyn, working on Ahri’s ASU was made easier and required less work thanks to her VFX Update. Since ASUs don’t change gameplay, and most of our older VFX have now been updated across the game, there wasn’t as much VFX work required. Ahri mainly needed adjustments to some of her spell sizes to match the hitboxes and some cleaning up of older particles. She needed a bit of love and more details here and there to elevate her visuals, but nothing too big.
One of the main goals of ASUs is to fix how older champions work in the back-end, and Ahri had a lot of weirdness going on. We untangled all of the spaghetti, which required some VFX to be remade and/or severely adjusted. For example, her Q was set to run at half speed. Which meant the VFX had to be created at double the speed in order to look correct and at “standard” speed in game.
Fixing that required all of her Q VFX to be retimed to match the new normal speed. She also still had a lot of old VFX that were no longer used, such as the healing variations for her orb and Qs, or things that likely dated back from before she was even released. She even still had unique particles within her character that were used in an early draft of Nexus Blitz. We cleaned all of that up to make it easier for future VFX artists to work on her, without wondering what particles such as the weird “Ahri_Base_R_Tumblekick_tar_02” were all about.
Prior to working on Ahri, spiritual energy in our IP wasn’t particularly well-defined. The only info we had on Ahri’s power was “raw spiritual energy” which isn’t super helpful. What does spiritual energy look like? How does it flow? In what color(s) does it appear? What shapes does it form? How do we unify that type of magic without altering how players perceive Ahri’s power? And many other questions. Answering all these questions took some time and a lot of collaboration across teams. Eventually we landed on a soft, light blue energy, slowly flowing upwards like the smoke plume from a calm candle.
A visual upgrade to Base Ahri’s W. The missile curves were tweaked to allow for more graceful motion.
Ahri’s orb is one of her most important reads. We went through many iterations to get it right. Some very detailed orbs with a very clear fox shape, some a lot smaller and faint, and anything in-between.
Given the height of the camera and how fast her movements are, we landed on a clear shape with a hint of a swirling fox shape in the orb, with some rising energy and a trail. The trails allowed us to enhance some of her quick motions, while the hint of foxy shapes helped tie her more to the fox spirits in her recall. We tried adding a more detailed fox shape in the orb, but after testing, we realized that adding too much detail in such a small area of the screen ended up muddying her read, often creating pixelated artifacts.
Ahri’s charm has always been a very contentious spell. It’s hard to read at some angles, sometimes 3D, sometimes 2D, and it was sometimes difficult to show how wide it was or where the hitbox started. We went through a ton of iterations for this spell. After many discussions with the team(s), we landed on a 3D heart that starts with a fast rotation and stabilizes in a straight line. That way the heart’s shape is always identifiable at the start of the spell no matter the angle at which it’s fired, but the width is always respected. We’re keeping the 2D heart for some of her skins (tweaked to maintain size consistency) to retain the same thematic aesthetics (like Arcade), but are pushing for the 3D heart with a similar motion in the rest of her skins.
We wanted her ult to no longer rely solely on a ground decal and to instead empower Ahri and show how powerful she is via a magical aura around her. We toned down and repurposed the ground decal to show how many stacks she currently has. Ahri should now look a bit more menacing—yet still graceful—when her ult is active.
You’ll hear (and see!) more about the rest of Ahri’s VFX soon! But for now we’re going to go back to making her the best we possibly can!
- Audio
Emmanuel “Riot Gunlap” Lagumbay, Sound Designer:
While we typically make adjustments to the way a champion sounds when making a skin, making adjustments to the base template that decides how all skins sound is pretty nerve-wracking. Add in the fact that my manager was one of the folks that did some of the original sound design for Ahri, and you have me sitting there like “This is fine.” :p
That said, having an Ahri expert at hand is probably one of the greatest gifts ever. We had a lot of excellent conversations where I learned about the thought processes for why Ahri sounded the way she did, and how we could further evolve her aural experience to fit the modern League aesthetic. Our talks really ended up feeling like the conversations in the Tales of Ionia cinematic, which, in the grand scheme of things, was a perfect setting for working on Ahri.
Modernizing Ahri’s sound revolved around the idea that we, as a team, wanted to explore more of the spirit magic within her. Her kit contained a lot of fiery sound elements, like crackles, flame whooshes, and generally a lot of crushy noises that are commonly associated with fire. To further differentiate her from more fire-focused champions like Brand and Annie, our goal was to inject some more spiritual tonalities within her abilities. But then I had to ask myself, what does this blue spirit magic sound like?
In looking through our catalog of sounds (sounds that we’ve created for League over the years and use as building blocks), we actually haven’t had the opportunity to do a LOT of exploration in the whole realm of spirit magic. Sure, we have Spirit Blossom, but we decided not to lean into that thematic, because Spirit Blossom is the fantasy version of what Runeterrans THOUGHT spirit magic would sound like. Thus, in exploring the Runeterran spirit magic, we had leaned more toward “chime-y,” slightly sparkly elements rather than the wind instruments found within Spirit Blossom. While there are some slightly vocal elements in the Runeterran spirit magic, it was a lot less aggressive than more ghastly elements found in Shadow Isles champions.
So fun fact, Ahri’s Q hit sounds were actually the same as her auto attack hit sounds! Back then, this wasn’t too uncommon, especially for caster champions whose autos weren’t necessarily as important to hear as their abilities. Reusing the assets for similar needs saved time and space!
I used this as an opportunity to revisit these sound effects and add a little more tonality to her hits. We also took the opportunity to add different sounds to her Q to differentiate between hitting the first target, multiple targets traveling away from Ahri, and a whole new set of sounds for the Q’s return journey. This allowed us to help distinguish between her regular hits (going out) and her true damage hits (going in) from an audio standpoint, and it allowed us to clean up the audio mix by taking out frequencies and shortening sound lengths a little more for when she’s clearing waves and hitting multiple targets at one time.
Some of her ability sounds also trail off a lot longer than we would want for more modern champions. I had the running joke going that “Ahri already has nine tails, she doesn’t need more,” in reference to the tails of the assets that lasted a little on the longer side.
The last biggest change on Ahri’s sound design was adding a loop sound for when Ahri has casted her ultimate. While in her spirit rush form, we thought it would be important information for players to know that the aura is still up. Since the aura can refresh based on whether or not she gets a kill while in it, we wanted something persistent to be present that wasn’t super distracting, but still provided players with information needed to make decisions. Likewise, there’s also a sound that plays when the aura dissipates.
- See You Soon
There’s still a lot more to do with Ahri, and while we hope that you’re excited by what we’ve shared today, we’re going to be going quiet until she’s ready to be released early next year.
Thanks, and let us know what you think!Trivia[]
- Ahri is voiced by Laura Post, who also voices and .[8]
- Post also voices Ahri in Kin of the Stained Blade and
Legends of Runeterra.[9]
- promotional materials are also voiced by Laura Post.
- Her vocals are provided by Jihyo, Sana, Nayeon and Chaeyoung from TWICE, Miyeon of (G)I-DLE, Bekuh Boom, Annika Wells.
- Ahri's Japanese voice actor is Sanae Kobayashi.[10]
- Post also voices Ahri in Kin of the Stained Blade and
- During development she was called Ari or Gumiho / Nine Tails, from Middle Chinese 九尾狐 kɨuX-mʉiX-ɦuo.
- Ari was decided by a poll held in Riot Games Inc.'s Korean website, featuring six options:
- 「 단비 」「 Danbi 」 ('savior', 'saving rain')
- 「 나비 」「 Nabi 」 ('butterfly')
- 「 루리 」「 Ruri 」 ('dazzle')
- 「 아리 」「 Ari 」 ('graceful', 'elegant')
- 「 초롱 」「 Chorong 」 ('glittering')
- 「 다솜 」「 Dasom 」 ('loving')
- [11] used to be called the same as , before being renamed shortly after release.
- Early explorations on her [12]
- Creating a zone where she could instantly blink to anywhere within the area (Similar to ).
- Global dash.
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Bit Rush: Arcade Ahri Theme |
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